Faculty Publications: Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures – April/May 2021

May 10, 2021

Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures

Acevedo Rivera, Jeannette. “Entre botas, manteletas y vestidos: Los objetos de moda como significantes de la clase social en la novela Tormento, de Benito Pérez Galdós.”Decimonónica, vol. 16 no. 2, 2019, pp. 1-16.

—. “Of Frivolous Female Collectors and Manipulative Male Contributors: The Depiction of the Nineteenth-Century Album in Essays on Social Customs.” Nineteenth Century Studies, vol. 29, 2019, pp. 17-36.  
Blankenship, Robert. “Christa Wolf’s Richard Neutra: Architecture, Psychoanalysis, and Southern California in Stadt der Engel oder The Overcoat of Dr. Freud.” The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory, vol. 95, no. 1, January 2020, pp. 55-64. 

Bordage, Nicolas. Albert Mémi’s Portrait of the Decolonized Subject, a Controversial Analysis of Migrant and Non-Migrant Post-Colonial Citizens. L’Harmattan. Forthcoming 2022.  

—. The Concept of Freedom in Abdellatif Kechiche’s First Films: Poetical Refugee (2000), Game of Love and Chance (2004), The Secret of the Grain (2007), and Black Venus (2010). L’Harmattan. Forthcoming 2022. 

del Campo, Alicia.Ropa de calle: teatralidades y sujeto político en el movimiento estudiantil Chile 2011″. Javiera             Núnez, Ed., Moda desobediente. Colectivo Malvestidas, Fondo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes. (Forthcoming)

—. “Estallido social, feminismos y pandemia: escenas del quiebre neoliberal y reconfiguraciones comunitarias” in Mutis por el foro: artes escénicas y política en tiempos de pandemia. Buenos Aires, ASPO (Aislamiento Social Preventino y Obligatorio) y REAL. (2020)

—. Figuraciones del Mal: teatro y violencia política en el teatro chileno contemporáneo with Daniela Capona. E-book, Fondo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes. Santiago: Agosto, 2019.

Donato, Clorinda. “Failure to Launch:  Stranded Geographies in Italy and the Dizionario di geografia (1797),” in Stranded Encyclopedias, 1700–2000. Exploring Unfinished, Unpublished, Unsuccessful Encyclopedic Projects, eds. Linn Holmberg and Maria Simonsen, Palgrave Macmillan 2021, 137-168.

Donato, Clorinda and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, eds. Translation and Transfer of Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations 1680-1830, University of Toronto Press, forthcoming, Summer 2021.

Elisa Fiorenza and Clorinda Donato, “Analyzing Intercomprehension in the Italian for
Speakers of English and Spanish Classroom,” Italica, Winter 2020.

Donato, Clorinda. “‘La fuga dei cervelli’ and the circulation of knowledge:  Transnational Italian culture in the long eighteenth century,” Italian Transnational Studies, Eds. Charles Burdett and Loredana Polezzi, Liverpool University Press 2020, 72-93.

Cooper, Stephen and Donato, Clorinda, eds. John Fante’s ASK THE DUST: A Gathering of Voices, Fordham University Press, Italian American Series, 2020.

Donato, Clorinda, Cedric Joseph Oliva, Daniela Zappador-Guerra, and Manuel Romero, Juntos: Italian for Speakers of English and Spanish, Hackett Publishing Company 2020.

Donato, Clorinda. The Life and Legend of Catterina Vizzani: Sexual Identity, Science and Sensationalism in Eighteenth-Century Italy and England, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press, Voltaire Foundation, 2020.
Donato, Clorinda. “Negotiating Sociabilities in Casanova’s Histoire de ma vie, Casanova in the Enlightenment: From the Margins to the Center, Ed. Malina Stefanovska, University of Toronto Press 2020, 88-133.
—. “Philipp von Stosch: sensibilità artistica e sessualità cosmopolita nell’orbita di Winckelmann,” in La rete prosopografica di Johann Joachim Winckelmann: bilancio e prospettive, ed. Stefano Ferrari, Il Mulino, 2020, 63-84.
—. “Les récits de voyages: source des articles d’encyclopédie au dix-huitième siècle,” in Écriture encyclopédique – systèmes de savoir, dépassements des frontières, limites de la connaissance (17e-21e siècles), eds. Susanne Greilich and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Garnier, 2020, 129-146.
—. “Discours sur l’autorité des historiens contemporains (1785) de Girolamo Tiraboschi dans l’édition de Padoue de l’Encyclopédie méthodique,” in Panckoucke et l’Encyclopédie méthodique. Ordre de matières et transversalité, eds. Martine Groult and Luigi Delia, Classiques Garnier 2019, 43-60.

Diego Cortés-Velásquez, Clorinda Donato, and Manuel Romero, “Intercomprehension among Spanish Heritage Language Speakers: L2 Processing in Italian and Portuguese,” Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata/Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, 2019, 67-89.

Donato, Clorinda. “‘Just an English Whore’? Italian Translations of Fanny Hill and the Transcultural Novel,” in Fanny Hill Now, a special issue of Eighteenth-Century Life, eds. Clorinda Donato and Nicholas Nace, 43:2 April 2019, 137-161.

—. “Masonic Friendships and Shared Visions: Wilhelmine von Bayreuth and Raimondo di Sangro, the Prince of San Severo,” in Markgräfin Wilhelmine von Bayreuth und die Erlanger Universität: Künste und Wissenschaften im Dialog ed. Christina Strunck, Fall 2019, 288-304.

—. “Les récits de voyages: source des articles d’encyclopédie au dix-huitième siècle,” eds. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Suzanne Greilich, Classiques Garnier 2019, 19-29.

Donato, Clorinda and Manuel Romero, “‘Todos los progresos que ha hecho el entendimiento humano’: Knowledge, Networking, and the Encyclopedic Turn in Enlightenment Spain,” in The Routledge Companion to the Hispanic Enlightenment, eds. Elizabeth Lewis, Mónica Bolufer Peruga, and Catherine Jaffe, Routledge, 2019, 271-285.

Cedric Joseph Oliva, Clorinda Donato, and Francesca Ricciardelli, “Translation and translanguaging pedagogies in intercomprehension and multilingual teaching. Pédagogies de traduction et de translanguaging dans le contexte de l’intercompréhension et de l’enseignement plurilingue,” Cahiers de l’ILOB, Translanguaging : opportunités et défis dans un monde globalisé, vol. 10, Université de Ottawa, 2019, 157-182.

Gasior, Bonnie. “Década de 1930: La autobiografía y el <<raro perfil psicológico>> de <<el mejor poeta de su tiempo>>.” La recepción literaria de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: un siglo de apreciaciones críticas (1910-2010). Biblioteca batioja: Instituto de Ideas Auriseculares (IDEA), 2021, pp. 97-119.

—. “Enrique Iglesias, Madonna and . . . ¿San Juan de la Cruz? Teaching Mystic Poetry Through Pop Music.” In Reconsidering Early Modern Spanish Literature through Mass and Pop Culture: Contemporizing the Classics for the Classroom. Eds. Mindy Badia and Bonnie Gasior, 2021, pp. 263-73.
—. “Free Minds Book Club: Students Reading and Responding to Incarcerated Writers’ Poetry.” Honors Practice: Brief Ideas about What Works in Honors, Digital Commons at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, vol. 17, 2021, pp. 260-62.

Gamboa, Yolanda and Bonnie Gasior. “From Houses to Humilladeros: Violence, Fear and Zayas’s Female Monster-Victims.” Peculiar Lives in Early Modern Spain: Essays Celebrating Amy Williamsen, Edited by Rob Bayliss, University Press of the South, 2020, pp. 239-252. 
Gasior, Bonnie and Anahit Manoukian. “La locura como crítica social: reexaminando el cuento del loco de Sevilla (Don Quijote II.1).” Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, vol. 391, 2019, pp. 219-232.

Gasior, Bonnie. “Women’s Mental Health Advocacy in Lars and the Real Girl and the Don Quixote Connection.” Laberinto Journal, Special Issue on “Reinventing Don Quixote in Cultural Production,” vol. 21, 2019, pp. 103-116. 

Herrera Cepero, Daniel. “Donde habite el olvido.” Gramma 65. Vol. 32 (2021). Forthcoming.

—. “El canto de la ballena.” El País, 28 May 2020, https://elpais.com/sociedad/historias-de-la-pandemia/2020-05-28/abuela-maestra-y-canguro-online.html?fbclid=IwAR0Vl-QHDyA6qYMNtDBSiYKPXmoKDC86Hvk0-N34j-YMWjSe5RrDvwRmidw

—. “Los Ángeles, 1 de mayo de 2016.” Guacamayo 9 (2020). 23-33.

—. “El olivo como fabulación ecofeminista.” [“The Olive Tree as ecofeminist fabulation”]. Espectros del poder: representaciones y discursos de resistencia en literatura y cine en los siglos XX-XXI. [Spectra of Power: Representations and Discourses of Resistance in Literature and Cinema]. Eds. José María Persánch y Fabrício Silva. Pliegos, 2019: 125-136.

Herrera, Daniel, Pablo Medel and Arturo Martí. Tratado del aire. Vive Libro: 2019.

Allan, Seán and Jeffrey L. High, eds., Inspiration Bonaparte? German Culture and Napoleonic Occupation (Rochester: Camden House: in press 2021).

High, Jeffrey L., Elena Pnevmonidou and Friederike von Schwerin-High, “Strategies for Teaching Eighteenth-Century German Texts in the Context of Program Building,” in Melissa Etzler and Gabi Eichmanns, eds., Outreach Strategies and Innovative Teaching for Small German Programs (Abingdon: Routledge Press, 2021), 118–134.

Beesley, Lisa and Jeffrey L. High, “Sophie Mereaus und Clemens Brentanos Übersetzungen von Maria de Zayas. ‘Spanische Novellen’ und die Prosawerke Heinrich von Kleists,” in Günter Blamberger, et al., eds., Jahrbuch der Kleist-Gesellschaft (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2020), 63–90.

Beesley, Lisa, Yolanda Gamboa and Jeffrey L. High, trans., “Las traducciones de María de Zayas de Sophie Mereau y Clemens Brentano: “Novellas españolas” y la narrativa de Heinrich von Kleist,” in Antonio Cortijo Ocaña, ed., eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies (46) 2020, 194–226. [Spanish version of the article above]

High, Jeffrey L., “From Hypotext to Hypertext and (Hyper-)Space Opera: Schiller’s Don Karlos, Verdi’s Don Carlos, and George Lucas’ Star Wars,” in Willi Goetschel, et al, eds., Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory (Abingdon: Routledge Press, 2020), vol. 95, no. 1, January 2020, 5–20.

Clark, Sophia, Jeffrey L. High, and Rebecca Stewart, “Introduction”, Friedrich Schiller: Die Jungfrau von Orleans, Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism (Detroit: Gale/Cengage Learning, 2019)

Hopkins, Sienna. “From Rural Miseria to Urban Repression: Environmental Injustic and Eco-Nostalgia in Italian American History and Literature,” Italian American Review, Vol 10.2, 2020, pp. 114-147. https://doi.org/10.5406/italamerrevi.10.2.0114

Martin, Claire Emilie and Clorinda Donato, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century.  Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming December 2022.

Collenberg-Gonzalez, Carrie and Curtis Maughan, “Screen Memories: Siegfried and the Fall of the Republic in Babylon Berlin” in Babylon Berlin, edited by Hester Baer and Jill Suzanne Smith (forthcoming 2021) 

Alvarez Igarzábal, Federico, Michael S. Debus, and Curtis Maughan eds., Violence, Perception, Video Games: The Young Academics Workshop at the Clash of Realities, 2017-2018 (Bielefeld/London: transcript, 2019) 
Nayak, Aparna. “From Essay to Novel: Echoes of Tahar Ben Jelloun’s Hospitalité française (1983) in Le Mariage de plaisir (2016).” Journal of the African Literature Association (JALA) Special Issue on the Maghreb: Beyond the Francophone Maghreb. Fall 2020, vol. 14 issue 3, pp. 420-434. https://doi.org/10.1080/21674736.2020.1812208
—. “Tahar Ben Jelloun’s La Punition, or the (re)presentation of incarceration as lived experience” in International Journal of Francophone Studies. Volume 23, nos. 1-2, 1 July 2020, pp. 31-47. https://doi.org/10.1386/ijfs_00009_1

—. “Le droit d’étaler ses blessures”: Survival and Testimony in Guy Kohen’s Retour d’Auschwitz” in The French Review, December 2019, vol. 93 no. 2. pp. 147-158.

. “De rive en rive: exile, space, and memory in Nancy Huston’s L’empreinte de l’ange” in Paris and the Marginalized Author: Treachery, Alienation, Queerness and Exile. Eds. Pamela Pears and Valerie Orlando. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019, pp. 81-93.

Suárez, Daniela. “Voces de tradición y renovación. El periodismo cultural de Carlos Monsiváis,” in Aproximaciones críticas a la historia del periodismo cultural México Siglo XX (eds. Álvaro Ruiz Rodilla and María Andrea Giovine). Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, December 2021 (forthcoming). 

—.Criar en una matria en movimiento”, in Este País, December 2020.  

Togato, Giulia, & Macizo, P. (conditionally accepted, publication in 2022). Cognitive flexibility in interpreting. In Schwieter, J.W., & Ferreira, A. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting, and Bilingualism. London: Routledge.

Togato, Giulia, Miralles, E., Andras, F, Macizo, P. (in press). Motor processing modulates word comprehension. British Journal of Psychology.

Togato, Giulia, & Macizo, P. (in press). Bilingüismo y traducción/ Bilingualism and Translation. In Muñoz, R., & Franco Aixela, J. (Eds.). Enciclopedia ENTI. Granada: AIETI.

Togato, Giulia, & Macizo, P. (2020). Competition and Working Memory in sentence reading: Evidence from Spanish. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 74(4), 316–329. https://doi.org/10.1037/cep0000201.

Togato, Giulia. (2020). (Translator). Memoria, 2nd Edition (reviewed and updated). Baddeley, A. D., Eysenck, M. W. & Anderson, MC. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. ISBN: 9788491817833.

—. (2019). (Translator). La Ilusión de la Felicidad. Cederström, C. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. ISBN: 9788491814603.