Course planning for B.A. in Linguistics – Option in Translation Studies
Course planning for B.A. in Linguistics with Option in Translation Studies
When in doubt about the requirements for this (or any) major, check the CSULB Catalog. If there is a conflict between what’s written in the Catalog and elsewhere, the Catalog is what counts.
Required courses:
- LING 101 Introduction to the World’s Languages (prereq: ENGL 100B or GE Area A2)
- LING 170 Introduction to Linguistics (prereq/coreq: GE Foundation course)
- LING 300 Professional Development for Linguists
- LING 325 Modern English Grammar
- LING 329 Language Acquisition
- LING 420 Phonology (prereq: 170)
- LING 421 Syntax (prereq: 325)
Sociocultural requirement (choose any 1)
- LING 379 Sociolinguistics (prereq: 170)
- LING 413 Language and Culture (prereq: 170)
- LING 477 Language Socialization
Translation Option-Specific requirements (Take these three and then one of the set which follows (TRST 410, 435, or 451))
- TRST 201 – Meaning in Transit: An Introduction to Translation Studies (3 units)
- TRST 301 – Translation: Ethics, Theory, and Practice (prereq: 201 C or better) (3 units)
- TRST 401 – Translation Workshop (prereq: 301 C or better) (3 units)
- Then take one of the following (choose any 1):
- TRST 410 – Literary Translation in Transit (3 units)
- TRST 435 – Cognitive Translatology and Bilingualism (3 Units)
- TRST 451 – Audiovisual Translation (3 units)
- TRST 452 – Localization: Website, Software, App and Video Game Translation (3 units)
Electives (choose any 3)
Take three additional courses (9 units) in Linguistics or translation at the 300 or 400 level. Courses that may be used towards this requirement include all upper-division LING courses except LING 339, or any of the following (Other upper-division language courses may be substituted with advisor permission. The C/LA 492 internship course may also be substituted for an elective with advisor permission.):
- ASLD 306 – American Sign Language Linguistics (3 units)
- FREN 460 – The Art of Translation (3 units)
- FREN 315 – Introduction to Direct Translation French-English (3 units)
- FREN 316 – Introduction to Inverse Translation English-French (3 units)
- GERM 306 – Translating German to English (3 units)
- ITAL 460 – Exploring Italian Translation (3 units)
- LING 301 – Introduction to Research Methods (3 units)
- LING 310 – Morphology of English (3 units)
- LING 360 – The Languages of Africa (3 units)
- LING 363 – Implications of Human Language (3 units) (Writing Intensive)
- LING 375 – Spanish in the US (3 units) [spring only] (Writing Intensive)
- LING 379 – Sociolinguistics (3 units)
- LING 401 – Corpus Linguistics (3 units)
- LING 413 – Language and Culture (3 units)
- LING 422 – Discourse Analysis (3 units)
- LING 423 – Semantics (3 units)
- LING 424 – Laboratory Phonetics (3 units)
- LING 425 – Education Across Cultures (3 units) or ANTH 421
- LING 426 – History of the English Language (3 units) or ENGL 426
- LING 438 – Psycholinguistics (3 units)
- LING 450 – Teaching Second Language Listening and Speaking (3 units)
- LING 460 – Teaching Second Language Composition (3 units)
- LING 470 – Language and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3 units)
- LING 472 – Language and Social Justice (3 units) (Writing Intensive)
- LING 477 – Language Socialization (3 units)
- LING 486 – Second Language Teaching Methods (3 units)
- LING 490 – Selected Topics in Linguistics (1‑3 units)
- LING 499 – Directed Studies in Linguistics (1-6 units)
- SPAN 461 – Introduction to Translation and Interpretation (3 units)
- SPAN 462 – Written and Sight Translation I: English/Spanish (3 units)
- SPAN 463 – Written and Sight Translation II: Spanish/English (3 units)
- SPAN 464 – Consecutive Interpretation I (3 units)
- SPAN 465 – Consecutive Interpretation II (3 units)
- SPAN 466 – Simultaneous Interpretation English/Spanish (3 units)
- SPAN 467 – Simultaneous Interpretation Spanish/English (3 units)
- TRST 410 – Literary Translation in Transit (3 units)
- TRST 435 – Cognitive Translatology and Bilingualism (3 Units)
- TRST 451 – Audiovisual Translation (3 units)
- TRST 452 – Localization: Website, Software, App and Video Game Translation (3 units)
- TRST 499 – Directed Study
Advanced Language Requirement for Translation Studies Option (a fifth semester course)
3 units of any course taught in a language other than English at fifth semester level or higher. Note: Other courses may also fulfill the advanced language competency requirement, with advisor approval.
- ASLD 305 – ASL Literature and Poetry (4 units)
- CHIN 302 – Advanced Chinese (3 units)
- CHIN 311 – Advanced Spoken Chinese (3 units)
- FREN 312 – French Composition in Context (3 units)
- FREN 312A – Advanced French I (3 units)
- FREN 312B – Advanced French II (3 units)
- GERM 301 – Fiction and Fact: Short Texts (3 units)
- GERM 302 – Language of the German Media (3 units)
- GERM 305 – Advanced German Conversation (3 units)
- ITAL 300 – Advanced Grammar and Composition (6 units)
- ITAL 312A – Advanced Italian I (3 units)
- ITAL 312B – Advanced Italian II (3 units)
- ITAL 314 – Advanced Conversation (3 units)
- ITAL 320 – Business Italian (3 units)
- JAPN 301 – Advanced Japanese (3 units)
- JAPN 311 – Advanced Spoken Japanese (3 units)
- SPAN 320 – Literacy and Orality for Bilingual Teaching (3 units)
- SPAN 300 – Advanced Grammar and Composition (6 units)
Note: It is NOT possible to satisfy the language requirement for the Linguistics BA with Option in Translation with two semesters in two different languages as can be done for other LING Majors. The TRST Major requires focus on one language and also requires more advanced language proficiency. Students should consult with the undergraduate advisor, who must approve courses that fulfill this requirement. Note: TRST 400 Independent Language Study may fulfill this requirement with advisor permission.
Majors are also encouraged to take upper division courses in their language of focus to satisfy the elective requirements.
What order should I take the courses in?
Take the required courses (in LING and TRST Studies) at the earliest opportunity. If you leave a required course until the last semester, you might have to delay graduation if you can’t fit the course in. Also, plan ahead how you will finish your language requirement. For Translation Option majors, the language requirement should be finished as early as possible, so you have time to take additional translation-related coursework where available.
First priority: LING 101, LING 170, LING 300, and LING 325. Of these, 170 is higher priority, because it is the prerequisite for many other courses.
Second priority: LING 329, LING 423 (Semantics is strongly recommended for TRST Option majors), TRST 201, TRST 301.
Third priority: LING 420, LING 421, Sociocultural Requirement, TRST 301
Fourth priority: TRST 401, and the final TRST course (410, 435 or 451) and then finish the Elective courses. Among these, prioritize those that are offered Fall only or Spring only.