Dr. Wanette Reynolds
Dr. Wanette Reynolds
Photograph | Information |
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Title: Assistant Professor |
BA in American Sign Language, University of Rochester, 2001
MA in Educational Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana-Chapaign, 2005
MA in Linguistics, Gallaudet University, 2011
PhD in Linguistics, Gallaudet University, 2016
Teaching/Research Interests:
To contribute meaningfully to the Deaf community through research, education, and interpretation.
Courses Taught:
ASLD 101: American Sign Language 1
ASLD 124: American Deaf Cultures
Publications and Professional Presentations:
Chen Pichler, D., J. Hochensang, D. Lillo-Martin, R. Quadros, & W. Reynolds (forthcoming 2016). Best practices for building a bimodal bilingual binational child corpus. Sign Language Studies.
Quadros, R., D. Chen Pichler, D. Lillo-Martin, C. Rebello Cruz, L.V. Kozak, J.L. Palmer, A. Lemos Pizzio, and W. Reynolds (2015). Methods in bimodal bilingualism research: experimental studies. In E. Orfanidou, B. Woll and G. Morgan (eds.) The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Sign Language Studies. Blackwell.
Young, L., J.L. Palmer & W. Reynolds (2012). Selected lexical patterns in Saudi Arabian Sign Language. Sign Language Studies. 12(4).
Palmer, J.L. W. Reynolds & R. Minor (2012).You want WHAT on your pizza?!”: Videophone and video relay service as potential forces on lexical standardization in American Sign Language. Sign Language Studies, 12(3).
Quinto-Pozos, D. & W. Reynolds (2012). ASL Discourse Strategies: Chaining and connecting-explaining across audiences. Sign Language Studies, 12(2).
Reynolds, W. (2005). Deaf teacher talk towards preschool children of differing family backgrounds. Unpublished master’s thesis. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Educational Psychology.
Reynolds, W (2016). Reference tracking in the narratives of early bimodal bilingual children, poster presentation, 12th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR), Melbourne, Australia.
Reynolds, W (2015). Narratives of early bimodal bilingual children: reference and temporal cohesion, paper presentation, Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM) Matters: A symposium honoring President Allen T. Hurwitz, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC.
Reynolds, W., Palmer, J., Chen Pichler, D., Quadros, R., Kozak, & L., Lillo-Martin, D. (2015) Heritage signers: Bimodal bilingual children from Deaf families, paper presentation,12th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA); Nantes, France.
Reynolds, W. (2015). Codas as heritage signers, paper presentation, International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition (ICSLA), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Holland: July 2, 2015.
Reynolds, W. (2015). Codas as heritage signers, paper presentation, A Roundtable Conference on the Stewardship of Sign Heritage, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
Chen Pichler, D., Kozak, L. Palmer, J., & Reynolds, W., (2015) Development of Bimodal Bilingualism: the first six years, Gallaudet University, Linguistics department, Washington, DC.
Reynolds, W. (2015). Extending the concept of heritage speakers to bilingual children with deaf signing parents: investigating referent cohesion, paper presentation, Georgetown University Student Conference, Washington, DC.
Reynolds, W. (2014). ASL narrative development by Coda heritage signers, poster presentation, Gallaudet University, Visual Language Learning (VL2) Student Network Retreat.
Reynolds, W. (2014). Coda heritage signers & ASL narrative development, guest speaker, Gallaudet University, Linguistics department, Linguistics Research Experience course, Washington, DC.
Reynolds, W. (2014). ASL narrative development of referent cohesion by Coda heritage signers, Gallaudet University, Linguistics department, Brown Bag presentation, Washington, DC.
Reynolds, W. & Palmer, J. (2014). Codas as heritage signers, paper presentation, Child of Deaf Adults International Conference (CODA), CODAZONA, Phoenix, AZ.
Palmer, J. & Reynolds, W. (2014). Bimodal bilingual language acquisition, paper presentation, Child of Deaf Adults International Conference (CODA), CODAZONA, Phoenix, AZ.
Reynolds, W. (2013). Bimodal bilingual ASL narrative acquisition: Temporal cohesion & language interaction, poster presentation. 11th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR), London, United Kingdom.
Reynolds, W. (2013). ASL renditions of an English narrative: Shaping the message, Guest speaker, Gallaudet University, Deaf Studies department, ASL Elocutions course, Washington, DC.
Reynolds, W. (2011). Transcription basics for discourse analysis, Guest speaker, Gallaudet University, Interpretation department, Discourse Analysis for Interpreters course, Washington, DC.
Quinto-Pozos, D. & Reynolds, W. (2010). ASL renditions of an English narrative: Accommodation through chaining and explaining/connecting-ASL, Paper presentation, 10th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR), West Lafayette, IN.
Reynolds, W. (2009). Linguistics of American Sign Language: 1) Signs have parts, 2) Deriving nouns from verbs, 3) Numeral incorporation and compounds, Three-part workshop series for ASL tutors, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
Quinto-Pozos, D., Mehta, S. & Reynolds, W. (2006). The effects of register on the production of an ASL text, Paper presentation, 9th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR), Florianopolis, Brazil.
Quinto-Pozos, D. , Mehta, S. & Reynolds, W. (2006). Register variation in American Sign Language, Paper presentation, Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Johnston, L. & Reynolds, W. (2002). American Sign Language Classifiers, Workshop presentation Lisa Johnston and Wanette Reynolds, Department of Access Services Interpreter Professional Development, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
Professional Activities, Awards, & Affiliations:
- National Interpreting Certification (NIC) by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, April 2009 AWARDS
- 11th International Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Fellowship Award, 2016
- 10th International Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Fellowship Award, 2011
- Outstanding Graduate Student in Linguistics, Gallaudet University, 2011
- Child of Deaf Adults International (CODA)
- Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
- Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
- National Association for the Deaf (NAD)
- Scholarship board member, Millie Brother Scholarship for Hearing Children of Deaf Adults, 2014 & 2009 Reviewed and scored scholarship essays
- Journal reviewer, Sign Language Studies journal, May 2012 – May 2014 Reviewed manuscripts and provided revision feedback.
- Book reviewer, Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, March 2013 Reviewed encyclopedia entry and provided revision feedback.
- Community volunteer, Rochester Deaf Film Festival, March 27-30, 2009 Assisted in planning the opening night reception and theater events.
- Committee Member, Community Interpreter Grant, Deaf Mentoring Program, August 2007- March 2008 Participated in the creation of program requirements, professional development flyers, and meeting facilitation.