Geospatial Science

Geospatial Science

Geographers employ a number of different techniques for collecting, studying, and analyzing spatial data. These techniques include both quantitative and qualitative approaches, while also stressing important computer-centered technologies. Many students trained in these techniques go on to work in a number of different public and private industries, from planning departments to environmental assessment agencies to non-profit community based organizations.

Within the “techniques,” we offer courses in the following areas:

  • GIScience
  • Remote Sensing
  • Cartography/geovisualization
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Field Methods
  • Qualitative Methods

Need Advising?

For advisor contact information and current semester advising hours please refer to the Geography department advising page

Responsible Tenure-Track Faculty:

Drs. Ban, Lee, Li, Rodrigue, Thien, and Wechsler