World History

Primary Sources for Student Research

Collections of Materials at CSULB and Local Universities

World History

US & the World: on-line sources

Bilingual (with Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, Dutch), collaborative, online archival websites cosponsored by the Library of Congress and other national libraries. They’re part of the LOC’s global gateway initiative (

The United States and Brazil: Expanding Frontiers, Comparing Cultures

The Atlantic World: America and the Netherlands

Parallel Histories: Spain, the United States, and the American Frontier

Meeting of Frontiers: Siberia, Alaska, and the American West

France in America

Center for the Study of Political Graphics:
This is a collection of over 50,000 posters associated with popular world-wide movements for political and social change (for example: AIDS, homelessness, women’s rights, anti-war from Vietnam to Iraq, Farm Workers, Black Panthers, Sandinista movement in Nicaragua). Most are from US & Central America. Only a limited number of poster images housed at the Center (near the Beverly Center) are reproduced on the website. The website provides links to other political poster collections and producers.

8124 West Third Street, Suite 211
Los Angeles, CA 90048-4309
tel: 323.653.4662


U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Introduces the activities of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, located in Washington, DC, and its important collections, in addition to presenting interactive exhibitions and providing resources for study of the Holocaust and related subjects. The site is composed of five sections: education, research, history, remembrance, and conscience. The education section includes material to introduce the subject of the Holocaust to middle- and secondary-level students; the full text of a resource book for teachers; information on publications, programs, fellowships, and internships for scholars, faculty, and university students; and 24 bibliographies arranged by country. The research section contains a survivors registry; material about the Museum’s Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies; an international directory of activities relating to Holocaust-era assets; information on the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research; searchable catalogs pertaining to the Museum’s collections and library; and examples of artworks, artifacts, documents, photographs, films, videos, oral histories, and music. The history section includes the Holocaust Learning Center, with images, essays, and documents on 22 subjects such as anti-Semitism, refugees, pogroms, extermination camps, and resistance; and 13 exhibitions of documents, photographs, audio and video files, activities, and explanatory texts on subjects such as “Kristallnacht: The November 1938 Pogroms,” “The Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936,” the postwar trial of German physicians complicit in Holocaust crimes, and “Voyage of the St. Louis,” a passenger ship of Jews who left Germany in 1939 only to be denied access to land in Cuba and the U.S., leaving them to return to uncertain fates in war-torn Europe. The remembrance section provides material on a recent commemorative ceremony undertaken by high school students from Germany, Luxembourg, Washington, D.C., and communities in the U.S. in which churches had been burned. The final section, devoted to the “Committee on Conscience” contains information on current genocidal practices in Sudan. An invaluable site for students as an introduction to Holocaust-related subjects, for scholars as a resource for further studies, and for others as a way to acknowledge the presence of the Holocaust in contemporary culture.

Fairbank Modern Chinese History Virtual Library.
Links to Documents of Chinese History. Created by John King Fairbank.

Electronic Documents in History.
A wide variety of historical research sites and electronic documents offered.

EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents From Western Europe.
?Selected Transcriptions, Facsimiles and Translations?

HyperHistory Online.
Contains “World History Chart” plus historical maps and timelines.

Internet Medieval Sourcebook.
Extensive listing of full text documents (in English and original languages) in a wide variety of historical geographic and topical areas.

The Labyrinth.
Sponsored by Georgetown University. Links to all Medieval history sites in all areas of study.

Librarians Index to the Internet: History.
Good directory of the best of the ‘net. Sites have been reviewed by librarians for merit.