Global Nursing

Global Nursing

Develop Global Nursing Competencies

Nursing demand in California is exceedingly high and nurses in short supply.  The California State University system produces 60% of California-trained nurses and CSULB is the largest of the five programs in the system.     Despite the high diversity in the region, CSULB has only recently begun developing Global Nursing competencies and the College of Health and Human Services has already dedicated resources to the meet much of this need.   This grant will serve to weave those efforts into the broader campus internationalization efforts and support the development of Heritage speaker-specific programming in Nursing.

The  director  of  the  new  Global  Outreach  Office  in  Nursing  (GOO),  Dr.  Savitri  Singh- Carlson, will create a program of global health competency in nursing that addresses social, cultural and political constructs of health and illness.  This includes engaging nursing students in international health care settings in order to encourage heritage language speaking students to gain insight in the social and cultural differences and developing a collaborative with World Health Organization Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Collaborating Center for Research and Clinical Training in Health  Promotion  Nursing.      The  global  outreach  office  (GOO)  will  assist  faculty  to  evaluate students’   competencies   and  desire  to  engage  in  global  health  at  international   settings.   The development   of  the  PAHO  Collaborating   Center  will  address  health  promotion   and  disease prevention  training  for nurses  and will also help to advance  nursing  human  resource  capacity  in diverse  languages.  Nursing  faculty  have  been  taking  students  for  study  abroad  experiences  that include service learning and clinical experiences for the past 6 years to settings such as Iquito, Peru, Cuenca, Ecuador, Vancouver, Canada, Tanzania, and Hannover, Germany. These experiences have been beneficial for students who have integrated this into their career and have become leaders in their profession.   Working with the Center for International Education the GOO will help regularize and  coordinate  such  clinical  experiences  while  creating  new  opportunities,  including  the  one  in Cambodia detailed above.