Dr. Norman Carter
Full Time Lecturer, Emeritus
Dr. James R. Curtis
Professor Emeritus
Cultural and urban geography, Latin America, US-Mexican borderlands, ethnic diversity in the US
Dr. Suzanne Dallman
Professor Emerita
Watersheds, hydrology, physical geography, environmental geography, water resource policy, sustainability
Dr. Molly Debysingh
Professor Emerita
Cultural geography, political geography, international development, South and Southeast Asia, Latin America
Dr. Deshonay Dozier
Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, Claremont Graduate University
Housing and homelessness, property, policing and incarceration, critical race and gender studies, Los Angeles, alternative communities
Dr. Frank Gossette
Professor Emeritus
GIS, computer cartography, geographic analysis, urban-economic geography, Europe, and East Asia
Dr. Edward Karabenick
Professor Emeritus
Urban geography, North Africa, Middle East, Europe
Dr. Wenjie Ji
Remote sensing, dryland ecology, landscape ecology, biogeography
Dr. John Kimura
Professor Emeritus
climatology and meteorology, East Asia
Dr. Christopher Lee
Professor Emeritus
Remote sensing, physical geography, applications of geospatial techniques to emergency management and national intelligence operations, geospatial workforce development, landscape and terrain analysis
Dr. Richard Outwater
Professor Emeritus
Urban geography, Southern California, urban studies
Dr. Joel Splansky
Professor Emeritus
Cultural, environmental management, travel and tourism, Sub-Saharan Africa, California, methods of landscape analysis
Dr. Judith Tyner
Professor Emerita
Cartography, historical cartography, cartographic design, map and air photo interpretation
Dr. Jean D. Wheeler
Professor Emerita
Pacific Ocean area, biogeography, U.S. and Canada, teaching methods, and organizing bicycle tours
James Woods
Retired FT Lecturer
Cartography, geographic information systems