A New Russian Jerusalem: From the Yoke of Tsarist Tyranny to the Harness of American Capitalism


History Department Research Seminar Presentation By Professor Andrew Jenks Please join us this Friday in the History Department Seminar Room (FO2, room 101-A) as Professor Jenks discusses his research for his new book project, Los Rusos: Revolutions, Statelessness, and the Russian Diaspora in Mexico, 1905-1965. No RSVP required. Light refreshments will be served.

First Monday Supreme Court Preview

SSPA 110

The CSULB Legal Studies Program and Political Science Departments are proud to host their fourth annual “First Monday Supreme Court Preview” live in person on Monday, October 3, from 12:30-1:45 PM, in SSPA 110.  The court begins its 2022-23 term this coming Monday with a new Associate Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first African-American woman […]

Una visión general de la poesía de la temprana edad moderna española: del Renacimiento al Barroco


RGRLL, CWL, ENGL, and Scholarly Intersections are co-sponsoring “Una visión general de la poesía de la temprana edad moderna española: del Renacimiento al Barroco” (“An overview of the poetry of the Spanish early modern period: from the Renaissance to the Baroque”) by Dr. Carlos Gutiérrez on 10/4, 4-5:30pm via Zoom. This intellectual event, envisioned more […]

Tar Solo Improvisation by Mahour Mellat Parast

Anatol Center , United States

You are all cordially invited to a mini-concert featuring instrumental Persian music with the tar (a type of lute) performed by Mahour Mellat Parast next Thursday, October 6, at 6:30 pm in the Anatol Center. This concert is part of CWL 415 Ethnic Literature and Culture in America.

Clean Air, Cool Rides @ Friendship Walk

Friendship Walk (Bottom of USU Stairs)

Wednesday, October 12th | 11 – 2PM No registration required, but if you want to compete: https://csulb.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8iu3AoEPQtIwMIK

Rachel B. Gross: Referendum on the Deli Menu: American Jewish Religion and the Deli Revival


In recent years, there has been a nostalgic resurgence of interest in the Jewish deli menu. As Prof. Rachel B. Gross explores in her book, Beyond the Synagogue: Jewish Nostalgia as Religious Practice, restaurateurs have deliberately made American Jewish food fit for the twenty-first century, emphasizing sustainability, local produce, and a nostalgic longing for family and communal histories. By selling and consuming a revitalized deli cuisine, American Jews […]

SIG Event: Comparative Climate Action Policy: Lessons Learned from Local Climate Change Networks in California and Baden-Wuttemberg, Germany

Anatol Center , United States

Join us for a Lecture, Panel Discussion & Q/A A Scholarly Intersections Event Featuring: Dr. Christine Jocoy, Geography, CSULB Dr. Lily House-Peters, Geography, CSULB Dr. Melanie Nagel, Political Science, University of Tubingen, Germany Dr. Michael Mendez, Urban Planning & Public Policy, UC Irvine Som Chounlamountry, Political Science, CSULB Martin McCarthy, Environmental Science & Policy, CSULB […]