PHIL620 SP25
Seminar in History of Philosophy (PHIL620)
Topic: Hegel’s Science of Logic
Dr. Kyle Banick
Mondays · 5:30pm–8:15pm · LA5–151
This course will center around a close reading of Hegel’s Science of Logic. Though Phenomenology of Spirit is perhaps Hegel’s most widely read work, it is the Logic that is the core of Hegel’s philosophy; and so this course can be both an introduction to Hegel’s thought (no previous familiarity will be assumed), as well as a deepening for those who may have encountered Hegel previously. Our focus will be on an intensive study of the primary text, but we will also grapple with important interpretive debates—most crucially whether the categories Hegel develops in the Science of Logic are to be understood as categories of being or categories of thought. In other words, we will try to understand whether Hegel’s work is a metaphysics that reasserts metaphysical speculation against Kant’s limitations, or a work that remains within the post-Kantian tradition which seeks to limit metaphysical speculation.