Faculty Publications: Sociology – April/May 2021

May 10, 2021


Barnes, Nielan. “Working within the Asylum Advocacy Nexus: Epistemological Strategies for LGBT Country Condition Expert Witnesses.” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science vol. 10, no. 11, Nov. 2020, pp. 11-22. doi:10.30845/ijhss.v10n11p2.

López, Claudia María. 2021. “Mateja Celestina, Living Displacement: The Loss and Making of Place in Colombia (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018), Pp. Xxiii 177, £80.00.” Journal of Latin American Studies 53(1):195–97. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022216X21000079

—. 2021. “The Urban Exclusion of Internally Displaced Peasants in Medellín, Colombia,” in Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship., edited by C. Ramirez, S. Fálcon, S. McKay, J. Poblete, and F. Schaeffer. Rutgers University Press.

—. 2019. “Contesting Double-Displacement: Internally Displaced Peasants and the Production of Borderlands Territory in Medellín, Colombia.” Geographica Helvetica 74 (3); 249–259. https://doi.org/10.5194/gh-74-249-2019

Foster, Holly & Chantrey J. Murphy. Forthcoming. “An Integrated Life Course Perspective on the Correlates and Influences of Maternal Efficacy among Imprisoned Latina, African American and White Women.” In Latinas in the Criminal Justice System: Victims, Targets and Offenders. Edited by Lisa Pasko and Vera Lopez. New York: NYU Press.

Sell, Jane, Katie Constantin, & Chantrey J. Murphy. 2020. “Reputation, Forgiveness, and Solving Problems of Cooperation.” Pp. 109-134 in Advances in Group Processes, Vol 37, edited by Shane R. Thye and Edward J. Lawler. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Hagan, John, Holly Foster, & Chantrey J. Murphy. 2020. “A Tale Half Told: State Exclusionary and Inclusionary Regimes, Incarceration of Fathers, and the Educational Attainment of Children.” Social Science Research 88-89: 1-19.

Osuna, Steven. (2021) “Securing Manifest Destiny: Mexico’s War on Drugs, Crisis of Legitimacy, and Global Capitalism,” Journal of World Systems Research, 21(1).

—. (2020) “Transnational Moral Panic: Neoliberalism and the Spectre of MS-13,” Race & Class, 61(4).

—. (2019) “The Psycho Realm Blues: The Violence of Policing, Disordering Practices, and Rap Criticism in Los Angeles,” Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, 4(1).

Patraporn, R. Varisa and Barbara W. Kim. Forthcoming. “Resurgent Ethnicity and Residential Choice among Second-Generation Asian Americans in a Los Angeles Panethnic Suburb” Urban Affairs Review.  

Patraporn, R. Varisa, Paul M. Ong and Chhandara Pech. 2021. “Wealth inequality in Asian American communities: The Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Immigration” Asian American Policy Review 31:21-33.

Syeed, Esa. (2021). Putting Everything on the Table: Complexity, Context, and Community Engagement with Public EducationInterchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. Online First.
Noguera, P. & Syeed, E. (2020). City Schools and the American Dream 2: The Enduring Promise of Public Education. New York: Teachers College Press.

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake. Forthcoming. “La révolution de la e-logistique: e-commerce, travail et retransformation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement de la Californie du Sud.” [English translation: “The E-Logistics Revolution: E-commerce, Labor, and the Re-transformation of the Southern California Supply Chain.”] Travail et Emploi.

—. Forthcoming. “The World is a Warehouse: Racialised Labour Regimes and the Rise of Amazon’s Global Logistics Empire.” Labour Regimes and Global Production, edited by Neil Martin Coe, Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, and Adrian Smith. Agenda Publishing.

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake (interview by Tatiana Cozzarelli and Maryam Alaniz). 2021. “Amazonification is the Future of Capitalism.” Left Voice, April 4. 

Alimahomed,-Wilson, Jake and Ellen Reese (interview by Jörn Boewe and Johannes Schulten). 2021. “Amazons Kometenhafter Aufstieg ist ein Schlüsselmoment im Globalen Kapitalismus [English translation – “Amazon’s Meteoric Rise is a Key Moment in Global Capitalism.”] Luxemburg Magazine: Social Analysis and Left Practice, March 21. 

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake. 2021. “Surveillance, Stress, and No Bathrooms: Life as an Amazon Driver.” Labor Notes, February

Alimahomed-Jake, and Ellen Reese. 2020. “Amazon Capitalism: How COVID-19 and Racism Made the World’s Most Powerful Corporation.” Pluto Press Blog. 

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake. 2020. “Building its Own Delivery Network, Amazon Puts the Squeeze on Drivers.Labor Notes, December 17

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake and Ellen Reese (eds.). 2020. The Cost of Free Shipping: Amazon in the Global Economy. London, UK: Pluto Press.

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake and Ellen Reese. 2020. “Its A Prime Day for Resistance to Amazon’s Ruthless Exploitation of Its Workers,” October 13. Jacobin

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake. 2020. “Racialized Masculinities and Global Logistics Labor.” Into the Black Box: Research on Logistics, Spaces, & Labour.

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake. 2019. “Unfree Shipping: The Racialisation of Logistics Labour.” Work Organization, Labour, & Globalisation, 13(1): 96-13. (WOLG Special Issue: Logistical Gazes – Spaces, Labour, & Struggles in Global Capitalism).