Jacob Jake Teran

Jacob Jake Teran

California State University, Long BeachJake Terran
Chicano & Latino Studies Department

1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Tel. (562) 985-4644
Fax (562) 985.4631

E-Mail: Jake.Teran@csulb.edu


Professor Jacob “Jake” Teran is a proud Chicano living in Los Angeles. Professor Teran is a 2nd generation Chicano who was born in Montebello, Los Angeles, east of Los Angeles. He has published his first two short stories on Somos en Escrito, called “A Quiet Night on the Boulevard,” “Niños del Sol,” one short fictional story at his community college at Rio Hondo College, and a master’s thesis for his graduate program, where he obtained his M.A. degree in Rhetoric and Composition. He was recently published in an anthology by Querencia Press where his short story “Soy Chicano” and two poems, “Mi Color” and “Bare Tierra” can be found. Although he is currently involved in creative writing and publishing his first novel, Professor Teran is very well involved in his other passion for teaching. Professor Teran specializes in teaching composition to several departments in colleges that include indigenous and Chicanx literature. In addition, he is an advocate for social justice, self-care, and embracing the identity of others. Professor Teran is currently teaching freshman composition and critical thinking and working on a novel based on his experiences growing up in his barrio that deal with gang lifestyle, drugs, violence, and finding one’s identity in a chaotic concrete jungle that he calls home.