The Minor in Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies
A minimum of 18 units will be required.
Take the three following courses:
- WGSS 101 Gender, Race, Sex and the Body (3)
Prerequisite/Corequisite: One GE Foundation course. - WGSS 102 Gender, Race, Sex and Societies (3)
Prerequisite/Corequisite: One GE Foundation course. - WGSS 300 Feminist Principles (3)
Prerequisites: ENGL 100 or GE Composition (Area A1) and upper division standing or consent of instructor.
Take any 3 additional WGSS courses (9 units).
Note: Students must earn a grade of at least “C” in all upper division major courses.
Minor in Queer Studies
Queer Studies is an interdisciplinary minor that focuses on non-normative sexuality as a primary category of analysis. Queer Studies starts from the assumption that sexuality is central to human social organization; is always experienced in continually shifting contexts; and lived in relation to race, religion, class, nation, and gender. Its methods and premises grow out of scholarship on gender and thus is housed in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Department.
A minimum of 15 units chosen from the following list of courses, chosen in consultation with the Queer Studies Advisor. WGSS majors may “double-count” only one course at the maximum for both their WGSS major and Queer Studies minor.
Take both of the following courses:
- WGSS 205 Introduction to Queer Studies (3 units)
Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements. - WGSS 416 Queering Gender (3 units)
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Choose any three (3) of the following courses:
- ASAM 370 – Gender and Sexuality in Asian America (3 units)
- AIS/WGSS 313 – American Indian Genders and Sexualities (3 units)
- CHLS 330 – Critical Issues in Chicana and Latina Studies (3 units)
- HIST 395 – Gender, Sexuality and Desire in World History (3 units)
- R/ST/WGSS 303 – Queer Spirit (3 units)
- WGSS 305 – Feminist and Queer Arts and Cultures (3 units)
- WGSS 370 – Masculinities (3 units)
- WGSS 375 – Reproductive Justice (3 units)
- WGSS 356 – Lesbian Histories and Culture (3 units)
- WGSS/ENGL 442 – Sexing Chicana Literature (3 units)
- POSC/WGSS 317 – Queer Law (3 units)