Dr. Sabrina Alimahomed, Professor
Email: sabrina.alimahomed@csulb.edu
Office: PSY-134
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Research Affiliations:
Dr. Alimahomed is Affiliate Faculty at the Center for Security, Race, and Rights at Rutgers Law School. She previously served as an Honorary Research Fellow at University College London’s Centre for the Study of Education in Muslim Contexts and as a Research Fellow in the Civil Rights Division at the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA).
Research Interests:
- Race, gender, class, sexuality; race and racism; gendered Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism; War on Terror; gender and counterterrorism; security and surveillance; transnational feminisms; women of color feminisms
Main Courses:
- Race, Class, Gender (Soc. 346)
- Sociology of Gender (Soc. 325)
- B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, UC Berkeley
- M.A., Ph.D. Sociology, UC Riverside
Journal Articles:
- Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina and Yazan Zahzah. 2023. “Women and Warcare: Gendered Islamophobia in Counterterrorism.” Critical Security Studies 1-24.
- Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina, Lori Baralt, Araceli Esparza, Analena Hope Hassberg. 2022. “Narratives of Gendered and Racialized Carework: Feminist Faculty of Color Organizing During the Pandemic.” Journal of Feminist Scholarship 21(21): 22-45.
- Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina. 2020. “The Matrix of Gendered Islamophobia: Muslim Women’s Repression and Resistance.” Gender & Society, 34.
- Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina. 2018. “When the FBI Knocks: Racialized State Surveillance of Muslims.” Critical Sociology.
- Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina. 2017. “Invisible Violence: Gender, Islamophobia, and the Hidden Assault on U.S. Muslim Women.” Women, Gender, and Families of Color.
- Alimahomed, Sabrina. 2014. “Homeland Security Inc.: Public Order, Private Profit.” Race & Class: A Journal on Empire, Racism, and Globalization 55(4): 82-99.
- Alimahomed, Sabrina. 2011. “Generation Islam: Arab Americans and Racial Politics after 9/11.” Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts 4(3): 381-397.
- Alimahomed, Sabrina. 2010. “Thinking Outside of the Rainbow: Women of Color Redefining Queer Politics and Identity.” Social Identities: Journal of Race, Nation, and Culture 16(2): 151-168.
- Edna Bonacich, Sabrina Alimahomed, and Jake B. Wilson. 2008. “The Racialization of Global Labor.” American Behavioral Scientist 52(3): 342-355.
Book Chapters:
- Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina and Jake Alimahomed-Wilson. 2016. “Breaking the ‘Steel Ceiling’: Working-Class Women Resisting Sexism and Racism in the Union” Pp. 155-75, in Solidarity Forever? Race, Gender, and Unionism in the Ports of Southern California, Lanham MD: Lexington Books.
Other Research:
- Alimahomed, Sabrina. 2022. “Infringing on Civil Liberties: Racial/Religious Profiling, Surveillance, and Targeting of Muslims.” Domestic Policy. 3.
- Digital Archive of Oral Histories. 2021. “The War on Terror Resistance Archives.” Community based research project with Muslim Abolitionist Futures.
Awards, Honors, and Fellowships:
- Co-Principle Investigator. “Innovating Faculty Workloads through an Equity Lens” National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE Adaptation Grant ($1 million), 2022-2025.
- Joseph H. Fichter Research Grant, Association for the Sociology of Religion, 2020-2021
- Faculty Success Program Scholarship, National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, 2020
- Honorary Research Fellow at University College London’s Centre for the Study of Education in Muslim Contexts, 2018
- American Fellowship Publication Grant, “Mapping Muslims: FBI Investigations and Surveillance of Muslims in Los Angeles.” American Association of University Women (AAUW), 2016-2017
- Faculty Mentor Award, Special Recognition, EOP CSULB, 2013-2016
- Outstanding Student Mentorship Award, Muslim Student Association, CSULB, 2012
- Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship, Society for the Study of Social Problems, 2009-2010
- Dean’s Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of California, Riverside, 2009
- Minority Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (MFP), American Sociological Association and NIMH, 2006-2008
- National Davis Putter Scholar, Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund, 2006
- Beth Hess Memorial Scholar, Sociologists for Women in Society, 2005