Faculty Publications: Geography – May 2023

April 27, 2023

Ban, H. & Kim, H.-j. (2023). Analysis and Visualization of Vessels’ RElative MOtion (REMO). ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(3), 115. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi12030115

Carter, Chris, 2023, Introduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Online 2nd Edition (forthcoming)  https://www.esri.com/en-us/esri-press/browse/introduction-to-human-geography-using-arcgis-online

Sammler, K.G and House-Peters, L. 2023 Unblackboxing Mediation in the Digital Mine. Geoforum 141: 103745. (Open Access: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016718523000714)

Garcia Cartagena, M., Alonso-Yanez, G., House-Peters, L., and Bonelli, S. (Eds.) (In Press, 2023). Converging Boundaries: Transdisciplinary Experiences from Biodiversity Conservation Practices in Colombia, Uruguay and Chile. DIO Press, Inc. (https://www.diopress.com/converging-boundaries)

Sandroni, L., F. Ramos Quispe, L. House-Peters, G. Alonso-Yanez, M.I. Carabajal, M. Valentine, S. Schweizer, M. Murisa, N. Roy, A. de Vernal, N. Arbour, and A. Stewart Ibarra. (Accepted) Practicing Transdisciplinarity in Diverse Contexts: Recommendations for Transdisciplinary Capacity Building for Global Environmental Change. Journal of Science Policy & Governance

Guerrero, Ashley D. and Christine L. Jocoy. 2022. Book Review of Mean Streets: Homelessness, public space, and the limits of capital, Don Mitchell. Urban Geography. 43(1): 160-161. DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2021.2008717.

Laris, P. Kone, M. Dembele, F., Rodrigue, C.M., Laris, Q., Yang, L., Jacobs, R. (2023) The Pyrogeography of Methane Emissions from Seasonal-Mosaic Burning Regimes in a West African Landscape. Fire. 6, 52. doi.org/10.3390/fire6020052.

Laris, P., Kone, M., Dembele, Yang, L., Jacobs, R., F. & Camara, F. 2021. Methane gas emissions from savanna fires: What analysis of local burning regimes in a working West African landscape tell us. Biogeoscience 18, 6229–6244, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-6229-2021.

Laris, P., 2021. On the Problems and Promises of Savanna Fire Regime Change. Commentary on “Emissions mitigation opportunities for savanna countries from early dry season fire management” Lipsett-Moore et al. Nature Communications 12, 4891, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25141-1.

Laris, P., Yang, L., Dembele, F., Rodrigue, C.M. 2021. Fire and Water: The role of grass competition on juvenile tree growth and survival rates in a mesic savanna. Plant Ecology, 222: 861–875.

Laris, P., Seymour, C., Mills, M. 2021. What a long term, repeat study can tell us about California’s native prairie landscapes. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History. 

Bao, Y., Huang, Z., Li, L., Wang, H., Lin, J., & Liu, G. (2023). Evaluating the human use efficiency of urban built environment and their coordinated development in a spatially refined manner. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 189, 106723.

Yin, G., Huang, Z., Bao, Y., Wang, H., Li, L., Ma, X., & Zhang, Y. (2023). ConvGCN-RF: A hybrid learning model for commuting flow prediction considering geographical semantics and neighborhood effects. GeoInformatica, 27(2), 137-157.

Lu, X., Situ, C., Wang, J., Zhou, L., Ma, W., & Li, L. (2022). Remote Estimation of the Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Lake Dianshan, China Using High-Spatial-Resolution Satellite Imagery. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 50(12), 2465-2477.

Ye, R., Huang, Z., Li, L., & Shan, X. (2022). GeoUNet: A novel AI model for high-resolution mapping of ecological footprint. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 112, 102803.

Mystyn Mills, Loralee Larios, Janet Franklin (2023). LTEAM: A Framework for long-term ecological adaptive monitoring, management, and evaluation of landscape restoration. In Review. Restoration Ecology  

Erick J Lundgren, Daniel Ramp, Owen Middleton, Mairin Balisi, William J. Ripple, Chris Hasselerharm, Eamonn Wooster, Mystyn Mills, Jessica N. Sanchez, Arian D Wallach (2022). Echoes of the late Pleistocene in a novel trophic cascade between cougars and introduced wild donkeys, Animal Ecology. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.13.439662v1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.13.439662

Paul Laris, Chelsea Seymour, Mystyn Mills (2021). Where have the native grasses gone?: What a long term, repeat study can tell us about California’s native prairie landscapes. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 8(1), 1,1-12. DOI: http://doi.org/10.16993/rl.61

Pesses, M.W. “Critical Theory for Geography Students I: Foucault and ‘Questions on Geography.’” The Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 83 (2021): 148-156. https://doi.org/10.1353/pcg.2021.0009

Pesses, M.W. Ecomobilities: Driving the Anthropocene in Popular Cinema. Environment and Society series. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781498598194/Ecomobilities-Driving-the-Anthropocene-in-Popular-Cinema

Sidorov, Dmitrii (2022) Socio-spatial differentiation in Stalinist Moscow, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 113 (4):412-428 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tesg.12518 

Sidorov, Dmitrii (2022) Review of V. Tsymbursky, The Morphology of Russian Geopolitics and Dynamics of International Systems in 18-20th centuries, in The AAG Review of Books 9:2 DOI 10.1080/2325548X.2021.1883339.

Winslow S, Creer K, Laris P (2021). Leveraging sUAS Imagery and GEOBIA for Effective Land Management. CSU Geospatial Review 18: 10-11. https://dev-sfsu-csugis.pantheonsite.io/sites/default/files/documents/2021%20CSU%20Geospatial%20Review.pdf