Dr. Esa Syeed, Associate Professor
Email: Esa.Syeed@csulb.edu
Office: PSY-125
Phone: (562) 985-5690
Pronouns: he/him/his
Main Courses:
- SOC 354 – Qualitative Methods
- SOC 415 – Sociology of Education
- SOC 427 – Social Order and Social Change
Research & Teaching Interests:
- Urban Education; Social Movements; Qualitative Methods; Race/Ethnicity
- Georgetown University, BA
- American University, MA
- New York University, Sociology of Education, Ph.D.
- Syeed, E. & Valenzuela, B. (2024). When Filling the Research Gap is Personal: Autoethnography and New Majority Students. Teaching Sociology.
- Syeed, E. (2022). Sanctuary Mentoring: Toward a More Inclusive Mentorship Framework. The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching, 6(15), 523-527.
- Syeed, E. (2022). The Space Beyond Equity: A Blueprint of Radical Possibilities in School Design. Educational Policy. Online First.
- Syeed, E., Rosas, A., Hammam, F., Shen, S., & Zeferino, F. (2022). Challenging “Citizen Science”: Liminal Status Students and Community-Engaged Research. Social Sciences, 11(66).
- Syeed, E. (2021). Putting Everything on the Table: Complexity, Context, and Community Engagement with Public Education. Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. Online First.
- Syeed, E. (2020). Wearing Many Hats: Students of Color and the Grounded Aesthetics of Graduation. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
- Syeed, E., Kumar, M. M., Lowe, N., Moran, D., & Rucobo, K. (2020). Getting Uncomfortable with Difficult Knowledge: A Reflexive Account of a Community-Based Research Project. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-based Research and Practice, 3(1), 3.
- Syeed, E. (2019). “It Just Doesn’t Add Up”: Disrupting Official Arguments for Urban School Closures with Counterframes. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27 (110).
- Syeed, E. (2018). There Goes the PTA: Building Parent Identity, Relationships, and Power in Gentrifying Schools. Equity & Excellence in Education, 51(3-4), 284-300.
- Syeed, E. (2018). Conflicts Between Covers: Confronting Official Curriculum In Indian Textbooks. Curriculum Inquiry, 48(5), 540-559.
- Noguera, P. & Syeed, E. (2020). City Schools and the American Dream 2: The Enduring Promise of Public Education. New York: Teachers College Press.
Public scholarship:
- Syeed, E. & Rosas, A. (2023). Teaching While Undocumented. Rethinking Schools.
- Syeed, E. (2018). Thinking Caps. Contexts.
Book chapters:
- Noguera, P. & Syeed, E (2021). The Role of Schools in Reducing Racial Inequality. In James Banks (Ed.), Transforming Multicultural Educational Policy and Practice. Teachers College Press.
- Syeed, E. (2019). An Open and Shut Case: Comparing Outcomes of School Closures in Washington, D.C. In Ebony Duncan-Shippy (Ed.), Shuttered Schools: Race, Community, and School Closures in American Cities. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.