Hye Rin Lee

Hye Rin Lee, Ph.D.


  • Ph.D. (2022) University of California, Irvine in Education with a Specialization in Human Development in Context
  • B.A. (2018) Franklin and Marshall College in Psychology and Sociology

Research Interests

Dr. Lee’s research employs a comprehensive approach that combines developmental and learning analytic methods with an integrative theoretical framework from cognitive, educational, developmental, and social psychology, to investigate the intricate interplay between short- and long-term motivation and learning. In particular, she investigates (a) the the individual and social characteristics across various contexts that predict minoritized students’ engagement in STEM fields; (b) ways to translate findings from education and psychology research into actionable strategies that foster minoritized students’ engagement in STEM; and (c) innovative research procedures and advanced statistical methods to assist researchers in generating accessible and clear recommendations for naming, measuring, and analyzing constructs related to STEM motivation situated in learning contexts. Learn more about her at https://hyerinl.wordpress.com.


  • HDEV 190: Elementary Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences