Student Learning Outcomes
Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) across programs in AAAS
By the end of an AAAS BA program, a student will be able to:
- Demonstrate at least an intermediate-low level of competency (in Chinese or Japanese language if they majored in Chinese Studies or Japanese (see 2012 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines).
- Demonstrate competency in English composition skills, oral communication, and presentation skills;
- Demonstrate competency in information literacy and collaborative problem solving through research activities;
- Demonstrate competency in information literacy, quantitative reasoning, and critical thinking by demonstrating an understanding of global connections, their changing history and significance through data analysis and research;
- Demonstrate competency in diversity and civic responsibility through the ability to consistently use cultural world-view frameworks without stereotypes.
SLOS 2-5 are introduced in AAAS 100, reinforced in AST 306, 307, 309, 310, 320 and ASAM 340, and refined in the senior capstone course AAAS 492, ensuring disciplinary competency for all AAAS graduates.
SLO 1 (disciplinary competency in Asian languages) is established through the language courses in Japanese and Chinese through the 300 level.