Local Resources

Primary Sources for Student Research

Collections of Materials at CSULB and Local Universities

Other Local Resources

Getty Research Institute: open to serious undergraduates (a 499 student worked on its  collection of parlor music, 1820-1920, “Music Collection”, last year).  See Special Collections at www.getty.org.

Claremont College: Honnald Library

  • The Poyanthos (1805-1814)
  • Littell’s Living Age (1884-1896) from the Forthnightly


Claremont College: Scripts Library Special Collections

  • Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine
  • Le Bon Ton, 3 March 1869

Scripps Library: It holds is an extensive collection of women’s magazines from various countries.  They are held in their special collections that can be view by appointment only.  To view these collections, students need to fill out a paper that states name, institution, area of study, purpose…. Then they speak to Kelly Bachli, or email her at Bachli@libraries.claremont.edu, and she will put anything aside.  Students are allowed to use a digital camera to photograph these special collections.

USC – Local History: Archives

“LA as SUBJECT” website housed at USC: http://www.usc.edu/isd/archives/arc/lasubject/
Lists less visible organizations that archive primary sources related to Los Angeles & Southern California, and provides links to individual websites.

Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research: http://www.socallib.org/
Archives from a wide range of 20th century Los Angeles area political, cultural, and ethnic movements and organizations (for example garment workers union, black-listed teachers, California Eagle [African-American newspaper], Nicaragua Task Force, South Central Documentation project, Women’s Building Collection). Many (but not all) collections housed at the library , in south-central LA, are identified on website. The library provides a link to the USC local history website:

6120 South Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 759-6063