Roland’s Balboa Films

Roland’s Balboa Films

Title Alternate Title No. of Reels Release Date
Who Pays? (12 Episodes)   3 each

Apr. 17-July 03, 1915

Comrade John   5 Oct. 29, 1915
Red Circle (The) (14 Episodes) Scarlet Circle (The) 2 each Dec. 18-1915-Mar. 18, 1916
Matrimonial Martyr (The) A Message From Reno 5 Apr. 19, 1916
Sultana (The)   5 Oct. 14, 1916
Devil’s Bait (The) Devil’s Pet Bait (The) 4 Apr. 09, 1917
Neglected Wife (The) (15 Episodes)   2 each May 13-Aug. 19, 1917
Stolen Play (The)   4 Aug. 31, 1917 
Price of Folly (The) (8 Episodes) Who Wins? 2 each Jan. 20-March 10, 1918

 Red Circle musical score cover with portrait of Ruth Rolandmusical score page 1

second page of musical scorethird page of musical score

fourth page of musical score 

Red Circle AdvertRed Circle StillPrice of Folly Still with Ruth Roland Calendar with Ruth Roland