Faculty Publications-Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies-October/November 2020

May 10, 2021

Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Gasior, Bonnie. “Década de 1930: La autobiografía y el <<raro perfil psicológico>> de <<el mejor poeta de su tiempo>>.” La recepción literaria de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: un siglo de apreciaciones críticas (1910-2010). Biblioteca Batioja: Instituto de Ideas Auriseculares (IDEA), (Forthcoming, Spring 2021).

. “Enrique Iglesias, Madonna and…¿San Juan de la Cruz? Teaching Mystic Poetry Through Pop Music.” In Reconsidering Early Modern Spanish Literature Through Mass and Pop Culture. Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, (Forthcoming, Spring 2021).

. “Lope’s Los guanches de Tenerife y conquista de Gran Canaria: An Ecocritical Reading.” Decentering the Anthropocene: Spanish Ecocritical Texts and the Non-Human, Edited by Maryanne Leone and Shanna Lino, (Forthcoming, 2021).

. “Women’s Mental Health Advocacy in Lars and the Real Girl and the Don QuixoteConnection.” Reinventing Don Quixote in Cultural Production. Laberinto Journal, Special Issue on “Reinventing Don Quixote in Cultural Production,” vol. 21, 2019, pp. 103-116. 

Badia, Mindy and Bonnie Gasior, eds. Reconsidering Early Modern Spanish Literature through Mass and Pop Culture: Contemporizing the Classics in the Classroom. Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, (Forthcoming, Spring 2021).

Gamboa, Yolanda and Bonnie Gasior. “From Houses to Humilladeros: Violence, Fear and Zayas’s Female Monster-Victims.” Peculiar Lives in Early Modern Spain: Essays Celebrating Amy Williamsen, University Press of the South, 2020, pp. 239-252. 

Gasior, Bonnie and Anahit Manoukian. “La locura como crítica social: reexaminando el cuento del loco de Sevilla (Don Quijote II.1).” Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America vol. 39, no. 1, 2019, pp. 219-232.

Kelleher, Marie. “The Family Business: Royal Embargo and the Shippers, Captains, and Smugglers of Barcelona’s Marquet Family.” In Merchants, Pirates, and Smugglers: Criminalization, Economics, and the Transformation of the Maritime World (1200-1600), edited by Thomas Heebøll-Holm, Philipp Höhn, and Gregor Rohmann, 57-74. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2019.

Kermode, Lloyd Edward, ed. Christopher Marlowe. The Jew of Malta Norton Critical Edition (W. W. Norton, 2021).

Van Elk, Martine. “‘Blessed art thou reader if you are not of that sex’: Public Femininity in the Seventeenth Century.” Michaelina Wautiers, 1604–1689: Glorifying a Forgotten Talent.Ed. Katlijne van der Stighelen. Schoten: BAI, 2018. 120–33.

. “Female Glass Engravers in the Early Modern Dutch Republic.” Renaissance Quarterly 73.1 (Spring 2020): 165–211. 

. “‘Famed as far as one finds books’: Women Publishers in the Dutch Republic and England.” Women’s Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern England. Ed. by Valerie Wayne. London: Bloomsbury/Arden, 2020. 115–42.

. “Women Writers and the Dutch Stage: Public Femininity in the Plays of Verwers and Questiers.” Women and Gender in the Early Modern Low Countries, 1500–1750. Ed. Amanda Pipkin and Sarah Joan Moran. Leiden: Brill, 2019, pp. 167–91.