Linguistics, B.A. + M.A.

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Students in the Beach EDGE Linguistics program will complete the requirements for both the B.A. and M.A. in Linguistics.  They may double-count up to 12 M.A. units towards both their B.A. and M.A. degrees. See the main Beach Edge page for more details. 

Advisor Contacts:

Michael Ahland, undergraduate advisor
Rebekha Abbuhl, graduate advisor

22 units of required courses:

LING/ANTH 170, LING 101, 300, 325, 329, 420, 421

3 units in sociocultural aspects of language. Take one of:

LING 379, LING/ANTH 413, LING 477

21 units of upper-division electives, 12 of which may be 500/600 level courses

See Catalog for current list of 300- and 400-level courses

Students in the B.A. Option in Translation Studies or the B.A. Option in TESOL have additional Option-specific requirements; see the Catalog for details.

MA-level core courses that double-count towards the B.A. and M.A:

LING 533, 540, 580, 595, 596, 610, 620, 625, 650

After the first four years (up to 3 semesters of Beach EDGE Program participation), students will have accumulated 120 units toward their BA. Up to 12 of those units will be MA-Level courses that will count both toward their BA requirements of 120 units and the major required units.

Take all of the following courses (9 units): LING 540, 620, 625

One course in research methods (3 units): LING 580 or 595 or 596

One course in language and society (3 units): LING 533 or 610 or 650

18 additional units, including electives and culminating experience (comps or thesis)

Eligibility & Admissions