Student Experiences

April 21, 2022

Newspaper article about the Summer REU Program at River Ridge Ranch


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Lola, an environment major and urban studies minor student at McGill University, searched keywords “geography” and “fieldwork” when looking for summer work on the West Coast. She landed on the project Tracking Land Changes at River Ridge Ranch, her first exposure to REUs. Yet her introduction to fieldwork began earlier, as a research assistant for a prospective grad student, who was looking at trait heterogeneity in tropical roots. Living in Costa Rica, Lola studied the roots of trees and the ecosystem at large, and by the end of her month’s stay, she experienced a deep connection to the region. After returning to school, Lola felt the tug of nature once again, prompting her application to the TLC REU. Lola has adopted a holistic approach to life, acquiring new skills with each project, and knowing these experiences will somehow shape her future. Whether or not her career path will fit directly under the umbrella of “research” remains unknown. Whatever she does, Lola hopes to find her own “little corner of the world,” tackling problems of climate change and practicing sustainable land management.


Here is a highlight reel of the River Ridge Ranch experience!