MVP Trainings
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Leadership Trainings co-sponsored by the CSULB Leadership Academy
Training description: Since its inception as a project in 2015, NATB is proud to partner with MVP Strategies to offer MVP Leadership Trainings to the CSULB campus community. Under the auspice of the CSULB Leadership Academy, we offer one-day leadership trainings for campus opinion leaders and influencers. These highly interactive trainings—typically led by a two-person training team that is racially integrated and mixed-gender—introduce participants to the MVP philosophy and teaching/mentoring methods. The objective of the training is to deepen participants’ awareness of the underlying issues and dynamics of men’s violence against women and other forms of abuse, harassment, and violence, and to inspire participants to be proactive leaders around these issues in their spheres of influence. With this foundational knowledge, student leaders are provided guideposts for taking pro-active steps in their respective peer cultures. The training is designed for people of all genders.
MVP leadership trainings are open to all CSULB students interested in honing their leadership skills in gender/power-based violence prevention, and provide transferable skills to future school, work and other professional contexts. For CSULB Leadership Academy students, completion of the MVP training will grant full completion credit towards the Leadership Academy program. Please contact for more information about the Leadership Academy program and other possible credit options.
About MVP: As the longest-standing bystander education program in the nation, the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program was the first large-scale gender violence prevention program to be implemented in the sports culture and the U.S. military. In subsequent decades, the MVP model has expanded to schools, workplaces and governmental sectors, in both the U.S. and internationally. The MVP leadership approach and pedagogical strategies work well in all types of organized peer cultures–in K-12 and college settings, workplaces, within specific peer groups like student athletes and members of Greek life, and in all student leadership groups who wish to use their leadership platform to address and prevent sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence. For more information about our MVP Strategies partner, see
To inquire about future MVP trainings at the CSULB Leadership Academy, please contact NATB project assistant Julia MacLaren at