Applied Anthropology
Applied Anthropology
The department of Anthropology offers graduate work in applied anthropology leading to a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology with an option in Applied Anthropology. The program produces practitioners who use anthropological knowledge and methods to design, conduct, and evaluate research and action programs. Students with a B.A. in Anthropology, as well as those who can apply their previous training and experience to the practice of anthropology, are welcome to apply. In order to meet the growing demand in California and elsewhere for professionals capable of addressing the complex, global problems of multicultural urban and regional environments, the Applied Anthropology Program emphasizes knowledge of anthropological theory and specialized training for its application across a wide range of global contexts. All graduate students participate in research projects and internships. Within the global context of urban and regional cultural change, the program offers three concentrations: educational anthropology, medical anthropology, and community anthropology. Regional emphasis begins with the languages, cultures, and communities of Long Beach, and extends globally. We are a member of COPAA (Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs)