Jessica Russell, Ph.D.

JessicaRussellJessica Russell, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Area of expertise:  Strategic Communication in Health and Interpersonal Contexts
Office: AS-370
Phone: (562) 985-5004

Curriculum Vitae

What are your Research interests?

My program of research examines health communication in sensitive contexts with a heavy emphasis in applied and community-based settings. My most recent work is in the domain of social support and health, specifically concerning difficult health conversations. The initiation and disclosure of health information can be an arduous process. There are often implications and ramifications for how such sensitive information is delivered. It is also the case that healthcare providers report a high degree of communication apprehension and reported under-preparedness when dealing with difficult conversations. My current research aims to inform planning procedures and strategies employed in initiating such conversations and their respective outcomes. Current research questions posed driving my agenda include: How can physicians frame difficult news in ways that are understandable and instructive, yet empathetic in nature? What are perceived measures of quality employed by physicians to assess difficult conversation outcomes.

What are your Teaching interests?

My teaching interests align with my research trajectory. I love teaching the courses in research methods. It affords tools for students to employ while researching content areas of interest.

What courses have you taught?

I primarily teach Measurement in Communication Research (COMM 307) and Oral Persuasion and Attitude Change (COMM 449). I am in the process of developing courses in both Health Communication and Health Communication Campaigns.

How do you serve the department and the university and the community?

At the Department level, I serve as the Chair of the Curriculum committee and as a member of the Grade Appeals committee. At the College level, I serve as a department representative for the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Faculty Council. At the University level, I have service commitments with the University Student Research Competition. For the past two years, I have served as both a panel judge and then as an advisor for finalists. For the Communication Studies discipline, I am a regular reviewer for several journals. I also serve as a member of the editorial board for both Communication Reports and Journal of Western Communication.