Philosophy Curriculum
Philosophy Curriculum
Undergraduate Courses: Lower Division (100–200 level)
PHIL100: Introduction to Philosophy (3 units) PHIL101: The Meaning of Life (3 units) [New for FA25] PHIL110: Critical Thinking and Composition (3) PHIL130: Puzzles and Paradoxes (3) PHIL156: Philosophy of Music (3) PHIL160: Ethics and Society (3) PHIL170: Critical Reasoning (3) PHIL203: History of Early Philosophy (3) PHIL204: History of Modern Philosophy PHIL261: Philosophy and Film (3) PHIL270: Symbolic Logic (3) |
Undergraduate Courses: Upper Division (300–400 level)
Distribution: History of Philosophy |
PHIL306: Philosophies of China and Japan (3) PHIL307: Philosophies of India (3) [Inactive] PHIL413: Continental Rationalism (3) PHIL414: British Empiricism (3) PHIL415: Marx (3) PHIL416: Pragmatism (3) [inactive] PHIL417: Phenomenology (3) PHIL418: Existentialism (3) PHIL419: Analytic Philosophy (3) PHIL420: Foucault (3) PHIL421: Plato (3) PHIL422: Aristotle (3) PHIL423: Kant (3) PHIL424: Hegel (3) [inactive] PHIL425: Wittgenstein (3) PHIL490: Special Topics—Early Philosophy (3) PHIL491: Special Topics—The Modern Tradition (3) PHIL492: Special Topics—20th Century Philosophy (3) |
Distribution: Language, Epistemology, Mind, Metaphysics |
PHIL330: Philosophy of Religion (3) PHIL342: Metaphysics (3) PHIL370: Rationality and Decisions (3) PHIL381: Philosophy of Science (3) PHIL382: Theory of Knowledge (3) [New for FA25] PHIL448: Freedom and Agency (3) PHIL475: Truth and Fact (3) PHIL482: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) PHIL483 Philosophical Psychology (3) PHIL484: Philosophy of Language (3) PHIL493: Special Topics—Metaphysical Studies (3) PHIL494: Special Topics—Epistemological Studies (3) [Inactive] PHIL495: Special Topics—Logic and Semantics (3) [Inactive] |
Distribution: Values and Evaluation |
PHIL351: Political Philosophy (3) PHIL352: Philosophy of Law (3) PHIL 360: Environmental Ethics (3): PHIL361: Philosophy of Art (3) PHIL363: Ethical Theory (3) PHIL400/CBA400: Business Ethics (3) PHIL401: Philosophy in Education (3) [Inactive] PHIL402: Engineering Ethics (3) PHIL403: Medical Ethics (3) [New for FA25] PHIL404: AI Ethics (3) PHIL405: Philosophy and Literature (3) PHIL420: Foucault (3) PHIL451: Liberty and Justice: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in American Law (3) [New for FA25] PHIL448: Freedom and Agency (3) PHIL455/555/WGSS455: Philosophical Perspectives on Sex and Love (3) PHIL489: Philosophy Internship/Pre-Law (1–3) PHIL496: Special Topics—Value and Evaluation (3) |
Graduate Courses (500–600 level)
Double-numbered |
PHIL513: Continental Rationalism (3) PHIL514: British Empiricism (3) PHIL516: Pragmatism (3) PHIL517: Phenomenology (3) PHIL518: Existentialism (3) PHIL519: Analytic Philosophy (3) PHIL521: Plato (3) PHIL522: Aristotle (3) PHIL523: Kant (3) PHIL524: Hegel (3) [inactive] PHIL525: Wittgenstein (3) PHIL548: Freedom and Agency (3) PHIL555: Philosophical Perspectives on Sex and Love (3) PHIL575: Truth and Fact (3) PHIL583: Philosophical Psychology (3) PHIL583: Philosophy of Language (3) PHIL590: Special Topics—Early Philosophy (3) PHIL591/491: Special Topics—Modern Tradition (3) PHIL592: Special Topics—20th Century Philosophy (3) PHIL593: Special Topics—Metaphysical Studies (3) PHIL594: Special Topics—Epistemological Studies (3) [inactive] PHIL595: Special Topics—Logic and Semantics (3) [inactive] PHIL596: Special Topics—Value and Evaluation (3) |
Graduate Seminars and Directed Research |
PHIL572: Advanced Problems in Logic (3) [Inactive] PHIL599: Graduate Tutorial (1–3) PHIL610: Proseminar in Philosophy (3) PHIL620: Seminar in History of Philosophy (3) PHIL630: Seminar in Philosophy of Religion (3) PHIL640: Seminar in Metaphysics (3) PHIL663: Seminar in Ethics (3) PHIL680: Seminar in Epistemology (3) • Brief Description: PHIL681: Seminar in the Philosophy of Science (3) PHIL690: Seminar in Selected Topics of Current Interest (3) PHIL697: Directed Research (1–3) PHIL698: Directed Thesis or Project (1–6) |