Dr. Kristine Zentgraf, Professor

Email: kris.zentgraf@csulb.edu

Office: FO2-229

Phone: (562) 985-1689

Main Courses:

  • Classical Sociological Theory (Soc. 356)
  • Sociology of Migration and Immigration (Soc. 358)


  • BA, Sociology, California State University, Long Beach, 1986
  • MA, Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1989
  • Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1998

Community Affiliations:

  • Co-Coordinator of the Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition (2006-present). My activities with LBIRC include working with organizers to plan and execute community events and resources including educational forums, legal clinics and know your rights forums, ESL and citizenship classes, to name a few.  I am involved in the training and mentoring of youth leaders, conduct community presentation about issues related to immigration and immigration reform and work on tasks related to funding and organizational development and sustainability. 
  • Board Member of the Edwin and Dorothy Baker Foundation of Long Beach, CA, a foundation that is engaged in charitable activities directed toward extracurricular, educational and recreational programs to benefit children in Long Beach (2012-present).
  • Founding member of the Long Beach Coalition for Good Jobs and a Healthy Community (Summer 2008-2011). 

Selected Publications:
