Faculty Publications: Geography – Winter Break 20/21

May 10, 2021


Ban, H. (forthcoming). Chapter 7: Existing Databases for Global Coastal Feature Names. In H.-H. Sung (Ed.), Final report for 2020 Standardization of Marine Geographical Names and Promoting Awareness, prepared for Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency. Republic of Korea: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

Ban, H. & Ahlqvist, O. (2020). Geographical Counterpoint to Choreographic Information based on Approaches in GIScience and Visualization. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, 7(3), Article 4. https://dc.uwm.edu/ijger/vol7/iss3/4 

Ban, H. & Sung, H. H. (2019). Visualization of Uncertain Boundaries of Undersea Features. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, 6(1), Article 4. https://dc.uwm.edu/ijger/vol6/iss1/4  

Wechsler, S. P., Ban, H., & Li, L. (2019). The Pervasive Challenge of Uncertainty and its Integration in Geospatial Practice. In: Koutsopoulos, K., de Miguel González, R., & Donert, K. (Eds.), Geospatial Challenges in the 21st Century. Key Challenges in Geography (EUROGEO Book Series). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04750-4_16 ISBN: 978-3-030-04749-8. 

Hytrek, Gary. 2019. “Space, Power, and Justice: The Politics of Building an Urban Justice Movement, Long Beach, California, USA.” Urban Geography. 41(5): 736–59.

Temblador, Andres,* Gary Hytrek, Sheyla Diaz,** Adriana Ochoa,** Taylor Karp,** Eduardo Vaca,** and Vanndearlyn Vong.** 2020. Best Start Central Long Beach Participatory Budgeting Process 2020 Report.Evaluation prepared for the Nonprofit Partnership. Long Beach. July. *CSULB graduate student; **CSULB undergraduate students.

Laris, P., 2020. On the Problems and Promises of Savanna Fire Regime Change. Commentary on “Emissions mitigation opportunities for savanna countries from early dry season fire management” Lipsett-Moore et al. Nature Communications (In Press).

Laris, P., Jacobs, R., Kone, M., Dembele, F. Rodrigue, C.M. & Camara, F. 2020. Determinants of fire intensity and severity in a mesic savanna of Africa. Fire Ecology (In Press).

Caillault, S., Laris, P., Fleurant, C., Delahaye, D., and Ballouche, A. 2020. Anthropogenic Fires in West African Landscapes: a Spatially Explicit Model Perspective of Humanized Savannas. Fire. (In press).

Laris, P. & Jacobs, R. 2020. On the problem of “natural” savanna fires: Commentary on Veenendaal et al, 2018, New Phytologist (In Press).

Laris, P., Seymour, C., Mills, M. 2020. What a long term, repeat study can tell us about California’s native prairie landscapes. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History (Forthcoming). 

Kone, M., Dembele, F. Laris, P. 2019. Inventaire, typologie et estimation quantitative des gaz émis par les feux de brousse en savane soudanaise dans le sud Mali. Revue de Géographie Tropicale et d’Environnement (In Press).  

Winslow, S., Creer, K., and Laris, P. 2020. Leveraging UAS Imagery and GEOBIA for Effective Land Management. CSU Geospatial Review (in press).