Faculty Publications: Environmental Science & Policy – October/November 2020

May 10, 2021

Environmental Science & Policy

Laris, P., Jacobs, R., Kone, M., Dembele, F. Rodrigue, C.M. & Camara, F. 2020. Determinants of fire intensity and severity in a mesic savanna of Africa. Fire Ecology (In Press).  

McLain, N.*, L. Camargo*, C.R. Whitcraft, and J. G. Dillon. In press. Metrics for evaluating inundation impacts on the decomposer communities in a Southern California coastal salt marsh. Wetlands (in press).

Hagan, W.*, C.R. Whitcraft, and L. Henriques. 2020. The Science Teacher. A Scientists-Science Teacher Partnership that Supports Meaningful Learning. July/August issue.