LGBTQIA+ History @ the Beach
This is a living archive of LGBTQIA+ events at California State University, Long Beach. The purpose of this timeline is to link current and future LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff to community across time, to show that others like us have been here before, to reinforce that we belong, and to remind us that we have a history of strength and resilience. In sum, this project is focused on community and empowerment.
The development of this timeline was started by Dr. Lauren Jensen, Licensed Psychologist within Counseling and Psychological Services. It is now hosted by the LGBTQIA+ Campus Climate Committee (LGBTQIA+ CCC) and is a work in progress. Special thanks to Nicole Torres, Department of Economics Specialist, for building a website to host this timeline, making it accessible to the public.
We invite community members to submit additions as well as corrections by contacting us.
- Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer + Campus Climate (CLGBTIQ+CC), a subcommittee of the general Campus Climate Committee within Academic Senate, is retitled to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Aromantic + Campus Climate Committee (LGBTQIA+ CCC).
- LGBTQIA+CCC website
- Cruising the capacious: A trans studies symposium
- Campus event for Women’s History Month hosted by TAC, WGSS, and PCSW
- Women's History Month 2022 Event flyer
- Girls Like Us: Exploring Trans Feminist Herstory
- Virtual campus event for Women’s History Month with Dr. Kathryn Perkins
- Girls Like Us: Exploring Trans Feminist Herstory Event Info
- First in-person LGBTQIA+ Cultural Welcome event
- March 9, 2022 in the USU Games Center
- Cultural Welcome Events Info
- Queers and Allies change their name to Queer Students’ Alliance
- The rationale for the new name was to shift the language toward students who are queer rather than being labeled as “queers” and centering queer experiences.
- Dr. Shae Miller launches Queer and Trans Faculty and Staff Affinity group (QTFSA)
- An officially recognized Affinity Group at CSULB under the President’s Equity and Change Commission.
- The mission of the Queer and Trans FSA (QTFSA) is to facilitate community-building, resource development, and advocacy for all faculty and staff members of our (a)gender, (a)sexual, and (a)romantic communities.
- CSULB Faculty & Staff Affinity Groups
- Student gain access to initiating hormone therapy on-campus
- Fall 2021, CSULB Student Health Services begins to offer the possibility of initiating hormone therapy
- Trans Advocacy & Empowerment
- First trans specific registered student organization
- Developed over the years through mentorship and support by Drs. Loretta LeMaster, Shae Miller, and Abraham Weil
- First Co-President: Sky Na; First Secretary: Alfredo Heredia
- Trans Empowerment & Advocacy Website
- First campus housing construction that intentionally included all gender restrooms
- Daily 49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences
- Ode to my queerness: I'll never stop 'coming out' (Jan 2021, Daily 49er) (student article)
- Daily 49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences
- First LGBTQIA+ Cultural Welcome Event
- A virtual event to welcome LGBTQIA+ students new to campus as part of a week-long cultural welcome series.
- Now institutionalized and occurs at the start of each semester.
- Hosted by Student Orientation, Advising and Registration (SOAR) within the Division of Student Affairs in collaboration with campus partners and student leaders.
- Trans Advocacy Coalition (TAC)
- TAC is founded by three faculty members with support from the CSULB President, Dr. Jane Close Conoley.
- Founding members: Dr. Shae Miller (Sociology), Dr. Abraham Weil (WGSS), and Dr. Kathryn Perkins (Political Science)
- Trans Advocacy Coalition (TAC) website
- First meeting of Trans Empowerment & Advocacy
- A virtual (bi-weekly) drop-in support space for all trans and gender nonconforming students. Not yet a registered student organization on campus.
- Developed and hosted by:
- Caleb Aparicio, Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Affairs, Associated Students Inc.
- Jasper Chagolla, Student Assistant for the LGBTQ Resource Center
- Mlou Aquino, student leader
- Jackie, student leader
- Gender inclusive language shift, first use of CSULB homecoming royalty
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- Daily 49er Article: Editor's Note: Happy OUTober! (Oct 2019)
- CSULB graduate student explores sexuality through erotic art (Oct 2019, Daily 49er)
- Transgender community in Long Beach has access to safe spaces, other places in the U.S. aren't so lucky (Oct 2019, Daily 49er)
- CSULB students and staff spill the tea on misconceptions about the LGBTQ+ community (Oct 2019, Daily 49er)
- Professor Kathryn Perkins discovers her true self at CSULB (Oct 2019, Daily 49er)
- “Out of the Closet” series (Daily 49er student interviews)
- Produced by Paula Kiley and Aubrey Balster, in collaboration with Queers and Allies CSULB
- Out of the Closet, CSULB students share their coming out stories (Oct 2019, Daily 49er)
- Frist meeting of the Trans People of Color Empowerment Group
- Initiated by Majic Hanna, student leader
- Not a registered student organization. Ran from 2019 – 2020.
- Student Health Services starts to offer maintenance of hormone therapy on campus
- Frist meeting of Trans Meetings
- A drop-in discussion group for trans students
- Developed and co-facilitated by Dr. Shae Miller (Sociology) and Dr. Abraham Weil (WGSS)
- Ran from 2018 – 2019 during the fall and spring semesters in the LGBTQ Resource Center (FO 4 – 165)
- “Dear Harvey” - performance written by CSULB professor Patricia Loughrey
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ community
- Two-Spirit Tongva Activist L. Frank Manriquez (Tongva/Acjachemen) spoke on campus
- CAPS Trans Care Team
- Counseling & Psychological Services creates a Trans Care Team
- Drs. Lauren Jensen & Beth Sullivan (Licensed Psychologists) and Rachelle Ang, LCSW (Case Manger)
- First LGBTQIA+ living community in campus housing was created (Hillside C)
- AB 1732 was passed
- Starting March 1, 2017, this bill requires “all single-user toilet facilities in any business establishment, place of public accommodation, or government agency to be identified as all-gender toilet facilities, as specified.”
- CA Assembly Bill No. 1732
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- Supporting OUTober with drag (Oct 2017, Daily 49er) (Drag Bingo, hosted by Beach Pride Events)
- Higgins gets involved (Jan 2017, Daily 49er) (story about Dr. Jon Higgins, co-assistant director of OMA)
- Access to letters of support for surgery
- Counseling and Psychological Services officially starts to provide letters of support for gender affirming surgeries.
- OMA’s first OUTober (LGBTQIA+ Heritage Month)
- Shifting from Coming Out Week to a cultural heritage month with programing aimed at celebrating LGBTQIA+ lives and experiences.
- Initiated by Jonathan Higgins, Ed.D., Assistant Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Division of Student Affairs
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- 'Healing Through Visibility: A Coming Out Day Celebration' a kickoff event for OUTober 2016 (Oct 2016, Daily 49er)
- OMA’s first Coming Out Monologues: CSULB Office of Multicultural Affairs hosts first Coming Out Monologues on National Coming Out Day (Oct 2016, Daily 49er)
- Black LGBTQIA+ panel: Same love, different perspectives (Feb 2016, Daily 49er)
- 2016 – 2018 - Trans Empowerment Group
- A weekly discussion, support, and empowerment collective specifically geared toward trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students.
- Created and hosted by Dr. Loretta LeMaster, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Dr. Brian Jersky joined California State University Long Beach
- Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (July). Outed himself publicly while candidating for the position.
- (exact year unknown) - Option to use an affirmed name for class roaster, campus ID cards, MyCSULB and Beachboard
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- What’s the Tea?
- A drop-in support group for queer and trans people of color
- Developed and hosted by Dr. Jonathan Higgins, Assistant Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Division of Student Affairs
- Ran from Fall 2015 – Spring 2017
- Ended as a result of Dr. Higgins’ departure from the university
- Campus Pride Index Score 3.5
- Safe Zone funding
- The cost of administering Safe Zone Trainings (trainers still volunteer) is covered by the University
- Office of Multicultural Affairs
- OMA is established within DSA to oversee the student cultural resource centers
- First hires: Jonathan Higgins, Ed.D. & Christian Lozano Cuellar, M.S.Ed.
- Alexandra Billings delivered a commencement speech for the College of the Arts (COTA) at California State University, Long Beach
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- Yuè Begay "Nádleehí, indigiqueer, an indigenous Two Spirit transgender woman from the Diné (Navajo) was President of the American Indian Student Council from 2014-2015
- Frist meeting of Rainbow Cafe
- A weekly drop-in group in support of sexual, gender, and romantic diversity
- Established by Dr. Lauren Jensen, Licensed Psychologist, Counseling & Psychological Services, Division of Student Affairs
- First meeting was October 13, 2014
- Robert Garcia, CSULB alum, becomes Long Beach’s first gay identified mayor
- Also the first Latino mayor and first mayor to be fluent in English and Spanish in Long Beach history
- ‘He made me so proud' (Jan 2018, Press Telegram)
- First gender neutral housing option in campus dorms (Beachside College)
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- “Queer Hip Hop: Uncensored” (Transgender Day of Remembrance event)
- 3rd annual event at the Nugget Grill and Pub on campus
- Drag kings take over the Nugget (Nov 2013, Daily 49er)
- Queer Hip Hop returns Wednesday (Nov 2013, Daily 49er)
- Student trustee announces gender transition (April 2013, Daily 49er)
- “Queer Hip Hop: Uncensored” (Transgender Day of Remembrance event)
- Start of Queer Studies minor
- First Committee on LGBTQ Campus Climate (CLGBTQCC) established
- Gabriel Estrada, two-spirit Caxcan/Rarámuri through Chicana/o descent, first chair of the CLGBTQCC
- A subcommittee of the Campus Climate Committee within academic senate
- First Official LGBTQ Campus Climate Committee comes to CSULB (Sept 2013, Daily 49er)
- Complete Campus Pride Index Score 2.5
- Student Health Services alters forms to be trans and non-binary inclusive
- Increased campus promotion of “out list”
- Queer Studies minor
- Passed by the Academic Senate on 9/20/12
- SB-48 passed
- This bill requires instruction in social sciences to include a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans to the development of California and the United States.
- Prohibits the State Board of Education and the governing board of any school district from adopting textbooks or other instructional materials that contain any matter that reflects adversely upon persons because of their gender or sexual orientation.
- CA Senate Bill No. 48
- Safe Zone transferred from CAPS to CHHS
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- Campus National Coming Out Week media coverage
- Our View: Celebrating Coming Out Week moves us one step forward (Oct 2011, Daily 49er)
- “Keep on Keeping On” presented by Lisa Tiger (Muscogee Creek)
- Native HIV/AIDS campus event for Native American Heritage Month in collaboration with the Red Circle Project and AIDS Project Los Angeles
- Co-Sponsored by Native American CHOICES and the CSULB American Indian Student Association
- Two-spirit history
- Deborah A. Miranda (Ohlone-Costanoan Esselen Nation, Chumash) published Tongva Two-Spirit history and the current Tongva/Acjachemen two-spirit activism of L. Frank Manriquez in "Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California" in Gay/Lesbian Quarterly.
- “Queer Hip Hop: Uncensored” hosted on campus
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- Campus Transgender 101 Symposium (October)
- Campus National Coming Out Week media coverage (October)
- Project OCEAN from CAPS focuses on the needs of LGBTQ students (May)
- CSULB student is a victim of a transphobic hate crime in campus bathroom (April)
- LGBT Tenured and Tenure-Track faculty focus group
- Drs. Kirstyn Chun and Neil Hultgren facilitated a Diversity Focus Group for self-identified LGBT Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty for the WASC report that was being written at that time.
Mid-late 2000s
- Providing all gender restrooms in campus dorms
- Steven Spielberg, CSULB alum, donates money to fight Prop. 8
- Spielberg helps fund Prop. 8 opposition, by John Canalis, Press-telegram, 2008-09-23
- Robert Garcia, CSULB alum, organizes rally in Long Beach in opposition to Prop. 8
- Prop. 8 rallies Long Beach, by John Canalis, Press-telegram, 2008-10-29
- LGBT Task Force created
- Ran from 2008 – 2013 with the goal of launching a queer studies minor and establishing a committed on LGBTQ campus climate
- Associated Students, Inc. creates a position for Secretary for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexual and Queer Affairs
- The Daddy Machine, campus-community event, a musical about children with two moms
- Nancy Martin, Ph.D. worked with Associated Students, Inc. and the CSULB LGBT Faculty and Staff Network to co-sponsor a campus-wide, community-involved presentation of “The Daddy Machine”
- Book by Patricia Loughrey, Music and Lyrics by Rayme Sciaroni. Based on the book by Johnny Valentine.
- Daily49er coverage of LGBTQIA+ experiences and campus events
- Campus National Coming Out Week media coverage
- First Lavender Graduation
- May 12, 2007, organized by:
- Loretta LeMaster, Lavender Graduation Co-Chair, Student Organizer
- Thalia Elisa Duran, Lavender Graduation Co-Chair, Student Organizer
- Jeff Au Spafford, Lavender Graduation Co-Chair, Delta Lambda Phi President
- Kirstyn Yuk Sim Chun, Psy.D., LGBTRC Faculty Advisor, CAPS Psychologist
- Negative campus reaction
- May 12, 2007, organized by:
- Celebration of Coming Out Week
- Shifting from a day to week-long programing
- Media coverage:
- LGBT Center turns celebrated day into week of themed activities (Sept 2007, Daily 49er)
- LGBT community speaks on identity (Oct 2007, Daily 49er)
- Letter to the editor - Grateful for LGBT coverage (Oct 2007, Daily 49er)
- Letter to the editor - 'Coming Out' story hits mark (Oct 2007, Daily 49er)
- LGBT community celebrates National Coming Out Week (Oct 2007, Daily 49er)
- Media coverage:
- Shifting from a day to week-long programing
- First LGBT Diversity Week
- April 16th – 19th 2007
- LGBT/Ally Community Group Day at a CSULB women’s basketball game
- Campus celebration of National Coming Out Day
- First publication of an Outlist in the campus newspapers
- World AIDS Day campus events (November 28-30)
- CSULB participated in the national Day of Silence (April 26, 2006)
- CSULB LGBT Resource Center officially became a part of Student Life and Development
- First campus Safe Zone Training, created and hosted by CAPS psychologists
- First Annual Long Beach Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
- Hosted at CSULB in the USU small auditorium (June 18, 19, 20th 1996)
- Later referred to as QFilms
- CSULB LGBT Resource Center funded
- Dr. Bob Maxson, President, provides limited operational funding for LGBT Resource Center
- CSULB LGBT Resource Center receives funding for half-time student position
- Granted by present Dr. Robert Maxson
- Funding granted for half-time Student Coordinator Program Coordinator position not dependent on work-study program
- Campus connection to Dr. Lester Brown, a gay/two-spirit American Indian
- In the mid-1990s, American Indian Studies was chaired by Dr. Lester Brown, a gay/two-spirit American Indian.
- Dr. Brown both held anonymous Native American HIV/AIDS support groups during the mid-1990s and he authored the book Two Spirit People: American Indian Lesbian Women and Gay Men (1999).
- Through his mentorship, The Red Circle Project of the AIDS Project of Los Angeles formed as the first Native American HIV/AIDS program in Los Angeles formed in 2003.
- CSULB Rho chapter of Delta Lambda Phi established
- CSULB’s first social fraternity for members of the LGBTQ+ community
- Los Angeles Times (1923-1995), 1991-02-24, p.SEJ1
- Delta Lambda Phi at CSULB offers brotherhood for LGBTQ community (Oct 2019, Daily 49er)
- Delta Lambda Phi was founded by Jack Carrel, a graduate student in public health. He served as the first president of DLP.
- Queer Nation comes to campus
- Dr. Michael Johnston, Psychologist at CSULB CAPS, recalls CSULB students being active in Queer Nation, a national activist organization
- World AIDS Day commemorated (as early as December 1, 1990)
- Dr. Jonathan O'Brien recalls speaking at a candle-light ceremony for this event
1990's – 2010's
- Campus connection to two-spirit spokesperson Ben Lucero Wolf
- Throughout the 1990s-2010s, two-spirit spokesperson Ben Lucero Wolf (Kiowa Nation of Oklahoma) was a male head dancer or dancer at local pow wows including the Puvungna (CSULB) annual Pow Wow. Mr. Wolf was commissioner of The Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission that includes Long Beach.
Opening of the CSULB LGBT Resource Center
- Vince Nico was the first Student Program Coordinator (work-study position)
- The first Faculty Advisors for the LGBT Resource Center were Dr. Michael Johnston (CAPS) & Dr. Patricia Rozee, (Psychology & WGSS)
- Dr. June Cooper, Acting President of CSULB, establishes Faculty Office Building 4, room 165 as the location for LGBT Resource Center in 1988.
SAFE (Students for AIDS Facts & Education) founded
- A student organization and peer education group that trained members to conduct class presentations, trainings, and campus tabling on AIDS/HIV and safer sex.
ACT UP comes to campus
- Dr. Michael Johnston, CAPS Psychologist, recalls that CSULB students were active in ACT UP, a national activist organization.
Coming Out Day was observed as early as the mid-1980s
- Jonathan O'Brien recalls that students used to wear Levi’s/jeans on that day and once paid for a surprise newspaper ad in the 49er that communicated something like: “Thank you for wearing jeans today to support LGB community!” in the spirit of the rebellious Queer Nation.
GLSU (Gay & Lesbian Student Union)
- Held weekly meetings, had a dozen active members, and offered a full calendar of social events and community service.
- A Speaker’s Bureau trained members as panelists to speak at many psychology and other courses at CSULB and local community colleges.
- Jonathan O'Brien was the editor of the newsletter, Contrarywise.
- GLSU (Gay & Lesbian Student Union) established
- Rowland Kerr (Student Affairs staff) was the advisor for many years.
Last updated 3/29/22 nt