Can You Identify This Balboa Artifact?
Can You Identify These Balboa Artifacts?
Lon Chaney at Balboa? Who might this be?
Late 1916: Marie Osborne claimed that these three photos show Lon Chaney, Sr., working before his stardom as an extra at Balboa during the filming of Twin Kiddies. In the photo top right, Chaney appears as an extra in the back wearing white shirt, tie and cap. At bottom, Marie claimed Lon Chaney is wearing the hat, standing next to Ruth Roland holding the feathered fan.
Can anyone identify this Balboa western and the three actors?
This unidentified Balboa western was bought in an unmarked box from an estate sale, including many shots of Balboa and its actors; however, the same collection included unidentified Balboa shots like these. The actor standing with the sombrero might well be the same unidentified actor in the photo above, second from the right above. All these estate photos, courtesy of Bryan Young.
Can anyone identify this Balboa police story? Is it one story or two separate movies?
These unidentified Balboa stills were bought in the same unmarked box as the one above from an estate sale. The stills below tell a story of intrigue and betrayal.