For Faculty & Staff

Queer and Trans Faculty and Staff Affinity Group (QTFSA)
  • The mission of the Queer and Trans FSA (QTFSA) is to facilitate community-building, resource development, and advocacy for all faculty and staff members of our (a)gender, (a)sexual, and (a)romantic communities. We see gender, sexual, racial, and economic justice as intertwined, and are committed to pursuing intersectional approaches to recruitment, retention, professional development, and all other aspects of campus life. Through this supportive structure, we seek to provide a foundation that empowers professionals and students on our campus to achieve their goals.
  • If folks are interested or have questions, email Dr. Shae Miller.
  • About Faculty & Staff Affinity Groups

Last updated 11/21/21 nt

Ally Coalitions & Trainings

Safe Zone Ally

  • The mission of the CSULB Safe Zone Ally program is to identify, educate, and support allies. Allies are CSULB faculty, staff, administrators, and students who consider themselves to be open and knowledgeable about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQI) issues and who choose to openly provide support and advocate for LGBTQI individuals.
  • Website Currently being Updated


The Trans Advocacy Coalition (TAC)

  • The Trans Advocacy Coalition (TAC) is a coalition of faculty, staff, and students dedicated to trans education, resources, and advocacy on the CSULB campus and the broader community. TAC's goal is to provide an online presence for trans students, staff, and faculty, as well as to act as a central location where community members can access information and trainings on allyship, inclusion, and other forms of education. 
  • TAC Website
  • Email: 

Last updated 11/12/21

Updating Campus Records

Using an Affirmed Name On-Campus

For issues related to updating your campus email contact

Campus Legal Name Change

Updating Pronouns

  • For Students: Instructions Website
    • Scroll down and click on "Setting Your Pronouns". This will allow you to include pronouns in your roster for faculty to see.
  • For Faculty & Staff: There is currently no way to update pronouns in the system. However, you are able to include your pronouns in your Outlook signature so that others know your pronouns.

Update Email

  • For Students: Email will be updated to reflect updates to first name within 24-48 hours. If this does not occur, you can contact the Technology Help Desk and they will assist you.
  • For Faculty & Staff: Email will be updated to reflect updates to your name within 24-48 hours. If this does not occur, you can use these steps to do so manually.

Lasted updated 11/12/21

Research & Scholarly Activity by CSULB Faculty- 2021

Bogart, L. M., Barreras, J. L., Gonzalez, A., Klein, D. J., Marsh, T., Agniel, D., & Pantalone, D. W. (2021). Pilot randomized controlled trial of an intervention to improve coping with intersectional stigma and medication adherence among HIV-positive Latinx sexual minority men. AIDS & Behavior, 25(6), 1647-1660. 

Garrett, M. L., & Palkki, J. (2021). Honoring trans and gender-expansive students in music education. Oxford University Press.

MacCarthy, S., Mendoza-Graf, A., Wagner, Z., L. Barreras, J.L., Kim, A., Giguere, R., Carballo-Dieguez, A., Linnemayr, S. (2021). The acceptability and feasibility of a pilot study examining the impact of a mobile technology-based intervention informed by behavioral economics to improve HIV knowledge and testing frequency among Latinx sexual minority men and transgender women. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-12.

Macias, H. C. (2021). Being an ally through podcast instruction. English Journal, 110(4), 115-117.

Morse, A. M. L., Wax, A., Malmquist, E. J., & Hopmeyer, A. (2021). Protester, partygoer, or simply playing it down? The impact of crowd affiliations on LGBT emerging adults' socioemotional and academic adjustment to college. Journal of Homosexuality, 68(5), 752-776.

Whitehead, J. E. (2021). Tool or lens? Worldview theory and Christian conservative legal activism. Journal of Law & Religion, 36(1), 29-66.

Research & Scholarly Activity by CSULB Faculty- 2020

Alt, N. P., Lick, D. J., & Johnson, K. L. (2020). The straight categorization bias: A motivated and altruistic reasoning account. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 119(6), 1266-1289.

Gonzalez-Rivas, S. K., & Peterson, Z. D. (2020). Women's sexual initiation in same- and mixed-sex relationships: How often and how? The Journal of Sex Research, 57(3), 335-350.

Klein, H., & Washington, T. A. (2020). Why more men who have sex with men are not using PrEP–The role played by lack of interest in learning more about PrEP. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 32(1), 99-114.

MacCarthy, S., Izenberg, M., Barreras, J. L., Brooks, R. A., Gonzalez, A., & Linnemayr, S. (2020). Rapid mixed-methods assessment of COVID-19 impact on Latinx sexual minority men and Latinx transgender women. PLoS ONE, 15(12), 1-14.

MacCarthy, S., Wagner, Z., Barreras, J. L., Kim, A., Menodza-Graf, A. C., Giguere, R., Carballo-Dieguez, A., & Linnemayr, S. (2020). Brief report: Using behavioral economics to increase HIV knowledge and testing among Latinx sexual minority men and transgender women: A quasi-experimental pilot study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 85(2), 189-194.

McBride, N. R., & Palkki, J. (2020). Big boys don't cry (or sing) ... still?: A modern exploration of gender, misogyny, and homophobia in college choral methods texts. Music Education Research, 22(4), 408-420.

Puckett, J. A., Zachary DuBois, L., McNeill, J. N., & Hanson, C. (2020). The association between social dominance orientation, critical consciousness, and gender minority stigma. Journal of Homosexuality, 67(8), 1081-1096.

Wong, E., Jou, J., Raub, A. M. Y., & Heymann, J. (2020). Comparing the availability of paid parental leave for same-sex and different-sex couples in 34 OECD countries. Journal of Social Policy, 49(3), 525-545.

Updating Zoom Pronouns

Updating Pronouns on Zoom

  • You can update your Zoom pronouns to show automatically so that you don't have to update every time you log in. You can find instructions on their website.