Faculty Publications: Sociology – October/November 2020

May 10, 2021


Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina. 2020. “The Matrix of Gendered Islamophobia: Muslim Women’s Repression and Resistance.” Gender & Society, 34.
. 2019. “When the FBI Knocks: Racialized State Surveillance of Muslims.” Critical Sociology, 45(6): 871-887.

Andrassy, Kalman. 2000. Guide to Research and Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.  Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Barnes, Nielan. (2019) “Within the asylum‐advocacy nexus: An analysis of Mexican transgender asylum seekers in the United States.” Sexuality, Gender and Policy 2019 2:5-25.

Eriksen, Shelley, Sheetal Chib, Yanet Cortez, Pamela Rayburn, Leah Aldridge and Jackson Katz.  (Forthcoming, 2020). The Best of Times, the Worst of Times:  ‘Best Practices’ for Survivor Support and Gender Violence Prevention Education on College Campuses,” in Women & Therapy, Special Issue: Resistance & Recovery in the #Metoo Era

Haldipur, Jan. (2019). No Place on the Corner: The Costs of Aggressive Policing. New York: NYU Press.

Haldipur, Jan. (2019). “Stop-and-frisk policing.” The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Anthony Orum (Ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Stoudt, Brett G., Maria Elena Torre, Paul Bartley, Evan Bissell, Fawn Bracy, Hillary Caldwell, Lauren Dewey, Anthony Downs, Cory Greene, Jan Haldipur, Scott Lizama, Prakriti Hassan, Einat Manoff, Nadine Sheppard and Jacqueline Yates. (2019). “Researching at the Community- University Borderlands: Using Public Science to Study Policing in the South Bronx.” Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(56), 1-48.

López, Claudia Maria. 2019. “Contesting Double-Displacement: Internally Displaced Campesinos and the Social Production of Urban Territory in Medellín, Colombia.” Geographica Helvetica 74 (3): 249–259.
. “The Urban Exclusion of Internally Displaced Peasants in Medellín, Colombia,” in Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship, Eds. S. M. Falcón, S. McKay, J. Poblete, C. S. Ramírez, and F. A. Schaeffer. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Forthcoming, Spring 2021. 

Miller, Shaeleya. 2019. “Racial Exclusion and Queer Identity” in Identities in Everyday Life. Jan Stets and Richard Serpe, Eds. New York: Oxford University Press.

Foster, Holly & Chantrey J. Murphy. In Press. “An Integrated Life Course Perspective on the Correlates and Influences of Maternal Efficacy among Imprisoned Latina, African American and White Women.” In Violando la Ley: Latinas in the Justice System. Edited by Lisa Pasko and Vera Lopez. New York: NYU Press. 

Hagan, John, Holly Foster, & Chantrey J. Murphy. 2020. “A Tale Half Told: State Exclusionary and Inclusionary Regimes, Incarceration of Fathers, and the Educational Attainment of Children.” Social Science Research 88-89: 1-19. Sell, Jane, Katie Constantin, & Chantrey J. Murphy. Forthcoming. “Reputation, Forgiveness, and Solving Problems of Cooperation.” In Advances in Group Processes, Vol 37. Edited by Shane R. Thye and Edward J. Lawler. Emerald Insight. 

Roberto J. Ortiz, “Financialization, Climate Change, and the Future of the Capitalist World-Ecology: On Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140,” Soundings 103, no. 2 (2020), 264–285.

. “Oil-Fueled Accumulation in Late Capitalism: Energy, Uneven Development and Climate Crisis,” Critical Historical Studies 7, no. 2 (forthcoming Fall 2020). 

Osuna, S (2019) “The Psycho Realm Blues: The Violence of Policing, Disordering Practices, and Rap Criticism in Los Angeles,” Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, 4(1).

Osuna, S (2020) “Transnational Moral Panic: Neoliberalism and the Spectre of MS-13,” Race & Class, 61(4).

Patraporn, R. Varisa. 2019. “Serving the People in Long Beach, California: Advancing Justice for Southeast Asian Youth through Community University Partnerships.” AAPI Nexus Journal: Policy, Practice and Community 16 (No. 1&2): 1-34.

Lee, C. Aujean and Patraporn, R. Varisa. 2019. “Let’s Get Along: Strengthening Academic-Nonprofit Partnerships in Research” AAPI Nexus Journal: Policy, Practice and Community 16 (No. 1&2): 85-110.

Syeed, E. (2019). “It Just Doesn’t Add Up”: Disrupting Official Arguments for Urban School Closures with Counterframes. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27 (110). https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.27.4240.

Syeed, E. (2019). An Open and Shut Case: Comparing Outcomes of School Closures in Washington, D.C. In Ebony Duncan-Shippy (Ed.), Shuttered Schools: Race, Community, and School Closures in American Cities. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.

Syeed, E. (2020). Wearing Many Hats: Students of Color and the Grounded Aesthetics of Graduation. Journal of Diversity in Higher Educationhttps://doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000178.

Syeed, E., Kumar, M. M., Lowe, N., Moran, D., & Rucobo, K. (2020). Getting Uncomfortable with Difficult Knowledge: A Reflexive Account of a Community-Based Research Project. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-based Research and Practice, 3(1), 3. http://doi.org/10.33596/coll.44.

Noguera, P. & Syeed, E. (2020). City Schools and the American Dream 2: The Enduring Promise of Public Education. New York: Teachers College Press. 

Wang, Oliver. “Live at the China Royal: A Funky Ode to Fall River’s Chow Mein Sandwich.” In American Chinese Restaurants, pp. 105-120. Routledge, 2019.

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake and Ellen Reese. 2020. “Amazon Capitalism: How COVID-19 and Racism Made the World’s Most Powerful Corporation.” Pluto Press.

. 2020The Cost of Free Shipping: Amazon in the Global Economy. London: Pluto Press.

. Forthcoming. “The E-Logistics Revolution: E-Commerce, Labor, and the Retransformation of the Southern California Supply Chain.” Travail et Emploi [French language].

. 2020. “It’s a Prime Day for Resistance to Amazon’s Ruthless Exploitation of Its Workers,” October 13. Jacobin Magazine.

Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake. 2020. “Racialized Masculinities and Global Logistics Labor.” Into the Black Box: Research on Logistics, Spaces, & Labour, (4)7.

. 2019. “Unfree Shipping: The Racialisation of Logistics Labour.” Work Organization, Labour, & Globalisation, 13(1): 96-13. (WOLG Special Issue: Logistical Gazes – Spaces, Labour, & Struggles in Global Capitalism).

. “The World is a Warehouse: Racialised Labour Regimes and the Rise of Amazon’s Global Logistics Empire.” Labour Regimes and Global Production, edited by Neil Martin Coe, Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, and Adrian Smith. Agenda Publishing.

Woodward, Kerry. 2019. “Race, Gender, and Poverty Governance: The Case of the U.S. Child Welfare System.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society.