ArcGIS Online
Your active student, faculty, or staff ID number entitle you to free access our CSULB ArcGIS Online enterprise organization. ArcGIS Online is Esri’s collaborative web GIS resource that allows you to use, create, and share maps, scenes, apps, layers, analytics, and data. Your ArcGIS Online named-user account also allows you to access content in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, ArcGIS apps, and the Esri cloud infrastructure where you can add items, publish web layers, and create web maps, story maps, custom apps, and scenes.
To create your own ArcGIS Online named-user account that will establish you as a member of the CSULB ArcGIS Online Organization, please follow the steps described below. If you experience difficulty accessing our ArcGIS Online organization, please contact your instructor or the GIS Lab Manager so that they can invite you into our enterprise organization.
Note: Follow this procedure only if you do not already have a named user account for the CSULB ArcGIS Online organization. If you already have an account with the CSULB ArcGIS Online organization, it is not necessary to repeat this procedure.
Open your web browser on your desktop computer or mobile device and navigate to Once the login page opens, locate the place near the bottom of the dialog box where it says “Sign in with.” Click on the down arrow to the right of “Your ArcGIS organization’s URL (see screenshot at right).
The layout of the page will then change and present you with a new text field where it asks you to “Enter your ArcGIS organization’s URL.” Type “csulb” (without the quotes) in the text field as shown at right and then click “Continue.”
You will then be presented with two sign-in options. Make sure to click the button specifying that you would like to sign in using “CSULB.” In doing so, you are specifying that you wish to log in as a CSULB organization member rather than a public ArcGIS Online user.
- You should then be automatically directed to the
CSULB single sign-in page where you can log in using your regular CSULB student ID information (the same BeachID and password that you use to log in to BeachBoard and MyCSULB). Once you have entered your information, click “Sign In.”
- If your username and password information were entered correctly, your ArcGIS Online named user account will be automatically created for you and you will be presented with the ArcGIS home screen shown below. Note that the username that is created for you will appear as your campus ID_CSULB. At this point, you are logged in and may begin using ArcGIS Online. Always be sure to log out of your ArcGIS Online session when you are finished.
Managing Multiple ArcGIS Online Accounts
We recommend that you always use your CSULB named user account to access ArcGIS Online (and Esri Academy) while you are here at CSULB. If you already have a public account that you previously created yourself on the Esri web site (, you can link your CSULB named user account and your public (or social) accounts so that you can easily switch between accounts while logged into ArcGIS Online. Note, however, that your content (including ArcGIS Online content and e-Learning training) and user privileges remain separate and unique to each account.
To set up and use linked accounts, click your user name at the top of the site and click “Switch Accounts”, or click “Manage Linked Accounts” on the General tab of your settings page. Choose one of the following options:
- To add an account, click “Link an Account” and sign in with the account you want to link.
- To switch accounts, choose an account and, if necessary, sign in with the credentials for that account.
- To unlink an account, click “Unlink an Account”, choose an account that you want to unlink, then click “Unlink Account”.
Multiple Account Considerations
- Multiple accounts from the same social network or the same organization-specific provider are automatically linked.
- When switching accounts, you will remain signed in to the current account unless you uncheck the “Stay signed in to current account when switching” check box before switching. You can remain signed in to one public account at a time, and if you have multiple organizational accounts for the same organization, you can remain signed in to only one of them.
- To switch accounts, you need to allow pop-ups in your browser.
Be Sure to Sign Out!
When you are finished with your ArcGIS Online session and are ready to sign out, click your user name at the top of the site and click “Sign Out”. Note that signing out of ArcGIS Online will also sign you out of all related ArcGIS Online apps from Esri that you may have opened in other browser tabs, all websites such as My Esri, and any training that you are signed in to using your ArcGIS Online account.
After you Graduate – Migrating your ArcGIS Online Content
Once you are no longer a student or employee at CSULB, you will no longer be able to access your CSULB ArcGIS Online organization (named user) account. Please note that CSULB is not responsible for permanently archiving your ArcGIS Online individual or group content, or your Esri Academy training. Therefore, please plan on copying (migrating) your content to your own public account prior to graduating and departing our organization. Instructions for creating your own free public ArcGIS Online account can be found at Please contact your instructor or the GIS Lab Manager if you need more information or assistance. Note that you may need to contact Esri Customer Service to have your Esri Academy training history transferred to a public account.