Faculty Publications: International Studies – October/November 2020

May 10, 2021

International Studies

Fouratt, Caitlin E. (2019). “‘Lo Que Nos Une’: Refugee Youth and Integration in Costa Rica.” On Youth Circulations Blog website. Ed. Lauren Heidbrink and Michelle Statz. Available online: http://www.youthcirculations.com/blog/2019/2/18/lo-que-nos-une-refugee-youth-and-integration-in-costa-rica.

. (2019). “Transnational Families, Care Arrangements and the State in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.” Discussion Paper for Progress of the World’s Women 2019-2020: Families in a Changing World. UN Women. New York. https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2019/12/discussion-paper-transnational-families-care-arrangements-and-the-state-in-costa-rica-and-nicaragua.

Fouratt, Caitlin E. and Koen Voorend (2019). “Esquivando al Estado. Prácticas privadas en el uso de los servicios de salud entre inmigrantes nicaragüenses en Costa Rica.” Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos. 44:1-32.

Little, Carrie (November 2019). Interview with Dr. Joseph Wiltberger and Dr. Caitlin Fouratt on research with Central American refugees on  “Anthropologist on the Street,” Available online: https://www.facebook.com/AnthropologistOnTheStreet/videos/3055993461083879/.

Marcus, Richard R. “COVID 19 –Social Impacts Assessment in the South of Madagascar.” White Paper. World Bank, April 24, 2020.

. “Madagascar: Community Driven-Approach in the South of Madagascar.” White Paper. World Bank, March 31, 2019. 

Douglass, Kristina, Richard R. Marcus et al. “Historical perspectives on contemporary human‐environment dynamics in southeast Africa.” Conservation Biology. January, 2019.

Marcus, Richard R., Philip M Allen, Maureen Covell, eds. (Forthcoming) Historical Dictionary of Madagascar. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield. (COVID-19 publication delay from 2020. 2021 anticipated).

McCall, J. (2020). Turning toward the sun: a cross-national analysis of solar energy generation. International Journal Sociology, 50(4), 310-324.

Walters, Kimberly. “Moral Security: Anti-trafficking and the Humanitarian State in South India.” Gender Panic (Forthcoming, 2020).