Marie Kelleher
Marie Kelleher, Ph.D.
Professor Credentials:
Ph.D. University of Kansas Contact Information
562 985-4462
Office: FO2-120
California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Blvd., MS 1601
Long Beach, CA 90840-1601
Dr. Kelleher has taught courses in medieval history at CSULB since 2003. Her areas of interest in teaching and research include medieval Spain and the Mediterranean world, gender, and medieval law. She has been the recipient of numerous national grants and fellowships, and her book The Measure of Woman: Law and Female Identity in the Crown of Aragon was awarded the American Historical Association’s 2012 “Premio del Rey” for best book in early Iberian history. Her students have gone on to graduate programs at the University of Southern California, Fordham University, Cardiff University (Wales), and Princeton University.
Professor Kelleher was raised in Portland, Oregon and completed her Ph.D. at the University of Kansas. In her free moments she can often be found taking pictures, riding her bicycle, or drinking utterly ridiculous amounts of coffee.
The Measure of Woman: Law and Female Identity in the Crown of Aragon. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. Winner of the American Historical Association’s 2012 Premio del Rey.
In progress: “The Hungry City: Food, Famine, and a Year in the Life of Medieval Barcelona”
Articles and Essays:
” ‘The Sea of Our City’: Famine, Piracy, and Urban Sovereignty in Late Medieval Barcelona.” Mediterranean Studies 24 (2016): 1-22.
“What Do We Mean by ‘Women and Power’?” Medieval Feminist Forum 51:2 (2015): 104-15.
“Witnessing from the Margins: Legal Testimony of Doubly Differenced Women in the Middle Ages.” Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae 19 (2014): 145-158.
“Eating from a Corrupted Table: Food Regulations and Civic Health in Barcelona’s “First Bad Year.” E-Humanista: A Journal of Iberian Studies 24 (Fall 2013): 51-64.
“Later Medieval Law in Community Context.” The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, Judith Bennett and Ruth Mazo Karras, eds., 133-47. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
“Hers by Right: Gendered Legal Assumptions and Women’s Property in the Medieval Crown of Aragon.” Journal of Women’s History 22:2 (2010): 34-55.
“Law and the Maiden: Inquisitio, Fama, and the Testimony of Children in Medieval Catalonia.” Viator 37 (2006): 351-367.
“‘Like Man and Wife’: Clerics’ Concubines in the Diocese of Barcelona.” Journal of Medieval History 28 (2002): 349-60.
Courses Taught:
- Early Medieval Europe (500-1050)
- Later Medieval Europe (1050-1500)
- Women in the Ancient and Medieval West
- Medieval Spain: Conflict and Coexistence
- Crusades
- The Mediterranean World
- Early Western Civilization
- Historical Methods
- Historiography of the Middle Ages (graduate)
- Crisis and Crises in the Fourteenth Century (graduate)
- Medieval Women and Gender (graduate)
- The Medieval City (graduate)