Graduate Student Research Assistantships Available for NSF Funded Project on Fire Emissions in West Africa

Looking for students with experience in statistical analysis and/or remote sensing skills. Students enroll in one of our Masters programs (MA or MSGISci) and work up to 20 hours per week on the project and full-time in summer. With opportunity to work in Africa! Pay subject to experience. For more information contact: Dr. Paul Laris

Research Mission in West Africa Flyer

Bridging the urban-rural divide: CSULB Geography and the River Ridge Institute

April 27-28, 2024: Students from Porterville College joined students from the Geography Department at Cal State Long Beach for an experimental restoration planting on the pasture of River Ridge Ranch.

Community college students got to meet and hang out with four-year students from “The Big City” as they collected, bundled, and prepared cottonwood and willow branches for rooting and planting.  This is part of the River Ridge Institute’s “Taste of College” program that is designed to debunk the mystery of higher education for community college students in the San Joaquin Valley and explore the opportunities that are available to local youth. At the same time, urban students from CSULB got to rough it and get their hands dirty on the ranch.Students planting native vegetation in pasture at River Ridge Ranch

Geography has Moved! Visit us in our new spaces and places!

Geography has a new space and place on campus! The Department of Geography has moved to our new home on the first floor of LA1 in the LA1-123A suite! Our faculty offices and graduate student spaces are located on the 1st floor and you will find our two brand new geospatial labs on the 3rd floor in LA1-301 and 303. We are grateful to the administration and facilities for the support through this years’ long process. Please come visit us!      

Dr. Hytrek’s work creating a participatory budget process for youth featured in the LB Business Journal

Dr. Hytrek’s contributions to the participatory budget process featured in the Long Beach Business Journal

…You don’t read a manual and learn how to ride a bicycle. You ride a bicycle by riding a bicycle,” Hytrek said. “People learn how to become citizens, residents of communities, by doing the work, but often … there aren’t those opportunities, and PB creates those opportunities…According to Hytrek, a participatory budget process is one of the most effective ways to deepen and broaden democracy within communities…


Protecting Nature with Geographic Information Science

MSGISci Graduate Cris Sarabia Shares His Experiences in the Program and Mentors Students

MSGISci Grad Anshu Pallav Is Designing Solutions for Climate Change

When Climathon, a 24-hour global climate change challenge, came to Long Beach in October 2017, CSULB grad Anshu Pallav was more than ready to contribute. The annual event invites innovators in major cities worldwide to help humanity achieve zero fossil fuel emissions in the next 30 years. Having just earned his Master of Science in Geographic Information Science (MSGISci) degree, Pallav presented his idea for a local solution that stemmed directly from his experience in the program. For more information about Anshu’s contribution to this event, please see the CPIE News web site.

Interested in Majoring in Geography? Aziz Fellague Ariouat tells us why he became a Geography major in this featured video.

Geography at CSULB 01.1 from DS on Vimeo.

CSU Long Beach Geography Department Receives AAG Honorable Mention for Masters Programs

Congratulations Katie (second from right)

Our own CSULB Geography Department received the 2019 Honorable Mention for MA/MS Program Excellence Award from the American Association of Geographers (AAG), runner-up to Western Michigan University. We were nominated by our Regional Division, the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, one of nine regional divisions in the AAG. Up to two programs from each division may be nominated.  Our Geography Department received the Honorable Mention for both our MS in Geographic Information Science and MA in Geography programs.

The AAG Program Excellence Award is now entering its fifth year and recognizes geography programs granting masters-level as the highest degree. Congratulations to our faculty and students in the MA and MSGISci programs!