Dr. Varisa Patraporn, Associate Professor
Additional affiliations: Faculty Associate, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
Email: varisa.patraporn@csulb.edu
Office: PSY-138
Phone: (562) 985-4607
Pronouns: she/her/hers
- Introduction to Research Methods (SOC 270)
- Research Methods (SOC 354, 355, 696)
- Urban and Social Policy Analysis (SOC 353)
Research Interests:
- Race/Ethnicity and Immigration
- Asian American Places
- Community Engaged Research
- Housing and Community Economic Development
- B.A. (cum laude)in Political Science (Honors) and Sociology, UC Irvine
- Master of Public Policy, UCLA
- Ph.D. Urban Planning, UCLA
Selected publications:
Lin, May and Patraporn, R.V. (2022). The Invest in Youth Long Beach Coalition: Youth of Color at the Forefront of Anti-Racist Governance and Planning. Special Issue: Anti-Racist Futures, Journal of American Planning Association. Online First. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/01944363.2022.2123023
López, C.M., Patraporn, R.V. and Weng, S. (2022). The Impact of Housing Crisis on the Well-Being of 1.5 Generation Immigrants in Southern California. Housing Policy Debate. Online First. https://doi-org.csulb.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/10511482.2022.2099935
López, C.M., Patraporn, R.V., Lim, K.**, and Khan, K.** 2022. “Walking to Build a Critical Community-Engaged Project: Collaborative Observations of Neighborhood Change in Long Beach, California” Social Sciences 11, no. 5: 183. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11050183
**Undergraduate students.
Patraporn, R. V., & Kim, B. W. (2021). Resurgent Ethnicity and Residential Choice Among Second-generation Asian Americans in a Los Angeles Panethnic Suburb. Urban Affairs Review, 58, no. 3: 861-887 First. https://doi.org/10.1177/10780874211016941
-2022 Social Sciences Faculty Research Article Award, Association for Asian American Studies.
Patraporn, R. V., Ong, P. M., & Pech, C. (2021). Wealth Inequality Among Asian Americans: The Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Immigration. Asian American Policy Review, 31(1), 43-55.
Patraporn, R. V. (2019) Serving the People in Long Beach, California: Advancing Justice for Southeast Asian Youth through Community University Research Partnerships AAPI Nexus Journal. 16 (No. 1&2):1-34.
Lee, A.C. and Patraporn, R.V. (2019) Let’s Get Along: Strengthening Academic-Nonprofit Partnerships in Research AAPI Nexus Journal. 16 (No. 1&2), 85-110.
Patraporn, R.V., Tran, D.L. and Ong, P.M. (2015). Risks and Rewards in Wealth Building: Asian American Homeownership and Foreclosure Pre and Post Housing Boom in East San Gabriel Valley, California AAPI Nexus Journal. 13(No. 1&2), 122-148.
Patraporn, R. V. (2015). Complex transactions: Community development financial institutions lending to ethnic entrepreneurs in Los Angeles. Community Development, 46(5), 479–498. https://doi.org/10.1080/15575330.2015.1079541
Patraporn, R.V., Ong, P.M. and Pech, C. (2014). “The Complexity of Asian American Wealth: The Role of Ethnicity and Immigration in Understanding Within Group Disparities” (Ford Foundation Building Economic Security Over the Lifetime Policy Report) UCLA Asian American Studies Center.
Patraporn, R.V., Tran, D.L. and Ong, P.M. (2013). “Wealth Roller Coaster: The Struggle for the American Dream of Homeownership in Los Angeles” (Ford Foundation Building Economic Security Over the Lifetime Policy Report), UCLA Asian American Studies Center.
Patraporn, R. V., Pfeiffer, D., & Ong, P. (2010). Building Bridges to the Middle Class: The Role of Community-Based Organizations in Asian American Wealth Accumulation. Economic Development Quarterly, 24(3), 288–303. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891242410366441
Ong, P.M. & Patraporn, R.V. (2010). Asian Americans & Wealth. In Wealth Accumulation and Communities of Color in the United States. University of Michigan Press.
Patraporn, R. V., Ong, P. M., & Houston, D. (2009). Closing the Asian-White wealth gap? Asian American Policy Review, 18, 35-48.
- 2021 Co-Principal Investigator, (with Barbara Kim and Simon Kim), Project Resilience, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution, Department of Education. $1,500,000
Honors and Awards:
- Faculty Mentor Award, Special Recognition, Educational Opportunity Program, California State University, Long Beach, 2017, 2019
- California State University, Long Beach, Sabbatical Award, 2019-2020
- California State University, Long Beach, College of Liberal Arts Scholarly Intersections Grant, Role: Co-sponsor; Lead PI: Kimberly Kelly; Co-Sponsors: Kristy Shih, May Ling Halim, 2018-2019
- California State University, Long Beach, College of Liberal Arts, Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities Award, 2016-2022
- Outstanding Graduating Doctoral Student, UCLA Department of Urban Planning, 2007
- Fannie Mae Doctoral Student Travel Grant, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (declined), 2006
- Selected Participant, Program in Quantitative Methods, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 2006
- United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Fellow, Early Doctoral Research Grant Recipient, 2005
- UCLA Graduate Division Quality of Education Grant, 2004-2007
- Selected Participant, National Poverty Center Workshop, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2004
- UCLA Advisory Board Fellowship, 2003-2007
- Department of Housing and Urban Development Predoctoral Fellow, 2005
- Presidential Management Fellow, 2001-2003
- Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies, 2000
- Woodrow Wilson/Public Policy and International Affairs Fellow, 1998