Celebrating 58 Years of Peace Corps Service!


I am happy to announce that we will be celebrating 58 years as an organization by hosting a Peace Corps Week event on Tuesday, March 5th from 4:00-6:00 PM in the USU 205 (West Wing). Seventeen returned volunteers will be in attendance and eager to share about how their 27 months of service abroad shaped their skillsets and careers as professionals. These returned volunteers are now working as engineers, CEO’s, government employees, teachers, university administrators, and social workers (see the speaker list below!) This event will provide a very unique opportunity for you to learn what service is truly like, as well as help you to identify how the skills gained in Peace Corps service can help you in your respective professions and fields of study! RSVP to the March 5th Information Session via Events on CareerLink.

List of Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Speakers for March 5th, 2019 Celebratory Event:


Alfred Fung

Country of Service/Sector: China (2002-2003) as a TEFL Instructor & Palau (2003-2005) as a Small Business Counselor

Employment: CEO, fun-gi


Catherine Mueller

Country of Service/Sector: Guinea (2013-2014), Public Health 

Employment: Department of Homeland Security 


Cheetah Chin

Country of Service/ Sector: Mongolia, Education

Employment: Isabel Patterson Child Development Center


Chewy Liong

Country of Service/Sector: Chad (2005-2006)


Christina Decorse

Country of Service/Sector: Macedonia (2013-2016), TEFL Instructor

Employment: Instructional student assistant, CSULB

Most recent former employment: Nankai University English Lecturer


David Lieberman

Country of Service/Sector: Philippines (2000-2003), Environmental Sector (Water and Sanitation Engineering)

Employment: Avocet Environmental, Project Engineer


Devon Murphy

Country of Service/Sector: Uganda, Physics and Mathematics Teacher


Hila Raen

Country of Service/Sector: Fiji, Health Promotions Officer

Employment: Licensed Clinical Social Worker with Cognitive Care Solutions 


Jessica Wilson

Country of Service/Sector: China (2013-2015), Education

Employment: Peace Corps Recruiter, CSULB


Karen Jimenez

Country of Service/Sector: Gabon (2002-2004), Health 

Employment: Development Associate, Irvine Valley College


Lesley Farmer

Country of Service/Sector: Tunisia (1975-77), Health

Employment: CSULB Professor of Library Media


Lisa Marie Clark

Country of Service/Sector: Cameroon (2016-2018), Community Health

Employment: Graduate Student


Mary Bowes

Country of Service/Sector: Guatemala (1985-1987), Youth Development

Employment: Teacher in Los Angeles Unified School District for 29 years


Melissa Goldman

Country of Service/Sector: Nepal, Food Security

Employment: Current Cornell University graduate student (studying International Development with Food Systems/Agriculture focus)


Natalie Smerkanich

Country of Service: Palau, Education

Employment: Peace Corps, Regional Recruiter for Los Angeles


Rashid Ocheltree

Country of Service/Sector: Education, Morocco (74-76) and Oman (76-77)

Former Employment: Booz Allen Hamilton in Saudi Arabia 


Terri Elders

Countries of Service/Sector: Belize, ’87-’90 Community Development, D.R., ’92-’94 Education, Seychelles, ’95, Peace Corps Headquarters, Health Technical Specialist, InterAmerica/Pacific, EMA Regions, ‘2000-20004, Peace Corps Crisis Corps, ’05, USA Katrina/Rita Initiative

Former Employment: Arkansas Dept. of HealthAdolescent & School Health Coordinator, Pubic member of the Washington State Medical Commission, Federal grant reviewer for HHS, SAMHSA, Dept. of Education, Department of Justice, Orange County Grand Juror, freelance writer/editor