Faculty Office Hours
Faculty Office Hours
FALL 2024 is here! Some office hours are in-person, some are virtual; contact individual faculty for a Zoom link.
Nancy Comito, our CWL ASC, will be in-person TuWTh and remote MF.
Name | (562) 985- | MHB Office | Office Hours as listed and also by appointment | |
Patrick Arbor | patrick.arbor@csulb.edu | 1589 | 513 | TuTh 11 am-12 pm |
Nicolas Bordage | nicolas.bordage@csulb.edu | N/A | AS 320 | W 2:30-3:30 pm |
Kelsey Bright | kelsey.bright@csulb.edu | 1589 | 513 | Tu 5:30-6:45 pm |
Jessica Brooks | jessica.brooks@csulb.edu | 8660 | 508 | M 3:20-4:30 pm and by appointment on MW |
Kathryn Chew | kathryn.chew@csulb.edu | 5810 | 606 | TuWTh 11-12 pm in-person and Zoom, and by appt. |
Pravina Cooper | pravina.cooper@csulb.edu | 4241 | 611 | T 10-11 am and by appointment on Zoom |
Elizabeth Dahab | elizabeth.dahab@csulb.edu | 1368 | 608 | T 8:20-9:20 am, W 4-4:45 pm, and by appointment |
Letitia Deon | letitia.deon@csulb.com | 1589 | 513 | TuTh 8-9 am, 11 am-12 pm |
Amy Desuza | amy.desuza@csulb.edu | N/A | 701 | Tu 2:30-3:30 pm, W 11 am-12 pm and by appointment |
Tom Haeussler | thomas.haeussler@csulb.edu | N/A | 508 | M 2-3:30 pm in-person and W 3-4:30 pm on Zoom |
Jeffrey High | jeffrey.high@csulb.edu | AS 321 | W 1-4 pm | |
Viola Lasmana | viola.lasmana@csulb.edu | 609 | M 2-4 on Zoom, W 11 am-12 pm, and by appointment | |
Crystal Lie | crystal.lie@csulb.edu | 8660 | 605 | |
Katherine McLoone | katherine.mcloone@csulb.edu | N/A | 701 | Tu 12:30-1:30 pm, W 7:30-8:30 pm, and by appointment |
Jesse O’Dell | jesse.odell@csulb.edu | 8525 | AS 334 | MW 11:30 am-12:30 pm and by appointment |
Levon Parseghian | levon.parseghian@csulb.edu | N/A | 513 | M 10:45-11:45 am and by appointment |
Chris Shaw | christopher.shaw@csulb.edu | N/A | 701 | |
Lowry Sweney | lowry.sweney@csulb.edu | 1589 | 513 | W 9:45-10:30 pm on Zoom |
Vlatka Velcic | vlatka.velcic@csulb.edu | 1815 | 609 |