Twin Kiddies

Twin Kiddies (title in U.S.)/Twin Rays of Sunshine (title in U.K.)

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U.K. Synopsis

Poor little rich girl FayFay with parents Her parents, the wealthy Van Loans, shower their daughter with all that money can buy, but they deprive her of what she wants most–their affection. publicity shot of filming of Twin Kiddies This is a publicity shot during the filming of Twin Kiddies, interesting for the crowd on and off the bed. On the bed, left to right, is the actress Loretta Beecker (Beatrice Van Loan), R. Henry Grey (Baxter Van Loan), Marie Osborne (Fay Van Loan), and world-famous director Henry King. In the background, beyond the bed holding the white-feathered fan is Ruth Roland watching production, and between Roland and the cameraman, so claimed Marie Osborne, is Lon Chaney wearing the broad-brimmed hat, but his identity cannot be verified. Mrs. Van Loan taking medicationunhappy with the rich life Money doesn’t bring much happiness to the Van Loans. Grandpa Van Loan is a grump tooBessie on the stoop To the left is poor little rich Fay with her grumpy grandpa. By sheer coincidence, there is another girl that could be Fay’s twin. Bessie Hunt is the spitting image of Fay, and Bessie’s father works for Fay’s father as a foreman at the mine. Contrary to Fay’s situation, Bessie is showered with love, but she enjoys few material comforts. Bessie playing with Leon PerdueHenry King as Bessie's father To the right, Henry King plays Bessie’s father, Jasper Hunt. Again, Marie Osborne claimed that Lon Chaney was an extra in this film, wearing the cap, at center in background.