Teacher Training Endowed Workshop on the Holocaust
Eva and Eugene Schlesinger Teacher Training Endowed Workshop on the Holocaust
The Eva and Eugene Schlesinger Teacher Training Endowed Workshop on the Holocaust provides regional high school teachers with the information about the historical context and major events of the Holocaust, as well as provide a more detailed examination of children’s experiences during this period. These workshops are an annual week-long teacher training program held on the campus of California State University, Long Beach. The goal of the workshop is to prepare teachers to instruct young students about the Holocaust, to address prejudice and become more tolerant citizens. This invaluable program was planned and created by the generous contribution of Gerda and Harold Seifer in memory of Gerda’s parents, Edyta and Henryk Krebs who perished in the Holocaust.
This summer’s theme was “Genocide in the Twentieth Century” and viewed the Holocaust in the larger context of genocidal themes throughout the twentieth century. Last year’s theme was “Aftermath,” and “in past years, the workshops looked at such topics as children, art, and human behavior,” says Jeffrey Blutinger, the inaugural Barbara and Ray Alpert Endowed Chair for Jewish Studies and a member of the History Department since 2004. “Part of the instruction comes in history and part in language arts,” he says. “But those who instruct the Holocaust may not have taken a class on the subject. Their knowledge may be limited to whatever movies they’ve seen or whatever world history textbook they read at university. What we are doing is providing them information about the subject including a general overview accompanied by binder material prepared by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League titled ‘Echoes and Reflections.’ There’s nothing like it available in Southern California,” Blutinger said. “It was a chance to fill a major need. I thought it was a terrific idea.”
Summer 2019 Holocaust Teacher Training Workshop
Registration for the Schlesinger Workshop on the Holocaust is now open! The 5-day workshop will take place July 15-19, 2019. If you are interested in attending, please click on this link to fill out the registration form.
Summer 2018 Holocaust Teacher Training Workshop
Summer 2017 Holocaust Teacher Training Workshop Annual Report
Summer 2014 Holocaust Teacher Training Workshop