
Beach 2030

In November of 2018, the Beach community came together to imagine the world of 2030, and the myriad technological, economic, sociopolitical, and environmental changes that will impact higher education in the intervening decade.

The Beach 2030 vision embodies our commitment to intellectual achievement, equity, and service for the public good. It is a movement which includes our entire campus — students, staff, faculty, alumni — and our community partners. Through it, we position ourselves to be creators of the University’s future rather than victims of relentless change.


Puvungna is the Indian village which once occupied the land where Cal State Long Beach now stands. Puvungna remains sacred to the Gabrielino and other Indian people as a spiritual center from which their lawgiver and god — Chungichnish — instructed his people.

Ethnohistoric evidence clearly identifies Puvungna with Rancho Los Alamitos, a portion of which became the Cal State Long Beach campus. More than a dozen archaeological sites spread over an area of about 500 acres on and near our campus have been identified as Puvungna village sites. Most of these have been destroyed by development.

Land Acknowledgement

A land and territorial acknowledgment is a statement that recognizes the ongoing presence and relationship of the First Peoples whose land an institution occupies. For First Peoples, this recognition is protocol for visitors and guests traveling, working, or living in a community that is not their original homeland. The statement expresses an awareness about the dispossession of the indigenous peoples of the land to make visible ongoing forms of settler-colonial privilege and dominance. Learn more here.

The Long Beach College Promise

The Long Beach College Promise (The Promise) extends the promise of a college education to every student in the Long Beach Unified School District to create a more vibrant community. This innovative and award-winning initiative is transforming the lives of students and the city’s economic future by placing higher education within reach for all.

The Promise offers guidance and continuous support along every step of the student experience, from pre-K through college and onto career and life. Fueling The Promise is a dynamic partnership between Long Beach Unified School District, Long Beach City College, California State University, Long Beach and the City of Long Beach.