Edward Quest (1941–2024)
In Memoriam
Dr. Charles Edward Quest, professor emeritus of philosophy, died on December 28, 2024, at the age of 83.
Ed was born on May 7th 1941, in Louisville Kentucky during World War II. He grew up with his brother Bill and his two sisters, Libby and Barbara. In 1961, he met his wife Jane in Europe, where they were both studying at the University of Vienna. Their friendship led to courtship, which continued back in the States.
After Ed’s graduation from Duke University, he and Jane married and came to California. Ed earned his doctorate in philosophy at Claremont Graduate University, which underwent a massive expansion from 1966–1971 thanks in part a $5,000,000 Challenge Grant from the Ford Foundation. Upon graduation, Ed accepted a full professorship at Long Beach State University, and began doing what he did best—teaching philosophy. He loved ideas about rationality and ethics, and was fond of topics such as the morality of war, what deserves praise, and the meaning of happiness. His students have described him as thoughtful, decent, and lively. During his teaching career at LBSU, he published several well-received philosophical articles.
In addition to academics, Ed loved sports—especially baseball, basketball, and tennis—which was shared with his children. Oftentimes, he would fall asleep listening to the Lakers’ Chick Hearn and Dodgers’ Vin Scully. Most importantly, Dr. Quest was a loving husband to his wife, and a wonderful father to his children, Molly, Peter, Theodore, William, and Benjamin. He was “always there” for his family, be it tennis, music, soccer, or canoe trips. He also was a special grandfather to his grandchildren, Jonah, Andrew, Katherine, Charlie, Timothy, and Connor. His son Willy describes Ed as ‘the best father, the father you try to be when you become a father’. Ed is survived by his wife, five children, six grandchildren, brother, and two sisters. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Jimmy Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr. Charles Edward Quest’s legacy will live on in the lives he touched, especially those of his wife and family, and the many students he taught. He will be deeply missed, but his respect for the beauty and truth he saw in the world will continue to inspire those who knew him.
Alumni Spotlight: Faris Babineaux
Faris Babineaux Esq, BA in Philosophy & BS in Criminology and Criminal Justice Class of ‘21
Faris earned two bachelor degrees and a certificate in legal studies from CSULB in 2021. He competed in track and field at CSULB and was the 2020 Big West Scholar-Athlete of the year. Faris went on to earn his JD from Texas A & M University School of Law and was admitted to the State Bar of Texas in 2024. While at Texas A & M, Faris was the president of the Black Law Student Association, placed fourth in the National Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition, and volunteered in the school’s recruiting department. Faris currently works at Haynes and Boone, LLP in Dallas doing work on complex commercial real estate transactions. In his free time, he likes to watch Godzilla movies with his gecko, Cornelia, and cook steaks.
Student Accomplishments
(02/01/25) Conference Presentation
Liz Sato‘s paper, ‘Empathy as a fiction-ish emotion’ was accepted for presentation at the inaugural West Coast Philosophy Masters Conference, which will take place April 5th at San Jose State.
(01/21/25) CLA Equity Scholar
Congratulations to Paige Kim, who was selected to be the department’s CLA Equity Scholar this SP25 term. It’s great to see such deserving students supported.
(08/30/24) CLA Equity Scholar
Welcome to Daniel Mangondi-Escobar, who was selected to be a CLA Equity Scholar for FA24. This program provides research support to individuals membering in groups that have been historically underrepresented in academia.
(07/01/24) Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship
Abel Peña was awarded an AY24–25 Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship, which comes with $5,000 to offset application fees plus a year of mentorship from Prof. Cory Wright in preparation for applying doctoral programs. Outstanding! What’s more, Abel is the fifth philosophy student in four years to win this award.
(06/25/24) Conference Activities
The Summer Institute for American Philosophy was held at the University of Hawaii Hilo, and featured a paper on Roman Jakobson and Charles Peirce by Tracie Hoops. Tracie has also been organizing a pragmatism reading group, and will be presenting her research at the annual meeting of the Peirce Society on July 27th.
(04/15/24) Doctoral Admission, Florida State University
Congratulations to graduate student Yahui Chen, who will begin her doctoral studies next fall at Florida State University—arguably one of the top places in the U.S. to specialize in philosophy of action. Best wishes for the next chapter of your academic career!
(04/15/24) Masters Admission, Brandeis University
Good luck to Yunong Niu, who will be moving to Waltham next fall to matriculate in the MA program in Philosophy at Brandeis University.
(04/05/24) Conference Activities
Cody Spjut is headed to Seattle for the 17th annual West Coast Plato Workshop, where he will be commenting on Melle van Duijin’s paper entitled ‘Plato’s Apology as consolation’. Congratulations also to Yahui Chen, who presented her paper on Aristotle at the SP24 Northern Association of Ancient Philosophy Annual Conference at Nottingham University, and, before that, the FA23 Philosophy Colloquium at Tsinghua University.
(03/20/24) OGS Dean’s List of Graduating Masters Students
Impressively, Chavva Olander is one of six students from the liberal arts to be lauded with the Graduate Dean’s List award this year. Only 1% of the overall number of students pursuing a Masters degree get this award. Outstanding work, Chavva!
UPDATE: having now finished her Master’s degree, Chavva will begin teaching a couple of philosophy courses this coming FA24 as the instructor of record. We’re looking forward to having her join the faculty here at CSULB.
(03/18/24) MA thesis
Congrats to Philosophy Department ASC Abigali Judge, who successfully defended her Master’s thesis in the Religious Studies program this week.
(03/08/24) 36th Annual CSULB Student Research Competition
This year’s SRC will feature four talks from philosophy students in the Humanities and Letters category: Jason Rosencrantz on the implications of polysemy of natural language quantifiers for metaphysics; El Nicklin on Locke on reflection, Travis Barnett‘s application of Kierkegaard’s meditations about despair to genetic testing, and Cody Spjut on Plato’s theory of forms.
UPDATE: Travis took first place in the Humanities and Letters category, and so shall go on to compete at the 38th annual statewide CSU competition, which is being held on April 26th–27th at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Great job, Travis!
(02/28/24) Doctoral Admission, University of California Riverside
After weighing multiple offers, MA alumna Regina Swanson has settled on matriculating at the University of California Riverside for her doctoral studies in the Department of Religious Studies. Congratulations, Regina, you’re on your way!
(12/15/23) CLA Equity Scholar
Congratulations to Sarah Nolte, who was selected to be the department’s next CLA Equity Scholar this SP24 term. (See here for interviews with the previous CLA Equity Scholars in Philosophy.)
(12/01/23) Conference Presentation
Cody Spjut visited his alma mater, Cal Poly SLO, to present his paper ‘Persistent self-predication problems in Plato’s theory of forms‘ and serve as judge for the intercollegiate ethics bowl competition sponsored by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE).
(09/18/23) UC Irvine Diversity Program
Congratulations to Yahui Chen and Abel Peña, who were invited to attend UC Irvine’s ‘PhD Summer Camp’, which aims to help members of marginalized groups navigate doctoral study.
(08/23/23) Conference Presentations
The Lithuanian Association for Phenomenology is hosting a conference on concepts of sedimentation this September, and Joe Gordon was awarded a Grad Center travel grant to present his paper on Husserl. Joe has been organizing the Nietzsche Reading Group, and will also be traveling to Sicily in November to present a second paper on Nietzsche on Empedocles, hosted by the Fonte Aretusa Organization.
(07/21/23) Book Review in History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis
Congratulations to graduate student Cody Spjut, whose review of Anna Marmodoro’s Forms and Structure in Plato’s Metaphysics was just published in volume 26 of the journal History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis. Excellent work!
(07/01/23) CLA Equity Scholar
The department welcomes Camille Wold to the MA program this FA23 term and congratulates her on receiving a CLA equity scholarship.
(05/16/23) Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship
Cody Spjut is the fourth graduate student in philosophy in the last three years to be awarded a Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship, which comes with mentorship from Prof. Rosenkrantz in preparation for applying doctoral programs and $5,000 to offset application fees. Amazing!
UPDATE: Cody’s summer research project for his Sally Casanova fellowship will be to work on Plato’s late-period theory of forms with Dr. John Proios at the University of Chicago from June 24 to August 16.
(05/15/23) OGS Graduate Fellowship 2023–2024
Congratulations to MA student Manuel Rojas, who was selected as one of the two CLA recipients of the AY23–24 Graduate Fellowship. The university has repurposed these fellowships to advancing its interests in ‘the public good’; we’ll still be on the lookout, though, for some of Manuel’s research in the coming year.
(05/01/23) Phi Beta Kappa
Undergraduate major Elian Leal was lauded as an inductee into Phi Beta Kappa, Member in Course. Excellent!
(04/15/23) Doctoral Admission, Saint Louis University
After weighing multiple offers, Pedro Rapallo Zubillaga has decided to begin his doctoral studies in Philosophy at Saint Louis University. Way to go, Pedro!
(04/01/23) Conference Presentations
Pedro Rapallo Zubillaga‘s paper on the problem of imaginative resistance was accepted for presentation at the University of Toronto’s IHPST Graduate Conference this coming May 5–6th. Pedro also presented this paper at the 2022 SPEL Philosophy Graduate Student Conference, held at SUNY Binghamton last November 12–13.
(03/20/23) Summer Research Assistantship
Congratulations to undergraduate major El Nicklin, who has been awarded a SU23 RAship to assist Prof. Jayasekera on a research project in early modern philosophy.
(03/10/23) 35th Annual CSULB Student Research Competition
The Humanities and Letters category of this year’s SRC featured talks on instrumental value, brute facts, decision theory, Aristotle on friendship, color vision, and linguistic meaning, inter alia, by philosophy students Peden Sager, Toko Dougherty, Chavva Olander, Cody Spjut, Donald Davis, Raley Zurcher, and Yahui Chen.
(01/31/23) Publication
Congratulations to graduate student, Jessica Manzo, whose co-authored paper with Dr. Sanem Saner, entitled ‘Respect, resourcefulness, empathy’ was recently published in volume 22 of the journal Teaching Ethics.
(01/24/23) Conference Presentation
Yahui Chen‘s paper, ‘Aristotle on goodwill in friendships’, was selected for presentation at a graduate student conference to be held at Toronto Metropolitan University this coming March 18th. Chavva Olander‘s paper, ‘Rough Heroes in Fiction and Real Life’, was presented at both the 15th biennial conference of the Radical Philosophy Association last November and will also be presented at the Central Division of the APA this coming February.
(01/19/23) CLA Equity Scholars
Congratulations to both Victoria Cinquegrani and Frank Mendoza, whom were selected to be the department’s CLA Equity Scholars for SP23. This initiative provides research support to members of groups that are historically underrepresented in higher education.
(01/07/23) UTC Award
The University Transportation Center lauded recent MA alum James Reuter as the 2022 Masters students of the year for Pacific Southwest Region (more details here).
(01/01/23) Workshop
The University of Vienna is hosting an online workshop series for early career researchers on the theme Controversies and Crises in German Philosophy (1860–1914). Joe Gordon presents a draft paper, ‘Nietzsche and the doctrine of flux in Twilight of the Idols‘, on January 19th.
(10/12/22) Conference Presentation
Caleb Perl organized a USC workshop for former students from Shandong University, and Ning Shao has been invited to present a work-in-progress this coming week, too—congratulations.
(08/26/22) CLA Equity Scholar
Welcome and congratulations to the department’s Equity Scholar for FA22, Esther Sims. The CLA EQS initiative provides research support through mentorship and training in the Liberal Arts.
(08/08/22) UC Irvine LPS Diversity Program
Ning Shao attended a week-long diversity program at UC Irvine LPS, which aims to help underrepresented students who plan to study graduate-level logic and/or philosophy of science.
(06/10/22) UC Davis Envision Program
Congratulations to Chavva Olander, who was admitted to the Envision program at UC Davis. The program aims to bring promising doctoral applicants from groups historically underrepresented in higher education to campus for exploratory visits.
(05/19/22) Predoctoral Fellowship 2022–2023
Tanner Whitlow will be an AY22–23 recipient of the Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship. The fellowship comes with a $3,000 award for the purposes of applying to doctoral programs.
(05/09/22) Oslo Summer Workshop
Congratulations to Yahui Chen, who was admitted to the PhD workshop ‘Generic Generalizations in Science, Ethics, and Society‘ at the Institutt for Filosofi at the University of Oslo this coming June.
(04/15/22) Doctoral Admission, University of Pennsylvania
MA student Shawn Hernandez will be off to the University of Pennsylvania this fall, where he will begin his PhD as a Fontaine Fellow. Outstanding, Shawn, your efforts have paid off!
(04/15/22) Doctoral Admission, University of California Riverside
Congratulations to MA student Keilee Bessho, who has just accepted a fully funded offer in Philosophy at UCR, where she will begin her doctoral program as a Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellow. We’re looking forward to hearing about all of your future successes!
(04/15/22) Doctoral Admission, University of Texas Austin
MA student Ryan Lam will be moving to Austin to pursue the PhD at the University of Texas. Best wishes for the next chapter of your academic career, Ryan!
(04/11/22) FAF Senate Fellow
Congratulations to triple major Sandra Avitia, who will be a Senate Fellow this FA22 with the French·American Fund. Sandra will pursue Master’s coursework at Sorbonne Université in Paris and will intern with the French Senator from Normandie, Sonia de la Provôté.
(04/11/22) SC Research Program
Tom Ho was awarded the opportunity to indulge in a summer research experience through the AY21–22 Sally Casanova predoctoral fellowship program. Tom will have the opportunity to visit with Prof. Tony Chemero at the University of Cincinnati (his alma mater), and will spend his time developing a research paper.
(04/06/22) Best Thesis Award
MA alum Caitlin Mace has won the College of Liberal Art’s award for Best Master’s Thesis in AY21–22. Caitlin’s thesis is a close study of the appeal to optogenetics research as a way of adjudicating the debate reductionists and mechanists in philosophy of neuroscience. Tremendous effort, Caitlin, congrats on being recognized for your work!
(03/24/22) SU22 Research Assistantship
Congrats also to graduate student Ning Shao, who is also one of 34 students university-wide to receive a summer Research Assistantship. Ning will be working with Prof. Wright on the topic of the norms and nature of scientific explanation this summer, with a focus on the fictional approach to model-based idealizations.
(03/23/22) Summer Research Assistantship
Congratulations to Chavva Olander for winning a competitive SU22 Research Assistantship. Chavva will be working with her faculty mentor, Prof. Jayasekera, to assess the current state of the debate in the experimental philosophy literature on the phenomenology of agency. This work will also be part of a bigger project about the role of experience in arguments about the nature of free will. We’re looking forward to reading more about this research!
(03/22/22) Graduate Dean’s List
CLA has named its AY21–22 awardees for the OGS Dean’s List award of Graduating Masters Students, which is limited to no more than 1% of the overall number of students pursuing a Masters degree. This year, the Department of Philosophy has, not one, but two students lauded with the award: Shawn Hernandez and Keilee Bessho. Congratulations, both.
(03/18/22) Conference Presentation
Chavva Olander is one of two students invited to present at the SP22 Women’s Research Conference. The hybrid event occurs on Zoom and in-person at the Anatol Center (AS–119). Come hear Chavva discuss ‘Gender nihilism’ at 10:00am.
(03/16/22) Lugano Summer Program
MA student Cody Spjut was admitted to the summer program at the Università della Svizzera Italiana, led by Profs. John Marenbon and Anna Marmodoro. This summer’s topic is on the metaphysics of monadic and polyadic properties and relations in ancient and medieval philosophy.
(03/11/22) 34rd Annual CSULB Student Research Competition
This year’s SRC is back in person! On Friday March 11th in COB–218, four philosophy graduate students will present papers in the Humanities and Letters category: Yahui Chen (‘tbd’ at 9:15am); Pedro Rapallo Zubillaga (‘Impossibly immoral fictions and how to understand them’ at 9:55am); Ning Shao (‘Two conceptions of color’ at 10:15am); and Raley Zurcher (‘Defending adverbialism against the temporal and many properties problem’ at 10:55am).
(03/08/22) Vienna Summer Program
MA student Pedro Rapallo Zubillaga was admitted to the Institute Vienna Circle’s 21st annual summer program (USS-SWC) this coming July. This year’s theme is ‘Representation in Art and Science’, and will feature ten days with Profs. Chiara Ambrosio, Catherine Elgin, & Dominic McIver Lopes.
(02/11/22) Colloquia and Publication
Tanner Whitlow‘s paper with Dr. Laskowski, entitled ‘Categorical phenomenalism about sexual orientation’, was accepted for presentation at the Central Division of the APA this February; Tanner will also be co-presenting the paper at a colloquium at Rice University on February 18th.
UPDATE: Tanner’s paper was just accepted for publication in the journal Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, which is one of the discipline’s top generalist journals. This is a tremendous achievement!
(01/30/22) CLA Equity Scholar
Congratulations to Chavva Olander, who was selected as a SP22 Equity Scholar (mentored by Prof. Rosenkrantz). The CLA EQS initiative is designed to support access to mentorship and training in the Liberal Arts. We look forward to seeing more of Chavva’s research.
(12/05/21) Publication
Congratulations to MA student Shawn Hernandez, whose co-authored paper with Dr. Laskowski, ‘Practical reasons for belief without stakes‘ was accepted for publication in the journal Analytic Philosophy.
(11/19/21) Conference Presentations
Daniel Sierra will be presenting his paper ‘Mr. Frege, the Platonist’ at the Novembertagung workshop on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics on November 19th. Previously, Daniel also presented his paper at the 48th annual conference of the Society for Exact Philosophy, which is a members-only reading through the end of August, and the Formal Philosophy 2021 online conference sponsored by HSE University Moscow on June 22nd.
(09/24/21) SEAC and APPE Conference Presentations
With Dr. Sanem Saner, Jessica Manzo will be co-presenting a short video essay at the 22nd annual conference of the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum and the 30th annual Association for Practical and Professional Ethics conference.
(09/21/20) Long Beach City College Internship
Owing in part to her experience with last semester’s special project on social justice pedagogy, LBCC accepted Enoki Nguyen for their AY21–22 Faculty Diversity Internship program. Enoki will participate in various workshops throughout the year; and, with mentor Robert Vitt, she will help plan and implement classes during SP22 and will receive a $750 award, to boot. Congrats!
(08/14/21) Graduate Research Fellow 2021–2022
Ryan Lam has been selected as the recipient of the AY21–22 Graduate Research Fellowship for the College of Liberal Arts. The University awards one GRF per college per year, making this quite an honor for both Ryan and the Department. He will be working with Dr. Laskowski on a project concerning normative realism in metaethics.
(07/20/21) Predoctoral Fellowships 2021–2022
MA students Keilee Bessho and Tom Ho will be AY21–22 recipients of the Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship, which provides support for disadvantaged students with doctoral ambitions. Keilee and Tom will each be awarded $3,000, mentorship from Prof. Wright in preparation for applying doctoral programs, and access to a summer research experience at a University of California campus. Congratulations, both!
(07/05/21) CLA Equity Scholar
CLA has inaugurated a new recruitment initiative, which is designed to promote excellence in research and to support access to mentorship and research training in the Liberal Arts. Congratulations and welcome to Ning Shao, who was selected as the FA21 EQS for the Department of Philosophy, and will be mentored by Prof. Wright. We look forward to seeing how her research takes shape!
(06/15/21) Conference Presentation
Caitlin Mace will be presenting her poster ‘Beyond metascience in the search for engrams’ (with Prof. Wright) poster at the 47th annual meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology at 5:00pm EDT on June 28th.
(05/06/21) Summer Research Assistantship
Philosophy major Gabriella Labrador has been awarded a 2021 Research Assistantship. Gabby will be working on a project this summer with Prof. Wieland on topics in aesthetics.
(04/15/21) Doctoral Admission, University of Pittsburgh
After weighing multiple options, MA student Caitlin Mace has decided to accept Pitt’s fully funded offer to begin her PhD in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science. The HPS department at Pitt has a long and venerable history, and is arguably the world’s best. What a superb accomplishment!
(04/15/21) Doctoral Admission, University of California Irvine
Graduate student Michael Lara has accepted a fully funded offer to begin the doctoral program in Philosophy at UC Irvine—a top-20 ranked PhD program in the U. S. Terrific news, Michael, congratulations!
(04/15/21) Doctoral Admission, University of Memphis
Miguel Hernandez will be pursuing his doctoral studies in continental philosophy at the University of Memphis, which is certainly one of the top places in the U. S. to study social philosophy in the continental and postmodernist traditions. Best wishes for the next chapter of your academic career, Miguel.
UPDATE: Miguel has joined the interdisciplinary Philosophy & Literature program at Purdue University, where he will continue his doctoral studies nearer to family.
(04/15/21) Admission, Texas A & M Law School
Faris Babineaux, who is graduating magna cum laude with a double major in Philosophy & Criminal Justice and the Legal Studies certificate, has accepted an offer to attend Texas A&M. Superb!
(04/14/21) Masters Admission, Marquette University
Starting this fall, undergraduate honors student Damon Paffenroth will begin the MA program at Marquette, where he will continue exercising his interests in late 19th and early 20th century continental philosophy.
(04/11/21) Conference Presentations
On Saturday April 17th Ryan Lam will be presenting his paper ‘Moral realism and the two faces of moral truth’ at the annual Southeastern Graduate Philosophy Conference at 9:00am EDT, and Keilee Bessho will be presenting her paper at the 6th annual Graduate Humanities & Arts Conference at Cal State San Marcos at 10:15am PDT. Tanner Whitlow will be co-presenting a paper with Dr. Laskowski entitled ‘Explaining sexual orientations’ on May 28th at the Barcelona Seminar in Social Metaphysics (with talks on the ‘read-ahead’ model).
(03/31/21) Publication
Congratulations to graduate student Shawn Hernandez, whose co-authored paper with Dr. Laskowski, ‘What makes normative concepts normative‘ was accepted for publication in volume 37 of the journal Southwest Philosophical Review. What’s more, the paper will also feature a response from Prof. Matti Eklund (Uppsala University).
(03/19/21) 33rd Annual CSULB Student Research Competition
Four philosophy graduate students are presenting at this year’s SRC, which takes place on Friday March 19th in zoom room #8: Caitlin Mace (‘Engrams and optogenetics’ at 9:30am); Ryan Lam (‘Moral realism and the two facets of moral truth’ at 9:45am); Keilee Bessho (‘The importance of knowing weighty reasons in deliberation’ at 10:00am); and Michael Lara (‘Intellectualists get a failing grade at gradability’ at 12:00pm). All presentations are in the Humanities and Letters category of the competition.
(01/29/21) PSA Conference Poster
Caitlin Mace will be presenting her poster ‘Leveling with ruthless reductionists about optogenetics’ (with Prof. Wright) at the 27th biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association.
(01/14/21) APA Conference Presentation
Shawn Hernandez and Dr. Laskowski will be co-presenting their paper ‘What makes normative concepts normative’, at the 117th annual meeting of the Eastern Division of the APA. Shawn was not only awarded an APA Eastern Division Graduate Stipend to do so, but also had his poster, ‘Single-person twin Earth cases are no threat to naturalists’, accepted as well.
(12/23/20) Triple Major
Student success alert! In a unique feat of accomplishment, Sandra Avitia completed a triple major—CSULB’s only one so far this century—in Philosophy, French, and International Studies. Here’s her story.
(12/15/20) SI Award
Of the 30 Supplemental Instruction Leaders last fall, MA Philosophy student Amy Umaña was recognized as ‘SIL of the Semester’ for her outstanding performance teaching the Organizational Behavior course in Human Resources Management. Way to go, Amy!
(12/15/20) Phillips Memorial Fellowship
MA student Daniel Luna is the inaugural recipient of the $5,000 Phillips Fellowship from the Institute of Transactional Philosophy, which is open to graduate students whose areas of interest include pragmatic (esp. John Dewey), transactional, or process approaches.
(12/03/20) TIES Internship
Congrats to MA student Jessica Manzo, who was invited to participate in CCCD’s Teaching Internship with Experienced Support (TIES) program, which is a stipendiary training program for future community college instructors. Jessica will be mentored the Chair of Philosophy at Golden West College, Prof. Noah Levin, and will gain access to an array of ‘hands-on’ experiences in and around the classroom.
UPDATE: Having finished both her TIES internship and her MA degree, Jessica is now teaching Intro to Philosophy at Golden West Community College in SU24.
(11/25/20) Conference Presentation
James Reuter presented his paper ‘A phenomenology of history’ at the 7th annual conference of The Liberal Herald of Bratislava in partnership with the Central European University. This year’s conference is on the theme ‘Stories, Histories, Memories‘.
(07/01/20) Graduate Research Fellowship 2020–2021
The University awards one Graduate Research Fellowship per college per year, and Michael Lara was selected as the recipient of the AY20–21 GRF for the College of Liberal Arts. He will be working with Dr. Wallis on a project on ‘know how’ in epistemology.
(05/26/20) Summer Research Assistantship
Congrats to graduate student Caitlin Mace, who was one of 35 students university-wide to receive a SU20 Research Assistantship. She will be working with Prof. Wright on the topic of reducative versus mechanistic explanation in molecular neuroscience and psychobiology this summer.
(05/15/20) SLD Leadership awards
SPA President Michael Lara has been recognized by SLD/ASI as Outstanding Officer-of-the-Year for his demonstrated leadership and commitment to advance the mission of the organization.
(04/18/20) Law School Admission, University of California Irvine
Luciano Alvarado, a Physics major and Philosophy minor, has accepted an offer to attend UC Irvine, which has one of the top law schools in the United States. Such a well-deserved success!
(04/15/20) Doctoral Admission, University of Wisconsin
After weighing multiple options, MA student Burgandy Basulto has decided to accept a fully funded offer to begin the doctoral program in Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin—a top-20 ranked PhD program in the US. We wish her the best as she continues on her academic journey in Madison.
(04/06/20) Best Thesis Award
MA student Dean Bruce has won the College of Liberal Art’s award for Best Master’s Thesis in AY19–20. Dean’s thesis was a close study of Abû Hâmid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ġhazâlî’s (fl. 1056–1111 CE) views on occasionalism, natural science, and divine omnipotence. Excellent research, Dean, and a hearty congratulations on being lauded for your work!
(03/16/20) Exceptional Student Award
Unfortunately, the exceptional student awards banquet has been canceled due to the covid-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the CSULB award for outstanding achievement, for seniors graduating magna cum laude with a ≥3.75 GPA, was given to Philosophy majors Tanner Whitlow and Kyle Bollin. Congratulations, both!
(02/21/20) 32nd Annual CSULB Student Research Competition
Five philosophy graduate students are presenting at this year’s SRC: Caitlin Mace (‘What we owe other creatures when they pose a threat to our health and safety’ at 10:20am in COB–112); Michael Lara (‘Perceptual attitude mindreading: behavior prediction in non-linguistic animals’ at 1:40pm in COB–110); Shawn Hernandez (‘Alien nurse, the causal theory, and moral truth’ at 1:20pm in COB–110); Amy Harms (‘Descartes’ theory of judgment and faith-based beliefs’ at 1:00pm in COB–110); and Avery Amerson (‘Extended cognition and the evolution of language’ at 12:40pm in COB–110). All five presentations are in the Humanities and Letters category of the competition this Friday.
UPDATE: Philosophy minor Nicholas Roy earned first place in the Public Policy, Economics, and Business category, and will now go on—barring COVID-19 cancellation—to compete at the statewide CSU competition at the end of April.
(11/19/19) CSULB Graduate Research Conference
Caitlin Mace and Avery Amerson are participating in the 4th annual CSULB Graduate Research Conference. In Session A, Caitlin is presenting her research (‘Teaching how without knowing how: Considerations for knowledge-how ascriptions’) at one of the roundtable discussions, which begins at 4:00pm in USU–253. In Session B, Avery is presenting his paper (‘Extended cognition and the evolution of human language’) from 6:30-6:45 in USU–305.
(11/15/19) HGSA Presentation
Leading the way in the cross-fertilization between disciplines is Michael Lara, who presented a talk (‘MLK to Kendrick Lamar: Conspiring Against African American Presidencies’) at the 3rd annual History Graduate Student Association conference.
(08/18/19) HOGAR Scholarship
For AY19–20, CLA secured five of six possible HOGAR recruitment scholarships. One of those five recipients is Leandro Mendez, who finished his BA in Philosophy from Florida International University and is beginning the MA program at CSULB this FA19.
(08/01/19) Graduate Research Fellowship 2019–2020
MA student Avery Amerson has been selected as an AY19–20 Graduate Research Fellow for the College of Liberal Arts. Avery will be conducting research in biolinguistics and cognitive science, and is being supervised by Prof. Wieland.
(07/15/19) Pittsburgh Summer Program in Philosophy of Science
Congratulations to Richard Link, who was admitted to the third annual Pittsburgh Summer Program in Philosophy of Science (PSP3) this coming July. PSP3 involves a week of seminars and other events that are designed to provide undergraduates from underrepresented groups with specialized training in Philosophy of Science.
(05/20/19) Mellon Mays Fellow
A big congratulations to Philosophy and Film double major D’Naja Gates, who has been awarded one of the university’s Mellon Mays Fellows for AY19–21. D’Naja will be working on a project in social philosophy and film theory, with mentor Prof. Wright. Cal State Long Beach is one of just 48 schools to particulate in the Mellon Mays program worldwide, and offers only four such fellowships each year. The program provides fellows with various forms of research support, including special programming, faculty mentoring, stipends for research activities, repayment of undergraduate loans up to $10k, and support for summer research.
(05/01/19) Summer Research Assistantship
Congrats to graduate student Avery Amerson, who was one of a few dozen students university-wide to receive a SU19 Research Assistantship. Avery will be working with Prof. Wieland on the topic of linguistic ontology.
(04/15/19) Masters Admission, Georgia State University
Undergraduate Honors student and SPA President Richard Link has accepted a fully-funded offer from Georgia State University, which has one of the most well-regarded MA programs in the U. S. Richard will begin in the Neurophilosophy track starting FA19.
(04/14/19) Exceptional Student Award
Congratulations to Philosophy major Amanda Dilger and minor Christopher Laplante, who recently received awards for outstanding achievement over the course of their academic careers at CSULB. Awardees must have earned a ≥3.75 GPA over four years and have graduated magna cum laude.
(03/27/19) 1st Place, CSU Statewide Student Research Competition
The 33rd annual statewide SRC was held this weekend, bringing together students from all 23 campuses of the CSU system. Avery Amerson was awarded 1st place in the Humanities and Letters category for his presentation ‘Wittgenstein, Extended Cognition, and the Problem of Other Minds’, along with a $600 cash prize.
(03/15/19) Doctoral Admission, University of Cincinnati
Philosophy MA student Vincent del Prado has accepted a fully funded five-year offer, including a Yates Fellowship, to begin his doctoral degree in FA19. The PhD Program at the University of Cincinnati is definitely the place to be for things like Philosophy of Biology, Mind, and Cognitive Science, among several others! Congrats, Vincent. We wish you the best of luck.
(02/16/19) 31st Annual CSULB Student Research Competition
Several philosophy students are presenting at this year’s SRC, which takes place on Friday February 22nd 2019. Graduate Student Avery Amerson will present his paper ‘Wittgenstein, extended cognition, and the problem of other minds’ (12:00pm–12:20pm), and, incidentally, will also be presenting it at the 13th annual philosophy Grad Student Conference at Texas Tech University. Philosophy minors Blake Dimas and Christopher Laplante will present their papers, ‘Adorno and the potentials of pop’ (11:40am–12:00pm) and ‘Do idealizations have epistemic value?’ (12:20pm–12:40pm), respectively. All three presentations are in the Humanities and Letters category of the competition, which occurs in CBA–140.
(02/13/19) Outstanding Baccalaureate Finalist
Congratulations to History & Philosophy double major and Honors student Richard Link, who was selected as a finalist for the AY18–19 commencement award of Outstanding Baccalaureate.
(11/14/18) 3rd annual CSULB Graduate Research Conference
Ryan Shaver will presenting his work-in-progress, ‘A comparative analysis of the predictive processing/Bayesian brain thesis’, as a roundtable discussant in USU–253. Christopher George is presenting his paper, ‘Judicial activism?’, in USU–303. Both are in Session A, which begins at 4:00pm.
(10/22/18) Debate Tournament
Congrats to Philosophy major Danielle Hyslop, who placed as a policy debate semi-finalist at the Las Vegas Classic Debate Tournament at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Danielle is a member of Beach Forensics, the CSULB debate team.
(08/01/18) HOGAR Scholarship
For AY18–19, the College of Liberal Arts secured five of six possible nominations for its HOGAR recruitment scholarships. Miguel Hernandez, who recently finished his BA in English Literature from Cal State Northridge, was one of the five incoming CLA matriculants awarded this scholarship.
(04/19/18) Doctoral Admission, University of Minnesota
Kylie Shahar, an undergraduate Honors student double-majoring in Philosophy & Political Science, has just accepted a fully funded five-year offer, along with a first-year Graduate Scholar Fellowship, to begin her doctoral studies in Fall 2018 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota. We are very proud of Kylie’s achievement, and really excited for her as she begins this next chapter of her career. Congratulations, Kylie!
(04/12/18) Doctoral Admission, University of Connecticut
Graduate student Ahmed Alenaizan has accepted an offer to attend the PhD program at the University of Connecticut. Good luck on this next adventure, Ahmed!
(04/09/18) Summer Research Assistantship
The results of the ORSP competition for Summer Research Assistantships were announced: there were 39 awardees University-wide, four of whom are in the Humanities. Congratulations to Philosophy minor Christopher Laplante, who made the cut! He’ll be assisting Prof. Wright on a project about the epistemic value of idealizations in scientific modeling.
(04/01/18) SPAWP Admission
In addition to PIKSI, undergraduate honors student Monica Casares was admitted to the SU18 program for the Advancement of Women in Philosophy at UC San Diego. SPAWP is a ten-day program for undergraduate women who are interested in pursuing graduate study in philosophy, and is an absolutely wonderful experience. Congratulations, Monica, and good luck!
(04/01/18) Graduate Research Fellowship 2018–2019
Christopher George will be an AY18–19 CLA Graduate Research Fellow. George will use the fellowship to commence with his research on the normative structure of legal reasoning, and is being supervised by Prof. Wieland.
(03/25/18) Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to Philosophy minor Nick Roy, who won the Ray & Marge Lancaster Scholarship in Economics ($2,500), and to Philosophy & English double major Jake Teran, who was awarded the Elizabeth Nielsen and the Minerva Davis Endowment Scholarships through the English Department.
(03/24/18) Conference Presentation at the MidSouth
Congrats to Erik Rodriguez Cerda, who was awarded a Student Life & Development travel award to present his paper, ‘Moral ignorance and the impossibility of akrasia’, at the 42nd annual MidSouth Philosophy Conference at Rhodes College in Memphis.
(03/15/18) PIKSI Admission
Undergraduate honors student Monica Casares was admitted to the prestigious Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute at MIT (PIKSI 2018). PIKSI is a two-week-long, all-expenses-paid seminar designed to encourage undergraduates from underrepresented groups to consider future study in Philosophy.
(03/14/18) Exceptional Student Achievement
Congratulations to two of our graduating Philosophy majors, Crystal Jones and Jake Teran, each of whom has been lauded for ‘Exceptional Student Achievement’. The award is given for outstanding achievement over the course of the academic career at CSULB; students must have earned a ≥3.75 GPA over four years and have graduated magna cum laude. Excellent performance!
(03/06/18) Outstanding Baccalaureate Finalist
Congratulations to Philosophy & Political Science double major and Honors student Kylie Shahar, who was selected as a finalist for the AY17–18 commencement award of Outstanding Baccalaureate. Great job, Kylie!
(02/16/18) 30th Annual CSULB Student Research Competition
Yet another History & Philosophy double major, Richard Link, was selected to compete in the 30th annual SRC. Richard will present his paper, ‘Luminosity and its limits’ from 12:40pm–1:00pm. His talk is in the ‘Humanities and Letters’ section, which takes place in CBA–227 on Friday, February 16, 2018. An awards reception immediately follows the symposium in AS–119 (Anatol Center). Good luck, Richard!
(08/01/17) HOGAR Scholarship
For AY17–18, the College of Liberal Arts secured five of six possible nominations for its HOGAR recruitment scholarships. Vincent del Prado, who recently his BA in Linguistics and Philosophy at the University of California Santa Cruz, was one of the five incoming CLA matriculants awarded this scholarship.
(06/28/17) Publications
Congratulations to graduate student, Alex Beard, whose co-authored paper ‘HIT and brain reward function: A case of mistaken identity (theory)‘ was recently published in Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. The paper—Alex’s first major publication—developed in part from his 2015 summer RAship on the history of electrophysiological research in the 1950s.
UPDATE: Alex’s review of Explanatory Pluralism has finally appeared in volume 78 of the journal Analysis. Congratulations, Alex!
(06/15/17) Masters Admission, Cal State Los Angeles
Starting this fall, undergraduate honors student Jacee Cantler will begin the MA program in Philosophy at CSULA, where she will hopefully be able to continue her study of Astell, Cavendish, Conway, du Châtelet, and other philosophers from the early modern period.
(05/12/17) UC Irvine Research Symposium
Congratulations to another of our undergraduate Honors students, Jacee Cantler, whose paper was accepted for presentation at the 2nd annual UC Irvine Social Justice Research Symposium. The symposium takes place on Friday May 19th from 9:00am–4:00pm in Room #112 of Social Ecology I on the UC Irvine campus.
(04/27/17) Exceptional Student Achievement
Congratulations to two of our graduating Philosophy majors, Jose Vera Cruz and Nickolas Sackett, who were both lauded at CLA’s Exceptional Students Reception (5:00pm-6:00pm in the USU Ballroom) for having earned a ≥3.75 GPA over four years and graduating magna cum laude. Stellar!
(04/15/17) Doctoral Admission, University of California San Diego
Congratulations to Andrew Bollhagen, who has accepted a five-year SEED Fellowship to begin his doctoral studies in Fall 2017 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of California San Diego. Being a top-20 ranked PhD program in the US, with many internationally renown faculty, Andrew will be in very good hands. We wish him the best as he continues on to much bigger and better things!
UPDATE: Andrew was the inaugural winner of the Isaac Levi Prize! In a triple-blind review process, the Levi prize committee selected Andrew’s essay, ‘Hempel’s Raven Revisited’ to be published in the Journal of Philosophy and receive a $10,000 award. Outstanding, Andrew, we are so proud of you!
(04/15/17) Doctoral Admission, University of Colorado Boulder
Alex Beard has accepted a fully funded, five-year offer to begin his doctoral studies in Fall 2017 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Colorado Boulder. Congratulations (again!), Alex, and good luck on your next adventure.
(04/15/17) Doctoral Admission, University of Minnesota
Congratulations to graduate student Nathan Lackey, who has accepted a fully funded, five-year offer to begin his doctoral studies in Fall 2017 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota. Minnesota was one of Nathan’s top choices, given their department strengths in Philosophy of Physics and Mathematics in particular, and Philosophy of Science more generally. Good luck, Nathan!
(03/15/17) CSU Masters Admissions
Two Philosophy students will be starting Master’s degrees this coming fall. Philosophy major and former president of the Student Philosophy Association Jessica Stroke will begin a 60-unit MS degree in School Counseling, which has a research and data-oriented emphasis on social justice. Philosophy minor Brian Huang is beginning the MA in Political Science here at CSULB. Good luck, both! We wish you the best in continuing your education.
(02/28/17) OGS List of Graduating Masters Students
CLA announced that Alex Beard is one of eight students to receive the Graduate Dean’s List award for AY16–17. (nb: The number of awardees from each college is limited to 1% of the overall number of students pursuing a Masters degree.) Congratulations, Alex, this is a well-deserved honor.
(02/28/17) Iris Marion Young Fellowship, PIKSI Rock
Congratulations to undergraduate Honors student Kylie Shahar, who was awarded an Iris Marion Young Fellowship to attend the prestigious Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute (PIKSI 2017) at Penn State. PIKSI is a two-week-long, all-expenses-paid seminar designed to encourage undergraduates from underrepresented groups to consider future study in Philosophy. The seminar will take place at the Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State. See the PIKSI 2017 flyer for more information.
(02/18/17) Doctoral Admission in Clinical Psychology
Philosophy minor Nathan Sollenberger has been admitted to the PhD program in Clinical Science in Child and Adolescent Psychology at Florida International University. Nathan will be moving to Miami this summer to begin his research on susceptibility to substance use disorders in adolescents.
(02/17/17) 29th Annual CSULB Student Research Symposium
Another graduate student in Philosophy was selected to compete in the 29th Annual Student Research Symposium. Vannessa Malabanan will present her paper, ‘Rule‐Following Paradox Remains Unsolved, But We Get On Anyway’ from 11:10am to 11:30am. Vanessa’s talk is in the Humanities and Letters category, which takes place in CBA–122 on Friday, February 17, 2017.
UPDATE: Vanessa took first place in the Humanities and Letters category, and will now go on to compete at the 31st annual statewide CSU competition, which is being held on April 28th–29th at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Way to go, Vanessa!
(01/27/17) Masters Admission, San Francisco State University
Congratulations to undergraduate student Robbie Brown, who was admitted to the MA program in Philosophy at San Francisco State University for 2017. Congratulations, Robbie, on this accomplishment! We wish you the best in continuing your education in Philosophy.
(11/07/16) Inaugural CSULB Graduate Research Conference
Two graduate students in Philosophy were selected to present at the 1st annual CSULB Graduate Research Conference. Ryan Shaver presented his paper, ‘Reductionist vs. connectionist methods for ‘knowing how,” followed by Alex Beard, who presented his paper, ‘Event segmentation and the epistemic conception of mechanistic explanation’.
(10/14/16) 2016 MSB Essay Competition
Graduate student Vanessa Malabanan has been notified that her paper, ‘Mixed inferences: not a problem for pluralism about truth’, was one of the top ten best submissions to the annual Missing Shade of Blue (MSOB) essay competition, sponsored by the University of Edinburgh. You can read more about this year’s ten best papers, and the competition more generally, on the MSOB fb page. Congratulations Vanessa!
(08/01/16) Book Review in Philosophy in Review
Congratulations to graduate student Nathan Lackey, whose co-authored review of María de Paz & Robert DiSalle (eds.) Poincaré, Philosopher of Science: Problems and Perspectives was published in volume 36 of the journal Philosophy in Review.
(07/01/16) Pre-Doctoral Research Position in Philosophy of Neuroscience
Graduate student Andrew Bollhagen was selected to become a Pre-doctoral Research Associate in Philosophy of Neuroscience for this coming AY16–17. Andrew will work directly with Prof. John Bickle at Mississippi State University and at the Jackson Medical Center on various projects, including the SEP entry on Philosophy of Neuroscience. Congratulations Andrew!
(06/01/16) External Scholarship
Congratulations to graduate student Nathan Lackey, who recently awarded with a $500 academic scholarship from the Ventura chapter of the Optimist Club, ‘in recognition for outstanding scholarship and community service with an attitude exemplifying the spirit of optimism’.
(04/12/16) Doctoral Admission, University of Rochester
Congratulations to undergraduate student Rafael Perez, who recently accepted a fully-funded offer to begin his doctoral studies this Fall 2016 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Rochester. Congratulations, Rafael! Rochester’s PhD program is a well-regarded, top-50 ranked program with many excellent faculty. We wish Rafael the best as he continues on to bigger and better things!
(03/17/16) Conference Presentation, University of Washington
Congratulations to graduate student Alex Beard, whose paper ‘Brain reward function and HIT: a case of mistaken identity (theory)’ was accepted for presentation at a ‘Values in Science’ conference at the University of Washington this past weekend. Alex was also supported by a Project HOGAR Graduate Student Travel Award.
(03/02/16) 28th Annual CSULB Student Research Symposium
Two graduate students in Philosophy were selected to compete in the 28th annual Student Research Symposium (Friday February 19 2016 in CBA–122). Nathan Lackey will present his paper, ‘Congruence, geometry, and space’ from 12:10pm to 12:30pm, and Alex Beard will present his paper, ‘Brain reward function and HIT: a case of mistaken identity (theory)’ from 1:10pm to 1:30pm. (Update: Alex Beard and Nathan Lackey placed among the top three winners in the Humanities and Letters category.)
(08/25/15) Visiting Studentship
Graduate student Mitch Kaufman begins the academic year studying abroad at the Nosara Yoga Institute and the Qixing Taiji Tao Temple in San Marcos, Guatemala.
(06/01/15) Masters Admission, Cal State Los Angeles
Starting this fall, undergraduate honors student Zackary Ford will begin the MA program in Philosophy at CSULA. We wish him well with his graduate course of study.
(05/15/15) Graduate Research Fellowship 2015–2016
Nathan Lackey has been selected as the recipient of the AY15–16 Graduate Research Fellowship for the College of Liberal Arts. The University awards one GRF per college per year, making this quite an honor for both Nathan and the Department of Philosophy. Nathan will be working with Prof. Wright on a project in the epistemology of geometry—specifically, on the philosophical implications of the theory of general relativity for Poincaré’s conventionalism.
(05/07/15) Doctoral Admission, University of Kansas
Congratulations to graduate student Kevin Watson, who recently accepted a fully-funded offer to begin his doctoral studies this FA15 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Kansas. We wish Kevin the best as he continues on to bigger and better things!
(04/18/15) Summer Research Assistantship
Graduate student Alex Beard has won a highly competitive 2015 CSULB Student Summer Research Award. Out of university-wide 116 applicants, Alex’s application was one of 37 selected. He’ll be working on a project with Prof. Wright regarding the history of scientific research on electrophysiology and psychopharmacology.
(02/14/15) 27th Annual CSULB Student Research Symposium
Philosophy MA students Christian Weede and Nathan Lackey were selected to present their papers, ‘Some problems with knowing how: a response to Stanley & Williamson’ and ‘Prohibited content: explaining a slur’s linguistic behavior’, respectively, at CSULB’s annual SRC.
UPDATE: Christian took first place in the Humanities and Letters category, and will now go on to compete at the statewide CSU competition in May. Excellent job, Christian!
(10/15/14) Book Review in Philosophical Quarterly
Congratulations to graduate student Emily Barrett, whose co-authored review of Lisa Bortolotti’s Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs will be published in volume 65 of the journal Philosophical Quarterly.
(05/03/14) AAPP Conference Presentation
As part of her GRF, Emily Barrett is traveling to New York to present her paper, ‘Clinical implications of conversational implicature’, at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry.
(05/01/14) Exceptional Student Award
Congratulations to Philosophy and Biochemistry double major Joshua Feng, who was lauded with the College of Liberal Arts’s ‘Exceptional Student Achievement’ Award. The award is given for outstanding achievement over the course of the academic career at CSULB; students must have earned a ≥3.75 GPA over four years and have graduated magna cum laude. Way to go, Josh!
(04/24/14) Conference Presentation in The Netherlands
Kevin Watson is presenting his paper, ‘Tracing and offloading: a neo-Lockean reply to Johnston’ at the 8th annual Dutch Philosophers’ Rally: Selves and Persons at Radbound Universiteit Nijmegen in The Netherlands. Kevin also received a Rally Travel Grant to boot—excellent!
(04/21/14) Law School Admission, UC Hastings
Philosophy major Celia Guzman is headed to the University of California Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco to pursue her JD next fall. (Celia is now a founding partner at at Mitchell, Silberberg, & Knupp LLP.)
(04/16/14) APA Commentary
Emily Barrett will be in San Diego this week, commenting on Prof. Michael Goerger’s paper, ‘Friendship and the ethics of social technology’, at the 88th annual meeting of the Pacific Division of the APA.
(04/15/14) Summer Research Assistantship
Graduate student Christian Weede has won a 2014 CSULB Student Summer Research Award. He’ll be working on a project with Dr. Wallis in epistemology on the topic of know-how. Congratulations, Christian!
(04/08/14) Doctoral Admission, University of Wisconsin
Congratulations to graduate student Emily Barrett, who recently accepted a fully-funded offer to begin her doctoral studies this Fall 2014 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin. Congratulations, Emily! Wisconsin’s PhD program is one of the top-30 ranked programs in the country, with many excellent faculty. We wish Emily the best as she continues on to much bigger and better things!
(04/01/14) Law School Admission, Northwestern University
Philosophy BA student Robert Garsson has been admitted to Northwestern School of Law, beginning FA14. Congratulations, Rob, we wish you the best in this endeavor!
UPDATE: Rob has just graduated from Northwestern in SP17 with the Juris Doctorate, where he served as a managing editor on the Northwestern University Law Review, and now works at Sidley Austin LLP in New York.
(04/01/14) Law School Admissions
Philosophy majors and alumni Andrew Grassel and Tessa Nevarez will begin their JD programs at the University of the Pacific and the Southwestern Law School, respectively. Good luck!
(03/08/14) OGS Dean’s List of Graduating Masters Students
Emily Barrett is one of eight students to receive the Graduate Dean’s List award for AY13–14. (nb: The number of awardees from each college is limited to 1% of the overall number of students pursuing a Masters degree.) Congratulations, Emily!
(02/21/14) 26th Annual CSULB Student Research Symposium
Kevin Watson was selected to present his paper, ‘When is an organism an altruist?’, at the 26th Annual Student Research Symposium. Kevin took home second place for outstanding research in the Humanities and Letters category.
(01/24/14) Conference Presentation at the MidSouth
James Cool‘s paper, ‘Doxastic control and the practical/theoretical distinction’, was accepted for presentation at the 38th annual MidSouth Philosophy Conference at Rhodes College in Memphis on February 21–22.
(12/17/13) Law School Admission, University of Southern California
After being admitted to the Law School at USC, Philosophy graduate student Kristopher Gay has finished his MA thesis and was admitted to the State Bar of California. Kristopher is now beginning his career as a Los Angeles District Attorney.
(05/20/13) Graduate Research Fellowship 2013–2014
Philosophy MA student Emily Barrett has been selected as the recipient of the AY13–14 Graduate Research Fellowship for the College of Liberal Arts. Emily will be working with Prof. Wright on a project scrutinizing the doxastic conception of delusions in philosophy of psychiatry.
(05/01/13) Phi Beta Kappa
Congratulations to Joshua Feng, a double Honors double major in Philosophy & Biochemistry, who was lauded as an inductee into Phi Beta Kappa, Member in Course.
(04/15/13) Doctoral Admission, University of Connecticut
Congratulations to undergraduate Emma Björngard, who accepted an offer to start her doctoral studies this FA13 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut. UConn happens to be one of the strongest doctoral programs in the world for philosophical logic and is among the top-35 doctoral programs in the US, with a growing faculty and graduate program. Good luck, Emma, and congrats!
UPDATE: Emma successfully defended her PhD in 2018 with a dissertation on theories of affect, and now teaches Philosophy at UConn’s Stamford campus and is an academic advisor in the School of Business.
(04/01/13) Law School Admission, Loyola
Philosophy MA student Neil Richmond has been admitted to Loyola School of Law, beginning FA13. Congratulations, Neil, we wish you the best in this endeavor.
UPDATE: Neil has now graduated from Loyola, receiving both a J.D. and LL.M in taxation. He graduated in the top 10% of his J.D. class, cum laude and Order of the Coif, and received Honors and High Distinction in the LL.M. Outstanding job, Neil!
(02/22/13) 25th annual Student Research Competition
Congratulations to Antonio Mendoza, a double major in Philosophy & History, who recently won second place in the ‘Humanities and Letters’ category at the 25th annual SRC. Antonio was one of 8 students from the College of Liberal Arts to win an award (out of the 34 students who participated in the competition). Great job!
(04/15/12) Doctoral Admission, Purdue University
Congratulations to graduate student Josh Folk, who recently accepted a prestigious Ross Fellowship to begin his doctoral studies this FA12 in the Department of Philosophy at Purdue University. Congratulations, Josh!
(05/17/11) Graduate Research Fellowship 2011–2012
Philosophy MA student Neil Richmond has been selected as the recipient of the AY11–12 Graduate Research Fellowship for the College of Liberal Arts. Neil will be working with Dr. Wallis on a project in Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
(05/01/11) Phi Beta Kappa
Congratulations to Antonio J. Mendoza, a double major in Philosophy & History, who was lauded as an inductee into Phi Beta Kappa, Member in Course.
(04/15/11) Masters Admission, University of California Los Angeles
Congratulations to undergraduate Honors student Rebekah Bonner, who was admitted to the Masters program in Library & Information Science at UCLA starting in FA11. We wish you the best in continuing your education.
UPDATE: Rebekah has since graduated from UCLA, and—after working on an NSF grant and receiving the 2013 UCLA Chancellor’s Marshall Award—is now a faculty member at the University of Utah working as a Research Data Management Librarian at the J. Willard Marriott Library.
(04/01/11) McNair Scholarship
Congratulations to Philosophy BA honors student and McNair Scholar Michael Moval, whose paper ‘A critique of external world skepticism’ appeared the in volume 15 of the McNair Scholars Research Journal.
(03/02/11) Graduate Dean’s List
Congratulations to Philosophy MA student John Clevenger for being awarded the OGS Dean’s List award for AY10–11. Each academic year, the list of awardees is limited to no more than 1% of the overall number of students graduating with the Masters degree.
(03/01/11) Law School Admission, Loyola
Philosophy & Criminal Justice double major Edgar Vera has been admitted to Loyola School of Law, beginning FA11. (Having graduated from Loyola and passed the California Bar Exam in SU15, Edgar is now an attorney at Karns & Karns.)
(05/01/10) Phi Beta Kappa
Congratulations to another of our Honors students in Philosophy, Clinton Packman, who was lauded as an inductee into Phi Beta Kappa, Member in Course.
(03/15/10) Doctoral Admission, University of Wisconsin
Philosophy BA student Clinton Packman accepted an offer to begin his doctoral studies this Fall 2010 in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, which happens to be one of the top-ranked programs in the world. Clinton was a McNair Scholar while here at Cal State Long Beach, and we wish him the best as he continues on to much bigger and better things!
UPDATE: Clinton defended his dissertation this past SP18, and will be moving to Miami to start as a TT Assistant Professor at Florida International University in FA18. Excellent, Clinton, we’re very proud of you!
(04/15/10) Law School Admissions, University of California Davis
Philosophy & Political Science double major Samuel Bullock is finishing up his honors thesis, and will begin the JD program at UC Davis Law School this FA10. He will be joined by Philosophy major Matthew Gomory, who is will also begin the program this fall. Good luck, both!
(03/15/10) Doctoral Admission, Rice University
Congrats to Roma Claudia Hernández, who accepted an offer to begin her doctoral studies in Philosophy in FA10 at Rice University. After earning her BA in Philosophy, Roma took some additional classes in Philosophy while studying in the German program for her MA. She was also a recipient of the Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship, and also went on to obtain a Fulbright Research Fellowship to study at the Husserl Archive in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cologne.
(07/29/09) Gilman Scholarship
Philosophy & German double major Justin Barner was awarded a Gilman Scholarship to study abroad at the University of Tübingen in Germany for AY09–10. Benjamin Gilman International Scholarships are sponsored by the U. S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with the goal of supporting Pell Grant recipients who have been traditionally underrepresented in study abroad.
(04/06/09) 26th Annual CSULB Student Research Symposium
Clinton Packman was selected to present his paper, ‘Clearing the confusion on consciousness: a study of the knowledge argument and its implication’, at the 21st Annual Student Research Symposium. Clinton took home second place in the Humanities and Letters category.
(05/15/08) Phi Beta Kappa
Jonathan Dixon is an inductee into Phi Beta Kappa, Member in Course, and is graduating summa cum laude.
(04/15/08) Masters Admission, Virginia Tech
Congrats to undergraduate honors student Jonathan Dixon, who has accepted an offer to begin graduate study at one of the nation’s top-tier MA programs, Virginia Tech. Good luck, Jonathan.
UPDATE: After the MA Virginia Tech, Jonathan earned the PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in SP21. In addition to having several new publications out in Ratio, Synthese, and Dialectica, he has taken up a position as Visiting Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University. Congrats!
(04/15/08) Admission, Pepperdine Law School
Philosophy major Josiah Parker will begin the JD program at Pepperdine’s Law School this fall. (Josiah is now an associate attorney at Weitz & Luxenberg.)
(03/15/08) Law School Admission, Chapman University
Philosophy major Stephane Quinn is graduating cum laude and headed to Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law to pursue his JD next fall. (Stephane is now a founding partner at Quinn & Dworakowski LLP.)
(04/15/07) Law School Admission, University of California Davis
After finishing his Honors thesis and graduating cum laude, Philosophy major Errol Dauis will be headed to UC Davis School of Law to pursue his JD next fall.
(04/06/07) Best Thesis Award
MA student Amanda Trefethen has won the College of Liberal Art’s award for Best Master’s Thesis in AY06–07. Amanda’s thesis, entitled ‘Back to the Future: A Modern Day Natural Law Understanding of the Alien Tort Claims Act of 1789‘, is a study of the interpretation of human rights law. Congratulations on being lauded for your work, Amanda.
(04/01/04) Summer Internship with NEH
Out of more than 200 applicants nationwide, Chhunny Chhean was one of 18 students selected for a 10-week summer internship with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). The Internship Program introduces promising students to the programs, policies and operations of the federal agency charged with promoting scholarship, education and public programming in the Humanities in the United States. Interns were selected based on their interest in and commitment to the Humanities, and the conception, clarity, and execution of writing samples, two of which were submitted for the application process. Each intern receives a $4,000 stipend.
AY24–25 Philosophy Awards and Scholarships
AY24–25 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Isaac Obert
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Jason Rosencrantz
Abel Peña
Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship:
Abel Peña
CLA Equity Scholar:
Paige Kim
Daniel Mangondi-Escobar
Congratulations to each of the winners on their accomplishments!
AY23–24 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Frank Mendoza
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Bryson Lancaster
CSULB Student Research Competition First Place:
Travis Barnett
OGS Graduate Equity Fellowship:
Manuel Rojas
Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship:
Cody Spjut
CLA Equity Scholars:
Sarah Nolte
Camille Wold
AY22–23 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Raley Zurcher
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Yahui Chen
September Zamora
Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship:
Tanner Whitlow
CLA Equity Scholars:
Frank Mendoza
Victoria Cinquegrani
Esther Sims
AY21–22 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Graduate Research Fellowship:
Ryan Lam
Sally Casanova Predoctoral Fellowship:
Keilee Bessho
Tom Ho
CLA Equity Scholars:
Chavva Olander
Ning Shao
AY20–21 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Shawn Hernandez
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Nicholas Perez
Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Fellow:
Caitlin Mace
Graduate Research Fellowship:
Michael Lara
AY19–20 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Miguel Hernandez
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Amy Harms
Caitlin Mace
Graduate Research Fellowship:
Avery Amerson
CSULB Student Research Competition First Place:
Nicholas Roy
HOGAR Graduate Recruitment Scholarship:
Leandro Mendez
AY18–19 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
CSU Statewide Student Research Competition First Place
Avery Amerson
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Kyle Bollin
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Avery Amerson
Chris Mynatt
Graduate Research Fellowship:
Christopher George
HOGAR Graduate Recruitment Scholarship:
Miguel Hernandez
AY17–18 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Richard Link
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Gerardo Arroyo
HOGAR Graduate Recruitment Scholarship:
Vincent del Prado
AY16–17 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Alexander Beard
Kyle Waterbury
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Kylie Shahar
CSULB Student Research Competition First Place:
Vanessa Malabanan
AY15–16 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Aurora Clark
Jose Vera Cruz
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Alexander Beard
Corey Jenson
Graduate Research Fellowship:
Nathan Lackey
AY14–15 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
CSULB Student Research Competition First Place:
Christian Weede
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Christian Weede
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Nathan Lackey
AY13–14 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Emily Barrett
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Joshua Feng
Graduate Research Fellowship:
Emily Barrett
AY12–13 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Caleb Campbell
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Karen Schindler
AY11–12 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Josh Folk
49er Bookstore Textbook Stipend:
David Smith
Graduate Research Fellowship:
Neil Richmond
AY10–11 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Rebekah Bonner Cummings
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
John Clevenger
AY09–10 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Nathan Glover
Wegner-Fells Scholarship:
Clinton Packman
AY08–09 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Clinton Packman
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
AY07–08 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Rick Fox
Jonathan Dixon
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Kara Sutton-Jones
Saad Anis
AY05–06 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Nicholas Allen
Pei-Sung Tang Scholarship:
Joe Moss
Alex Wilson
AY04–05 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Pei-Sung Tang Scholarship:
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Chhunny Chhean
Michael Rings
AY03–04 Philosophy Scholarships and Fellowships | news release
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Franklin Sims
Pei-Sung Tang Scholarship:
Jason Sheley
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Eric Balmer
Rebecca Canales
Daniel Deen
Joe Z. Moss
AY02–03 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Eric Balmer
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Russell Daley
Daniel Deen
Daniel Gould
Jennifer Hagaman
James Haley
David Labinger
AY01–02 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Russell Daley
Peccorini Scholarship:
Alan Casselman
Michael Zar
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Carlos Castillo
Kimberly Gainey
Keith F. Gibbs
Wendy McGlothlin
AY00–01 Philosophy Scholarships and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Carlos Castillo
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Kimberly Gainey
David Brazgel
Phi Beta Kappa: | news release
Carlos Castillo
Phi Kappa Phi: | news release
Diane Anderson
Nancy Choy
Carlos Castillo
Janet Horrigan
Laura Clark
Kimberly Gainey
John Whipple
AY99–00 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Ted Preston
Friends of Philosophy Scholarship:
Jack Bowen
John Whipple
AY98–99 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Matthew Brophy
Paul C. L. Tang Scholarship:
Daniel Considine
William McGowan Scholarship:
Erik Baldwin
AY97–98 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Paul C. L. Tang Scholarship:
Victoria Rogers
AY95–96 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Marie Whittington Scholarship:
Michael Ashooh
AY80–81 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Sartre Memorial Scholarships:
AY71–72 Philosophy Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Frank C. Wegener Memorial Prize:
Alumni Spotlight: Edgar Vera
Edgar Vera Esq, BA in Philosophy & BS in Criminology and Criminal Justice Class of ‘11
Edgar earned two bachelor degrees from CSULB in 2011. He then went to Loyola Law School on an academic scholarship, where he earned his JD in 2015, and was admitted to the California State Bar in 2015. While in Law School Edgar was a member of Loyola Law School’s Byrne Trial Advocacy Team, a top-tier trial advocacy team ranked fourth in the nation. Edgar volunteered at the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, interned at the Los Angeles County Public Defender, Orange County Public Defender, and Federal Public Defender. Edgar currently works with Karns & Karns, LLP doing personal injury work and consulting in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Edgar, along with his wife, is also a real estate investor and developer.
Nietzsche Reading Group
The Nietzsche Reading Group (NRG) is open to any student interested in the work and thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, as well as secondary literature within Nietzsche studies.
**Note the change of time and location: while the NRG shall meet monthly again this FA24 term, meetings will instead be held from 8:00pm–9:00pm at CaliTea (4549 Pacific Coast Highway) near the Long Beach traffic circle. The group is organized by Joe Gordon; please e-mail him if you have any questions about participation or would like further details.
Autumn 2024
November 13th @ 8:00pm at CaliTea
‘Nietzsche, Genealogy, History‘, by Michel Foucault
Translation suggestions: n/a
October 23rd @ 8:00pm 8:45pm at CaliTea
Dawn (Introduction)
Translation suggestions: Brittain Smith or R. J. Hollingdale
September 11th @ 8:00pm at CaliTea
Idylls from Messina
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro
Spring 2024
May 1st @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
The Gay Science (Books IV & V)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
April 10th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
The Gay Science (Books I, II, & III)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
March 6th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Dawn (Books IV & V)
Translation suggestions: Brittain Smith or R. J. Hollingdale
February 7th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Dawn (Books I, II, & III)
Translation suggestions: Brittain Smith or R. J. Hollingdale
Autumn 2023
December 7th @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Parts 3–4)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
November 2nd @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Parts 1–2)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
October 5th @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
‘The Dionysiac worldview‘
Translation suggestion: Geuss & Speirs
September 7th @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
The Birth of Tragedy
Translation suggestions: Geuss & Speirs or Walter Kaufmann
Summer 2023
July 26th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Reading: Beyond Good and Evil (rest of book)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
June 28th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Reading: Beyond Good and Evil (Preface, Parts 1–2)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
Alumna Spotlight: Andrea Reynolds
Andrea Reynolds, M.A. in Philosophy Class of ‘07
Andrea earned her MA in Philosophy from CSULB in 2007, Phi Beta Kappa. With a focus on philosophy of art and aesthetics, her thesis applies art ontologies of Immanuel Kant and Nelson Goodman to performance art works ‘Shoot‘ by Chris Burden (1971), ‘Trading Dirt‘, by Allan Kaprow (1983), and ‘Art/Life One Year Performance (Rope Piece)‘ by Tehching Hsieh & Linda Montano (1983–1984). She was advised by Dr. Julie Van Camp.
Since graduation, Andrea has taught philosophy at Cal State Long Beach and Rio Hondo College, and currently splits her time between the Philosophy Departments at Ventura College, Mount St. Mary’s University, and California Lutheran University. Her website <https://theunstructor.com>, a depository for online philosophy resources for students, receives thousands of worldwide visits annually. In 2014, she was student-voted Best Instructor of Arts and Sciences at Mount St. Mary’s University.
Andrea is also a multi-genre violinist, performing and recording with groups such as the collective Kaiso LA, Trevor New, the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas, the George Sarah Ensemble, and Damion Mikol Wagner and the Dusk. Past and current projects can be found at her website, Instagram, and TikTok.
AY24–25 Scholarships Competition
The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for the 2024–2025 academic year, including the annual Whittington and Friends of Philosophy awards. These scholarships have been made possible by the generosity of the Whittington family and past faculty of the Department of Philosophy.
Previous awardees have gone on to achieve a variety of educational and professional outcomes, including doctoral degrees both in philosophy and in other fields.
To apply please visit the Beach Scholarships page. (Unfortunately, the college and university have usurped control over department scholarship competitions; but an upshot is that it is possible to selectively apply for other additional awards besides.) For more information, including additional links, please visit the Department’s Scholarships and Awards page. The deadline for applications is Monday September 30th 2024.
Alumni Spotlight: Erik Rodriguez Cerda
Erik Rodriguez Cerda, BA in Philosophy Class of ‘19
Erik graduated from Cal State Long Beach in 2019 with a BA in Philosophy. He found that, by strengthening his critical thinking skills, his degree enabled him to look beyond simple answers to understand the structures around him.
Currently, Erik works as a Workforce Programs Coordinator at GRID Alternatives, a non-profit solar installer that serves historically disadvantaged communities. In this role, Erik works with trainees and job seekers to sharpen the ‘soft’ skills needed to advance in their careers.
He also participates in after-school mentoring with local high school students, and is an active member of GRID’s internal EID (Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity) team, helping to create an inclusive environment for all staff. Most recently, Erik was selected to travel with select members of this team to Montgomery Alabama to visit the Equal Justice Initiative and to share this experience with the rest of the organization.
In his free time, Erik enjoys spending time with his partner and their four cats, visiting local coffee shops, and perfecting the ultimate vegan cheeseburger.
Alumna Spotlight: Jessica Wood
Jessica Wood, B.A. in Philosophy Class of ‘11
Jessica is a two-time CSULB alumna, having received her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with coursework in Cell & Molecular Biology, and a Master of Arts in Secondary Education Curriculum & Instruction, along with a single subject teaching credential in Foundational Science. Jessica has held several roles within the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) on campus, and currently serves as the Associate Director of BMAC. Previously, she was a middle school science and math teacher in Long Beach Unified School District. Additionally, Jessica serves on the Student Affairs Equity Task Force and Building an Equitable and Empowering Culture (BEEC) subcommittee of Beach 2030, and is committed to fostering a campus environment and culture that celebrates equitable access, inclusion, and Universal Design for all students. In her free time, Jessica can be found outside reading a book or tending to her plants.