Frequently Asked Questions about the Tracking Land Change NSF-REU

What date do I need to be at CSU, Long Beach?

You must arrive by May 21st.

Am I responsible for my travel arrangements (i.e., flight)?

Yes, you must make your own arrangements and pay for your travel. All students will receive a stipend for their work of $4,800. You may use this to repay for your travel as you wish.

Do I need to attend all 8 weeks of the program?

Yes, absolutely. Once committed, you must participate for 8 weeks unless you are ill.

Do we have weekends off? Can we leave the site? 

Yes, in general you will have weekends off. Transportation is difficult to arrange from the ranch, but easy when we are on the CSU, Long Beach campus so we recommend staying on-site while at the ranch.

How will COVID-19 pandemic impact this REU program?

All students must be vaccinated to participate, no exceptions.

Is a reference letter from an academic or professional source most appropriate?

Either reference is fine as long as they can comment on your research skills or potential.

How do I send my letter of reference?

Please send referrals to this link: https://csulb.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1HWukufHYU4Kl1Q