Enrico Vettore, Ph.D.

Enrico Vettore, Ph.D.

The George L. Graziadio Chair of Italian Studies

Professor of ItalianVettore-250

California State University, Long Beach

1250 Bellflower Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90840

Enrico.Vettore@csulb.edu | Office: AS-307


Research Interests

Enrico Vettore’s research interests include 19th and 20th century Italian literature with a particular emphasis on the relationship between ethics and literature and philosophy and literature. Another major area of focus is Italian cinema. He has recently published an article on Petrarch and Schopenhauer and is currently working on an analysis of Roberto Rossellini’s Voyage in Italy and Leonardo Sciascia’s use of quotes from J. L. Borges to uncover truth through literature.


2005 University of Oregon, Ph.D. Romance Languages

2002 University of Oregon, M.A., Italian Literature

1990 University of Padua, Italy, B.A. (laurea), Italian Literature

1985 Cesare Pollini Music Conservatory, Padua, Italy, Diploma, Classical Guitar


  • Quanto piace al mondo è breve sogno. Petrarch and Schopenhauer: Elective Affinities.” Humanist Studies & the Digital Age, 1.1 (2011). ISSN: 2158-3846 (ONLINE)
  • “The Ethics of No-Self in Jorge Luis Borges.” Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities (2007): 5551–66 (ONLINE)
  • “Nuove tendenze nella critica manzoniana.” Italian Culture XX, 1&2 (2002): 169–77.

Select Awards and Grants

  • 2010 Most Inspirational Professor (Senior Class of 2010, CSULB)
  • 2009-10 Scholarly and Creative Activities (SCAC) Summer Stipend (CSULB): “Traveling to India: Emmanuelli, Manganelli, Terzani and the Essential Other”
  • 2008-9 Scholarly and Creative Activities (SCAC) Release Time (CSULB): “Disentangling Gadda’s Open System of Quotes: A New Reading of Manzoni”
  • 2008 Outstanding Teacher (Alumni Association, CSULB)


Full Curriculum Vitae