Master of Arts Frequently Asked Questions

Master of Arts Frequently Asked Questions

What is it like to pursue an MA in Communication Studies at CSULB?

Click here to see course syllabi, student testimonials, and a projected course schedule

When should I apply? What if I miss the deadline?

Our deadline for Fall 2025 admission is April 1, 2025.  We will not consider late or incomplete submissions.

Do you offer spring admission? No.

What if I do not meet your minimum requirements?

We will still consider your file if you do not meet the minimum requirements. However, you should address this issue in your personal statement and explain why you are prepared to succeed in our program despite not meeting the minimum requirements.

Can I apply if I have an undergraduate degree in a different discipline?

You are invited to apply even if you have a degree outside communication studies. To be sure that our program is a good match for you, please look carefully at our list of graduate course offerings and visit the website for the National Communication Association to learn more about our discipline: If the graduate committee reviews your file and believes you are a strong candidate who needs more background in a particular area, you may be required to take one or more prerequisite courses. In this case, you would enroll in the prerequisites during the summer before starting the graduate program, or during your first semester of coursework.

What should I do to prepare for the GRE?

Bookstores carry a number of GRE prep books. Organizations such as Kaplan offer courses, as does the College of Continuing and Professional Education:

What is the institution and department code for the GRE?

Official GRE scores must be sent to the University, so please use the institution code for California State University Long Beach (4389). We do not have a department code.

How much does your program cost?

The program is 30 units. Most students finish in 2 years by taking 2 or 3 courses per semester. If you complete the program in 2 years, the TOTAL tuition and fees for in-state students is $17,796 and for non-residents is $32,916. Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice, but typically go up no more than 10% at a time. To understand how this breaks down into a cost per semester, please see the tuition schedule for the University here:

Is funding available for graduate students?

Graduate students in our program are offered employment as teaching assistants (TAs) and as graduate assistants (GAs).  Typically, TAs receive a stipend of up to $668.00 to $682.00 per month, per 3-unit course, paid out in six months.  If qualified, TAs typically teach multiple sections of lower division activity sections including interpersonal communication, public speaking, and argumentation and debate.  Students in good standing are also eligible to be hired as graduate assistants (GA). GAs perform a combination of duties, which may include assisting professors with large lecture courses, assisting with department programs such as the Hauth Center, InterACT Troupe, or Speech and Debate. The stipend for a GA position can range from $668.00 to $1075.00 per month depending on hours assigned.  This is paid out in four months. Those who remain in good standing (i.e., maintaining a 3.0 grade point average) can expect that this assistantship will be granted for two academic years.

The department does not offer any other funding for graduate students.

Can I work full-time and enroll in your program?

Being a graduate student and a teaching assistant is a full-time job. Faculty will expect you to devote considerable time to coursework and teaching. Therefore, if you need to maintain your non-University employment, we suggest you do not accept a Teaching Assistant position. Graduate courses are offered in the evenings, so students can take classes while working off campus.

Can I enroll in Open University to improve my GPA or take prerequisites?

You may elect to take courses through Open University; however this does not guarantee admission to the graduate program. Graduate seminars taken through Open University will not count toward an MA in communication studies. Please see the Open University website for more information:

Do you offer courses in public relations, advertising, and/or mass media production?

Our graduate program does not cover those areas.

I am interested in communication disorders and/or linguistics.

These programs are housed in different departments at CSULB. Please contact them directly.