Sachiko Sakai
Sachiko Sakai

Title: | Assistant Professor |
Email: | |
Phone: | (562) 985-1916 |
Office: | F05-230 |
Education History
M.A. in Anthropology, CSULB, 2001
B.A. in History, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 1989
CourseS Taught
- ANTH140: Pyramids, Tombs and Treasure: Introduction to Archaeology
- ATNH313: World Prehistory
- ANTH405: Principles of Archaeology
- ANTH449: Prehistoric Culture of North America
- ANTH450: Archaeological Field Research
- ANTH473: Archaeology of California
- ANTH487: Cultural Resource Management
Research Focus and Teaching Specialties
Archaeology of the Southwestern US; Cultural resource management; Virgin Ancestral pueblo prehistory; Luminescence dating; Archaeometry; Chemical compositional analysis of artifacts; Ceramic analysis; Evolutional archaeology; Gabrielino/Tongva archaeology; Small-scale farmer adaptations in marginal environments; Prehistoric trading.
Selected Publications
Edited Issue in the journal
Harry, Karen, G., and Sachiko Sakai
2019 Special issue “New Findings from the Far Western Puebloan Region: Papers in Honor of Margaret Lyneis”. The Kiva Vol 85, NO.4. December.
Journal articles/books/report
Neff, Hector, Marx Navarro and Sachiko Sakai,
2023 A Mesoamerican Tradeware Revisited: Mexican Influences in the Origins and Evolution of Plumbate Pottery in When East Meets West. Chichen Itza, Tula, and the Postclassic Mesoamerican World, BAR International Series 3134 edited by Travis W. Stanton, Karl A. Taube, Jeremy D. Coltman, and Nelda I. Marengo Camacho, pp693-723. BAR publishing.
Harry, Karen, G., and Sachiko Sakai
2022 Patterns of Ceramic Production and Distribution in Western Basketmaker Beginnings: The Jackson Flat Reservoir Project, edited by Heidi Roberts, Richard V. N. Ahlstrom, Pp.170-176. University of Utah Press.
Harry, Karen G., and Sachiko Sakai
2022 Using Luminescence Dating to Address the Chronology and Cultural Affiliation of Brownware Ceramics in the Virgin Branch Puebloan Region. In Western Ceramic Traditions Prehistoric and Historic Native American Ceramics of the Western U.S., edited by Suzanne Griset. The University of Utah Anthropological Papers Number 135. Pp57-66. University of Utah Press.
Sakai, Sachiko
2021 Changes in the Sources of Olivine-Tempered Ceramics and Social Interaction Patterns in the Virgin Branch Region of the American Southwest. Sundai Shigaku Vol.173, Meiji University, Tokyo Japan: 103-134 (Japanese).
Sakai, Sachiko
2019 Changes in the Sources of Olivine-Tempered Ceramics and Social Interaction Patterns in the Virgin Branch Region. In special issue “New Findings from the Far Western Puebloan Region: Papers in Honor of Margaret Lyneis” edited by Karen Harry and Sachiko Sakai. The Kiva Vol 85, No.4 December: 313-330.
Harry, Karen, James Allison, and Sachiko Sakai
2019 New Findings from the Far Western Puebloan Region: Papers in Honor of Margaret Lyneis. In special issue “New Findings from the Far Western Puebloan Region: Papers in Honor of Margaret Lyneis” edited by Karen Harry and Sachiko Sakai. The Kiva Vol 85, No.4 December: 281-288.
Roberts, Heidi, Janet Hagopian, Richard V.N. Ahlstrom, and Sachiko Sakai (2019)
2019 Margaret Lyneis and the Pottery Traditions Of Corn Creek And AshMeadows, Southern Nevada. In special issue “New Findings from the Far Western Puebloan Region: Papers in Honor of Margaret Lyneis” edited by Karen Harry and Sachiko Sakai. The Kiva Vol 85, No.4 December: 370-389.
Cook, Robert A., Sachiko Sakai and Robert A. Genheimer
2017 Evaluating the utility of archaeological index fossils: Optically-stimulated luminescence dating of Fort Ancient Pottery at the Hahn Site. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Volume 15, October 2017: 132-137.
Neff, Hector, Scott J. Bigney, Sachiko Sakai, Paul R. Burger, Timothy Garfin, Richard G. George, Brendan J. Culleton, and Douglas Kennett
2016 Characterization of Archaeological Sediments Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF): An Application to Formative Period Pyro-Industrial Site in Pacific Coastal Southern Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 70(1): 110-127.
Vaughn, Kevin J., Jelmer W. Eerkens, Carl Lipo, Sachiko Sakai, and Katherine Schreiber
2014 It’s About Time? Testing the Dawson Ceramic Seriation Using Luminescence Dating, Southern Nazca Region, Peru. Latin American Antiquity Volume 25, Number 4, December 2014, pp. 449-461(13)
Sakai, Sachiko
2014 Explaining Change in Production and Distribution of Olivine-Tempered Ceramics in the Arizona Strip and Adjacent Areas in the American Southwest. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California Santa Barbara.
Wittke, James H., James C. Weaver, Ted E. Bunch, James P. Kennett, Douglas J. Kennett, Andrew M. T. Moore, Gordon C. Hillman, Kenneth B. Tankersley, Albert C. Goodyear, Christopher R. Moore, I. Randolph Daniel, Jr., Jack H. Ray, Neal H. Lopinot, David Ferrado, Isabel Israde-Alcántara, James L., Bischoff, Paul S. DeCarli, Robert E. Hermes, Johan B. Kloosterman, Zsolt Revay, George A. Howard, David R. Kimbel, Gunther Kletetschka, Ladislav Nabelek, Carl P. Lipo, Sachiko Sakai, Allen West, and Richard B. Firestone
2013 Evidence for deposition of 10 million tonnes of impact spherules across four continents 12,800 years ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) June 4, 2013, vol. 110 no. 23 E2088-E2097
Bunch, Ted E., Robert E. Hermes, Andrew M. T. Moore, Douglas J. Kennett, James C. Weaver, James H. Wittke, Paul S. DeCarli, James. L. Bischoff, Gorgon. C. Hillman, George A. Howard, David R. Kimbel, Gunter Kletetschka, Carl P. Lipo, Sachiko Sakai, Zsolt Revay, Allen West, Richard B. Firestone, and James P. Kennett
2012 Very high-temperature impact melt products as evidence for cosmic airbursts and impacts 12,900 years ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) July 10, 2012 vol. 109 no. 28 E1903-E1912.
Sakai, Sakai
2011 Investigation of Clay Sources for Production of Olivine-tempered ceramics in the Arizona Strip and Adjacent Areas in the American Southwest. In Proceedings of the 2009 Three Corners Conference, edited by M. Slaughter, S. E. Daron, and Patricia A. Hicks. Nevada Archaeological Association Meetings, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 141-158.
2009 Explaining Change in Production and Distribution Pattern of Olivine Ceramics in the Arizona Strip and Adjacent Areas in the American Southwest. In Proceedings of the 2007 Three Corners Conference, edited by M. Slaughter, S. Daron, E Jansen, and K. Sprowl. Nevada Archaeological Association Meetings, Las Vegas, NV, pp 227-248.
Larson, Daniel. O., Sachiko Sakai, and Hector Neff
2005 LA-ICP-MS as a Bulk Chemical Characterization Technique: Comparison of LA-ICP-MS, MD-ICP-MS, and INAA Data on Virgin Branch Anasazi Ceramics. In Laser Ablation ICP-MS in Archaeological Research, edited by R. J. Speakman and H. Neff, pp. 94–103. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Kennett, Douglas J., Sachiko Sakai, Hector Neff, Richard Gossett, and Daniel O. Larson
2002 Compositional Characterization of Prehistoric Ceramics: A New Approach Journal of Archaeological Science 29, pp. 443–455.
Sakai, Sachiko
2001 Explaining Changes in Subsistence Strategies and Settlement Patterns among the Virgin Branch Anasazi though Ceramic Provenance Study Using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. M. A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, California State University, Long Beach.
Unpublished Report
Sakai, Sachiko
2019-2022 Preliminary Field Report on Mt. Trumbull Prehistory Excavation Project to Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument. Submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, St. George, Utah.
2020 Excavation for Reburial Project Final Report CA-LAN-234. Unpublished Report on file at California State University, Long Beach, CA.
2010–2018 Field Report on Mt. Trumbull Prehistory Project to Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument. Submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, St. George, Utah.
2010–Present Principal investigator, Mt. Trumbull Prehistory Project for Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument.
2014-Present Luminescence Lab Manager, IIRMES, CSULB.
2002–Present Lab researcher in compositional analysis, IIRMES, CSULB.
2016-Present Student volunteer/internship with NAGPRA collection, collaborating with NAGPRA coordinator Cindi Alvitre, CSULB American Indian Studies.
2019 Principal investigator, Geophysical Project for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
2016 CA-LAN-234 (Puvungna) Reburial Excavation Field Director, coordinated with CSULB’s NAGPRA committee.
2016 Field director assistant, La Blanca geophysical survey project, Guatemala.
2016 Field director assistant, the Acahualinca Footprints project, Nicaragua
2015 Field and lab assistant, Proyecto Arqueológico Rio Amarillo, Copan, Honduras.
2014-2015 Field Co-director, Soconusco Coast Archaeological Project (Proyecto Arqueológico Costa del Soconusco), Chiapas, Mexico.
2013&14 Field and lab assistant, Soconusco Coast Archaeological Project (Proyecto Arqueológico Costa del Soconusco), Chiapas, Mexico.
2003–2008 Project assistant, Mt. Trumbull Prehistory Project.
2010 Field crew chief for Mt. Trumbull survey, Desert Research Institute (DRI)
2010 Field crew, geophysical survey and p-XRF analysis in El Salvador and Guatemala, CSULB.
2008 & 09 Field crew member, geophysical survey and p-XRF analysis at El Baul, Guatemala, CSULB.
2004–2014 Luminescence Lab Researcher, IIRMES, CSULB.
2004 Field crew member, geophysical survey in southeast Missouri, CSULB.
2002–2003 Project assistant, Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program, (G-Dep) entailing geophysical survey on Santa Cruz Island, CSULB and UCSB.
2002 Field crew member, Shivwits Plateau survey, Lake Mead National Recreation Area.
2001 Field crew member, geophysical survey, Valencia, Spain, Arizona State University and CSULB.
2000 Field crew member, Arroyo Seco 3 Project in northern Mexico (excavation, survey), University of New Mexico.
2000 Field crew member, tree-ring and 14C sample collection project at Natural Bridge National Monument in Utah, National Park Service.
1999–2002 Laboratory assistant, ICP-MS, CSULB.
1998–1999 Field assistant, geophysical survey and excavation at Navan Fort, Northern Ireland, CSULB.
1998 Field crew member, geophysical survey and excavation, Santa Barbara Presidio project.
1997 Field crew member, geophysical survey Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello cemetery project and settlement area survey, University of Virginia and CSULB.
- Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
- The Register of Professional Archaeologists (PRA)
- American Anthropological Association (AAA)
- Society for California Archaeology (SCA)
- World Archaeological Congress
- Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society
- Nevada Archaeological Association
- Society for Archaeological Science
- Archaeological Institute of America
- Japanese Archaeological Association