Business Economics B.A. + Economics M.A.

Business Economics B.A. + Economics M.A.

Students enrolled in this Beach EDGE (Expedited Degrees in Graduate Education) program will complete the requirements for both the Business Economics B.A. and Economics M.A. offered by the Economics Department by double-counting ten units of three M.A. courses towards both degrees. The courses that can be double-counted towards both the Business Economics B.A. and Economics M.A. are ECON 510 – Advanced Microeconomics, ECON 585 – Econometrics I, and ECON 587 – Research Methods in Economics.

Advisor/ Staff Contacts 

Graduate Advisor: Mariya Mileva, Ph.D.
Office Location: SSPA – 343

For general questions please contact the department:
Location: SSPA – 361A
Phone: 562-985-5061

Lower Division Core:
ECON 100 and ECON 101 or ECON 300, and MATH 115/ MATH 119A/MATH 122, and ACCT 201

Upper Division Core:
ECON 310, ECON 311, ECON 380

Upper Division Electives:
Six additional upper-division courses in Economics, of which at least two must be at the 400 level (excluding ECON 300, ECON 406, ECON 495,  ECON 499, and C/LA 492). Up to three units of C/LA 492 and ECON 406 may be used in place of a 300-level Economics course.

For more details refer to the catalog page of the BA in Business Economics.

Note: All courses used to satisfy Business Economics BA degree requirements must be taken for a letter grade.

After the first four years (2 semesters of participation in the Beach EDGE Program), students will have accumulated 120 units toward their BA. Ten of those units will be MA-Level courses that will count both toward their BA requirements of 120 units and the major required units.

Economic Theory courses with a grade of B or better:
ECON 510, ECON 511

Applied economics courses with a grade of C or better:
ECON 585, ECON 586, ECON 587, 500-level elective, 400-level economics elective

Field and seminar courses:
ECON 690, ECON 691, 600-level seminar

Pass a comprehensive exam:
The comprehensive exam requires students to submit a research paper from a 600-level seminar and orally defend this research to a committee of three faculty members. This exam will assess the student's proficiency in economic theory, ability to apply economic theory, and proficiency in economic research. The faculty committee will determine if the student has successfully passed the exam based on the quality of the research paper and oral defense according to guidelines established by the department.

Eligibility & Admissions