Masters Theses
- Trevor, Timothy. “A Circus in the Sky: Birdmen, Barnstormers, and the Era of Spectacular Aviation in the United States, 1910-1926.”
- Cozart, Rick. “The Fury of an Ignorant Zeal”: Janet Schaw and the Narrative of the Atlantic World, 1774-1776.
- Bell-Wilson, Chloe. “Before Pink Ribbons: Activists, Doctors, and Patients in the Fight Against Breast Cancer during the Twentieth Century.”
- Buehlmaier, Nicole E. “Vanguards and Violence: Representations of Female Armed Resistance and the Search for Radical Legitimacy, 1968-1975.”
- Jeffreys, Megan K. “Children of Resistance: An Analysis of Runaway Child Slave Advertisements in Virginia, 1760-1820.
- Mata, Alberto, Jr. “From Colony to Nation State: Class Warfare, Revolution, and Independence in Mexico and Argentina, 1810-1826.”
- Parkes, Alan. “Age of Quarrel: Subcultural Representations of Neoliberal Ethos in New York City Hardcore Punk, 1980-1990.”
- Serrano, Christy D. “Better Breeding in the West: The History of Sterilization and Eugenic Theory in California.”
- Khalifian, Shahrouz. “Pacem Cum Civibus Imperpetuum Non Habernet”: Conflict and the Formation of the University Communities in Paris, Orléans, and Toulouse, 1200-1389.”
- Benton, Mark G., Jr. “To Embrace the King: The Formation of a Political Community in the French County of Anjou, 1151-1247.”
- Dallara, Anais. “The “Femme-Homme” of the French Revolution: Gender Boundaries and Masculinization.”
- Hernandez, Holly N. G. “Performing Place, Performing the Past: Regional Identity, Mexican Labor, and Antimodernism at Fred and Florence Bixby’s Rancho Los Alamitos.”
- Jenrich, Marissa. “To Treat Her as a Woman”: African American Women and Respectability in New York, 1860-1890.”
- Chu, Jeff. “The Bible and Josephus: Literary Sources for the History of the Tenth-Century Levant.”
- Rosenberger, Nathan. “Art in the Ashes: Class, Race, Urban Geography, and Los Angeles’s Postwar Black Art Centers.”
- Cook, Danielle N. “Public Space and Nation: Constructing National Culture After Independence.”
- Garcia, Ricci Chavez. “Border Hopin’ Hardcore: The Forming of a Latina/o Punks’ Transborder Civic Imagination on the Bajalta California Borderlands and the Refashioning of Punk’s Revolutionary Subjectivity, 1974-1999.”
- Stahl-Kovell, Daniel. “Reimagining Red Power: Native American Community, Activism, and Academics in Postwar America.”
- Haberstroh, John Joseph. “Opposing the Panhellenists: The Oligarchic Resurgence in Athens, 413-411.”
- Blanchard, Heather D. “The Decline of Egyptian Sea Power: The Intersection of Economic and Political Influence in the Third Century B.C.”
- Crovella, R.W. “The Burke-Paine Debate and its Influence of the New Republic.”
- Dill, Amber Lynn. “Finding the “Middle Ground”: The Roman-Numidian Alliance and the Creation of Identities during the Punic War Period, 218-146 B.C.E.”
- Van Dyk, Benjamin Edward. “The Wha;er’s Casket: Whaling and Children’s Literature in Antebellum America.”
- Ghazal, Mohammad Amer. “Medicine, Merchants, and Materia Medica: The Connected World of the Medieval Islamicate Mediterranean.”
- Lorscheider, Matthew Kilpinen. “Reinventing Long Beach: The Fight for Space and Place in Post-Cold War Long Beach, 1990-1999.”
- Krause, Jean M. “Homeschooling: Constructing or Deconstructing Democracy?”
- McCormack, Carey. “Civilizing Burma: British Literary Representations of Colonial Burma, 1890-1900.”
- Puder, Christopher W. “Egyptomania: American Cultural Representations of Egypt during the Cold War.”
- Rockenbach, Adam. “Pro-Slavery Representations of the Haitian Revolution in the British West Indies, Cuba, and the United States, 1790-1820.”
- Roy, Steven A. “The Anglo-Ottoman Encounter: Diplomacy, Commerce, and Popular Culture, 1580-1650.”
- Koops, Mitchell A. “Imperium Turbae: Mob Violence in Late Republican Rome.”
- Moore, Stephen. “The New Traditionalists: Folk Music, Authenticity and Modernity in Cold War America, 1958-1962.”
- Bowlen, Ian L. “Separate by not Equal: Okie Children in California’s Public School System during the Great Depression.”
- Caverly, Rebecca S. “Marketing Masculinity: Male Identity, Boy culture, and the Boy Schouts of America, 1900-1940.
- Dalton. Ryan. “The Story of Huo Yuanjia and the Narrative of National Humiliation in Post-Mao China.”
- Hammond, Joseph. “The Unrelenting Rivals: Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Organization of. The Islamic Conference, 1979, 1997.”
- Horton, Jason C. “Dhan A’Chaidhealtachd: An Analysis of the Statutes of Iona and the Persistence of the Traditions found therein 1609-1746.”
- Jaimes, Abraham. “Involuntarious Da Patria: Forging the Brazilian Nation and Memory of the Paraguay War, 1864-1875.”
- Miller, Michael W. “The Mediterranean Ethiopian: Intellectual discourse and the Fixity of Myth in Classical Antiquity.”
- Pendleton, Muriel. “From Bullbaiting to Theater and Oratorio Attending: The Cultural Development of Birmingham during the Eighteenth Century.”
- Prather, Michelle R. “Pink, Blues, Blacks, and the Union Jack: Mod’s reinterpretations of Britishness, 1962-1964.”
- Schey, Kathie A. “A Paradigm for Historical and Biographical Research in Support of Living History Programming at Rancho Los Cerritos Historic Site.”
- Scott-Keith, Erin. “Doncellas, Violators and Common Aggressors: Understanding Honor and Punishment in case of ESTUPRO and NON-SEXUAL Assault in late Colonial Guatemala.”
- Serafi, Jehan M. “Fighting for Mother Ireland: The Function of the Female Image in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Ireland.”
- Rodriguez, Steven G. “Devotion to Land: The Virgin Mary and the Mudejar in the Post Conquest Program of Alonso X Castile, 1252-1284.”
- Rutherford, Colin. “The Education of Dr. Khalil Totah.”
- Banks, Gennay Monique. “The Revolution Will not be Gender-ized.”
- Moreno, Gary. “From the Haciendo to Hollywood: A Cultural History of the Charro.”
- Peters, Amy. “The Mark of Gender: Depicting Power and the Female Body in Colonial Peru.”
- Hannisdal, Linda. “Revolutionary Women: War, Ideology, and Status in America, 1763-1800.”
- Gillogly, Patrick. “The Impact of Bartolome de Medina’s Mercury Amalgamation Process and Chinese Demand for Silver on the Birth of Global Trade in the Sixteenth Century.”
- Guerra, Dustin. “When The Democratic Party Dies The Constitution Will Not Survive”: The Southern Walkout of the 1860 Democratic National Convention.”
- Martin, Gregory J. “Cato Americanus: Retrieving Benjamin Franklin’s Commonwealthman Ideology.”
- Merwin, Frederick Richard. “Not Like You: A History of Punk Subculture in Long Beach, California.”
- Christensen, Tamar S. “The Golden Age of the American Pin-Up, 1941-1957: Cultural Representation and Relevance.”
- Curly, George. “The Fall of the Standing Order: Connecticut 1800-1818.”
- Doane, Denise Alyson. “The Changing Role of the Roman Matron in the Republican Period.”
- Ernst, Brian Charles. “Creating the Ideal Heimat: The Danube Swabians in Baden-Württemberg, 1954-1974.”
- Fishman, Robyn Danielle. “American Diagnostics: Psychiatry Diagnosis in American Psychiatry, 1820-1880.”
- Garza-Weatherspoon, Oddett. “An Acquired Taste: How Spanish and Mexican Recipes Helped Shape Early Los Angeles.”
- Herrera, Elissa J. “Shaping Visions of the Middle East: Representations of the 1978-1979 Iranian Revolution in Mainstream U.S. Media.”
- Holdeman, Angie. “ “It’s a Man’s, Man’s, Man’s World”: Popular Figures and Masculine Identities in 1960s America.”
- Hovland, Carter. “America’s Forgotten Assassination: A Second Look at President Garfield’s Murderer Charles Guiteau.”
- Liberman-Cuenca, Esther. “Belief and Practice: Ideas of Sorcery and Witchcraft in Late Medieval England.”
- Parkin, Jeremy S. “Police Work on the Mormon Trail, 1846-1848.”
- Sprague, Jeb. “The Overview of Popular Democracy in Haiti: 2001-2004.”
- Wittman, Marialana. “Women and Syphilis in Eighteenth-Century France.”
- Altenbernd, Erik. “Body and Soul: Landscape Aesthetics, the Market Revolution, and the Nineteenth-American Wilderness.”
- Bernard, Eric. “Fighting the Conspiracy: The Mission Indian Federation’s Justifiable Use of Violence: 1905-1934.”
- Hendricks, Jeffrey. “Constructing the Panopticon: Perceptions of Wilderness, Methods of Domination, and the Colonization of Native American.
- Smith, Justin. “Walter Benjamin and the City: Theories of Modernity Through the Lens of Nineteenth Century Paris.”
- Schappel, Donna. “The Hope of a Nation: The Social Reform Programs of John F. Kennedy.”
- Swensson, Erika. “Gender Transformation and the Body in Aldhelm’s De Virginitate and the Anglo-Saxon Double Monastery.”
- Bolelli, Danielle. “Fighting for the Heart and Everything That is: The War for the Black Hills: 1800-Present.”
- Morris, Michael. “Dust Bowl Ballads and Okie Culture.”
- Peterson, Ann. “Recollection of Andrea Gomez: Terminal Island Fish Cannery Employees and Union Organizers 1924-1965.”
- Stonis, Michelle. “On Heathen Ground: The Double Bind of Women’s Roles in the Sandwich Island Mission, 1819-1863.”
- Garvin, Timothy. “An Immortal Band of Rogues: Immigrant Disaffection and the San Patricio Battalion in the United States Mexican War, 1846-1848.
- Maloney, Garron. “The Construction of the Modern Ranching Subculture and the Commodification of Cowboy Poetry, 1865-2004.”
- Atkinson, Michael Tully. “The Artist as Provocateur: Oscar Wilde, 1889-92.”
- Kobayashi, Toru. “The Development of “Freedom” “Equality” and “Natural Rights” Under the American Liberal Democracy and its Effect on Japan’s Modernization in the Meiji Restoration.”
- Marshall, Jason. “Demonizing the Counterculture: Los Angeles Newspaper and the Manson Murders, 1969-1971.
- Doniger, Susan. “The Ainsworth House: An Analysis of a Community Museum.”
- Estrada, Gilbert. “How the East Was Lost: Mexican Fragmentation, Displacement and the East Los Angeles Freeway System, 1947-1972.”
- Hill, Sean. “Essays on Power, Knowledge, and Consciousness.”
- Knutson, Wayne. “A New and Extensive Business: Tariffs, Internal Improvements and the Rise of American Manufacturers.”
- Leech, Donald. “Late Medieval Coventry: A Regional Perspective.”
- Nicolov, Pressian. “An Analysis of White Fears of Black Resistance in the Antebellum.”
- Porter, Barry. “Republican Opposition to the First Three Emperors of Rome.”
- Saiz, Lisa. “A Study of the Southwestern Migrant Women of the 1930s and 1940s.”
- Caldwell, Donald. “Indian Gaming in California.”
- Fisher, Stever. “Cowboy and Western Music: Its Mark on the Southern California Landscape.”
- Harrison, Jeffrey. “Nazarene Christianity: John Toland on the Early Church.”
- Grutzmacher, Wayne. “The Apache in the American Southwest.”
- Takeuchi, Michiko. “Gendered States: Pan-Pan Girls in the U.S. Occupation in Japan.”
- Vu, Mai. “The Resilience of Vietnamese American Women.”
- Ashbrooke, Norman. “Southern California Tennis During the Depression.”
- Fishkin, Andrew. “Seventy Years- Japanese Naval Development from the 1870s to the 1940s.”
- Leonhard, Claudia. “Towards the Study of Holocaust Memoirs.”
- Levicki-Lavi, Lara. “Jewish Settlement in Colonial Georgia.”
- Sombo, Manara. “Cambodian Women’s Role and the Decline of Cambodia.”
- Umphenour, Michael. “The Americanization of Hawaii.”
2000. Zucker, Alfred. “The History of Harvard University.”